So the male protagonist has regained his memory?

In this case, to restore memory, there may be room for manoeuvre with the heroine. Is this what the system says is invariable?

Xu Chenghao was thinking in his heart, but his eyes were fixed on Ruan Chenxuan, and he refused to let go of his change in expression.

At this moment, Ruan Chenxuan was still frozen in place, frowning tightly, his eyes were dazed and dazed, as if he didn't know why he would say the name of a hotel.

Just now, something flashed in his mind, but when he grabbed it, only a vague impression remained. For example, Hengyun Hotel... He seems to have seen this name somewhere, and he is very familiar with it, so familiar that he is not sure whether it is the information given by the old man or the memory he has originally...

Ruan Chenxuan thought hard for a while, and suddenly felt a little ridiculous. He and An Rouyu have become like this, is it still useful to restore memory?

His head was rational, but his heart began to yearn for the original memory like a fool, urging him to find the truth, and even the heart that was firm before began to stir up.

Ruan Chenxuan's mood plummeted, he did not expect An Rouyu to have such a great influence on him.

He was silent, found his mobile phone and started contacting. First, I arranged An Rouyu to recuperate in a closed sanatorium, and then notified the Ruan family that the child was found. After a long time of work, I remembered that I was in someone else's house, and turned around and said, "I didn't expect to delay you for so long, I'm really sorry, I have already informed you. I'll leave as soon as they arrive."

Xu Chenghao nodded as a response, his eyes were still discerning his emotions and expressions, guessing whether he had recovered his memory.

Ruan Chenxuan also looked at him and said softly, "Thank you."

Xu Chenghao immediately vetoed: "I didn't do anything except informing you, and I can't afford this thank you."

Ruan Chenxuan said: "I believe that if it weren't for you, the child would definitely be hurt. As the child's father, I would naturally be grateful."

Xu Chenghao was a little surprised: "It seems that you like children very much."

Ruan Chenxuan froze, "For me, it's just a responsibility that appears out of thin air."

It seems that after three years of absence, the plot of being spoiled by seeing a copy of the son becomes subtle after the male protagonist loses his memory. In his perspective, he does not have this memory, so there is no corresponding fatherly love. Even when the child is suddenly shoved over, he will feel strange and absurd. Even if he accepts this child, he will not spoil him, but will only take it as a responsibility.

It's no wonder that Ruan Chenxuan would bet once and hand over the child to An Rouyu—he wanted the child to grow up in a loving atmosphere, and he didn't want anyone to repeat the same mistakes and follow his old path.

It's a pity that An Rouyu disappointed him.

Xu Chenghao sighed, but didn't say anything. Since ancient times, it has been difficult for honest officials to break up housework, not to mention the housework that must be separated for a long time between male and female masters. I am afraid that they will be dizzy when they are liquidated, let alone outsiders.

So Xu Chenghao's last kindness is to save the child, and the remaining problems are still left to the hero and heroine to solve by themselves.

Fortunately, Ruan Chenxuan didn't stay too long, and after the Ruan family arrived, they hurried away with An Rouyu and the child.

The house became quiet in an instant, Xu Chenghao watched his aunt pack up the milk powder and other things, and then he realized: "Why is auntie here?"

He just focused on the children and the hero and heroine. Now that he regained his senses, he remembered that Auntie got off work at six o'clock every day.

Jing Yicheng explained: "I asked my aunt to stay. I was worried that you would get drunk at the banquet, but I asked my aunt to cook sober soup, but I didn't expect so many things tonight. ."

Xu Chenghao laughed: "But I still want to thank you for your kindness... It's too late, go to bed."

Jing Yicheng followed and stood up: "Go upstairs."

Xu Chenghao was also very interested in the decoration in the style of the little yellow duck, so he nodded enthusiastically and agreed.

The two said goodbye to their aunt, and the assistant did not follow up with a wink. Sure enough, after going upstairs and entering the door, Jing Yicheng grabbed someone and began to ask the teacher for guilt: "I counted, you stared at Ruan Chenxuan for the longest 37 seconds!"

Xu Chenghao: "Is there?"

Jing Yicheng affirmed: "Yes!"

Xu Chenghao: "Oh."

Jing Yicheng: "???"

"You don't explain it now, do you? You don't even want to make up excuses to perfunctory me, do you?" Jing Yicheng's tone was like a grudge, but his posture was extraordinarily strong. He grabbed Xu Chenghao's wrist and pressed it against the wall, possessing him. When you get close, the momentum is amazing.

Xu Chenghao held the gold medal of avoidance high: "You said you wouldn't do it tonight."

Jing Yicheng sneered: "If you don't go in, it doesn't count."

Xu Chenghao: "???Wait wait...I can explain, I thought Ruan Chenxuan had recovered his memory at the time, so I looked at him a few more times, I was just observing him."

Jing Yicheng relented: "Then why do you care so much about his memory recovery?"

Xu Chenghao: "After all, they are enemies. Only by knowing ourselves and knowing our enemies can we be victorious in a hundred battles."

Jing Yicheng was pleased by the word "enemy", bit his lip and said, "Don't look at it for so long in the future."

Xu Chenghao murmured vaguely, finally calming the vinegar jar.

But the next day, he started to kill himself, secretly investigating Ruan Chenxuan's affairs behind Jing Yicheng's back, only to see that because Mr. Ruan was unwell and had to rest in peace, when the child was handed over to Ruan Chenxuan to take care of himself, he was caught and nearly died on the bed.

Xu Chenghao was so angry that he beat the bed: "You are going too far!"

Jing Yicheng rubbed his waist silently.

Xu Chenghao: "I just want to see their follow-up development, and I don't plan to intervene. You will punish you for not loving me without saying a word... Click to the right!"

Jing Yicheng rubbed the right side with kindness.

Xu Chenghao continued to accuse: "You don't even explain it now, do you? You don't even want to make excuses to perfunctory me, don't you?"

This is what Jing Yicheng said last night when he was jealous. Every time Xu Chenghao returned it intact, Jing Yicheng was speechless and could only be silent.

Xu Chenghao complained bitterly, buried himself in the pillow in a satisfied mood and tried to take a nap. When Jing Yicheng saw it, he also lay down, dragged Xu Chenghao half of his body into his arms, and adjusted his posture: "You can't sleep with your head buried in the pillow, you will suffocate."

Xu Chenghao raised his foot and kicked his abdominal muscles: "You can't hold me to sleep, you will suffocate."

Jing Yicheng laughed, bowed his head and kissed his knee: "I haven't been to the hospital for a review for a long time. Let's take a look this afternoon while there is still time today."

Xu Chenghao was absent-minded: "Well."

Jing Yicheng put his legs down carefully: "Sleepy? Go to sleep first."

Xu Chenghao said calmly, "I think you forgot something."

Jing Yicheng wondered: "Me? What can I forget?"

Xu Chenghao glanced at him, a little unhappy: "You actually really forgot."

Jing Yicheng had an ominous premonition: "I...forgot what?"

Xu Chenghao: "What do you think? What were you preparing the other day!"

what to prepare? Of course, to prepare a gift to go... See you! Family! long!

Jing Yicheng's face changed completely, he sat up suddenly and said, "I'm sorry Haohao, I forgot...then I'll get dressed first, it's still too late...the gift is at home, you can take it later and leave, wait for me."

After saying that, he lifted the quilt, got out of bed, took a shower, changed clothes, and cleaned himself up. Seeing that Xu Chenghao was still wrapped in the quilt watching him busy, he started coaxing people to get up again: "Haohao get up first, we'll be back in the afternoon. Can you sleep again? I promise not to disturb you at night."

Xu Chenghao refused: "I don't."

Jing Yicheng hugged him together: "Guhao Haohao, get up quickly, you are missing now."

Xu Chenghao nestled in his arms and said calmly, "Is everything sorted out?"


"Just about me getting up?"


Xu Chenghao sighed, pushed Jing Yicheng away and fell back on the bed, and said calmly, "It was too late when Ruan Chenxuan left last night. I sent a text message to my parents to say that I won't go today, so go to sleep."

Jing Yicheng: "???"

So he was being tricked?

Jing Yicheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Looking at Xu Chenghao, who was wrapped in a quilt with a proud face, not only was he not angry, but he also felt so cute.

"It's useless to speak sweet words." Xu Chenghao pushed him away and said unhappily, "Thanks I've been waiting for you to ask, but you just forgot. How much you don't pay attention to me, you can even forget when you meet your parents."

Jing Yicheng admitted his fault and apologized obediently: "I'm sorry Haohao, it was my fault, don't be angry."

Xu Chenghao: "Don't be angry... It's weird not to be angry! Go away!"

Jing Yicheng beat and scolded: "Haohao, don't be angry, or bite me twice and let me remember it for a long time, I will remember it next time."

Xu Chenghao sneered: "There is no next time, no need to go."

Jing Yicheng: "Don't, I was really wrong, Haohao..."

Xu Chenghao pretended not to want to see him and turned over to face the other side. Jing Yicheng took off his shoes and went back to bed. He put his arms on both sides of his pillow, kissed him in push-ups, and punished himself.

Xu Chenghao turned his head to the left and Jing Yicheng followed him to the left and kissed him. Xu Chenghao turned his head to the right and Jing Yicheng followed and continued to kiss.

Back and forth, unable to hide, Xu Chenghao simply pulled the quilt to cover his head, but Jing Yicheng also followed him to the quilt, and kissed in the dark quilt. He breathed a sigh of relief and reassured: "This kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

Xu Chenghao originally wanted to scare him, but he was naturally very satisfied when he saw that he was so enlightened. He happily expressed that he forgave him, and pushed the person out of the bed to prepare for sleep.

Jing Yicheng knew that he thought the clothes he was wearing were uncomfortable. When he changed back to his home clothes and went back to the bedroom, the person on the bed was already asleep, his eyes were closed, because his tired breathing was heavier than usual.

Jing Yicheng went to bed lightly, rolled into his arms consciously, and rubbed his face until it was close to his chest before he settled down and continued to sleep.

Jing Yicheng patted and coaxed, and when the person in his arms slept more deeply, he couldn't help but lightly bit his earlobe and whispered, "Little bastard."

The author has something to say: On the double standards of Mr. Jing in those years——

Other people's tricks.

Mr. Jing: Kill it.

Xu Chenghao's routine.

Jing Yicheng: Haohao is so cute~~