Xu Chenghao didn't respond, and slept soundly during the afternoon break. Not to mention biting his ears and scolding so softly, not even the unusually noisy alarm clock disturbed his sleepiness.

On the contrary, Jing Yicheng opened his eyes in the sound of the alarm clock, ready to go to the hospital after his lunch break. It's just that the people in his arms didn't cooperate, and when he called him, he buried his head in the bed and didn't want to get up.

Jing Yicheng glanced at the time. It was two o'clock in the afternoon. Going to bed again would have an impact on sleep at night.

Jing Yicheng was slightly serious, he got up first, and after a while, he returned to the bed with a soaked towel and wiped Xu Chenghao's face forcibly to wake him up.

Xu Chenghao was not happy, he patted his hand and was about to turn over to the other side. Jing Yicheng quickly dragged the person back: "Haohao got up."

Xu Chenghao pretended to be dead.

After Jing Yicheng wiped his face and hands, he forcibly picked him up: "I have to go to the hospital for a follow-up consultation in the afternoon, or I won't have time until I see my parents tomorrow, so get up obediently."

Xu Chenghao started acting without opening his eyes, and said quietly: "Jing Yicheng, I don't think we are suitable, don't see the parents and break up."

"Where doesn't it fit? Size?"



Jing Yicheng laughed and coaxed: "Gu Haohao, open your eyes first."

Xu Chenghao opened his eyes unhappily: "Jing Yicheng, you have really changed."

Jing Yicheng: "Where have I changed?" He put on clothes ruthlessly as he spoke.

Xu Chenghao leaned in his arms and said aggrieved: "Look, you started forcing me to get up."

"That's because it's not good to sleep for too long, please don't make trouble."

"Then you're still talking shit."

"This is also what Haohao taught."

Xu Chenghao refused to admit it: "nonsense, I never say such things."

Jing Yicheng patted him on the back funny: "Yes, Haohao never said, Haohao is the best."

Xu Chenghao was satisfied: "Let me be sweet with your mouth."

Jing Yicheng: "Well, because Haohao is sweet everywhere, the more kisses I have, the sweeter my mouth becomes."

After hearing this bunch of good words, Xu Chenghao was coaxed to the point that he was completely out of bed, and went out to the hospital in a happy mood.

After two months, he entered the hospital again. He was still a familiar doctor, and he was still familiar with the operation. The test results were getting better every time. Even the doctor praised Xu Chenghao's good recovery from his leg injury, and his daily life was no longer a major problem.

Xu Chenghao silently complained in his heart: How could it be bad? Jing Yicheng is heartbroken for his legs every day. Except for the daily resumption of exercise, he will be angry if he stands for a long time. If it is not good, I am sorry for Jing Yicheng's concern.

Jing Yicheng breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that Xu Chenghao would not be at the root of his illness, and there was a rare smile at the corner of his mouth when he took people out of the hospital. The driver in the front seat was always peeking at it, and seemed to suspect that his boss had been ripped off.

Xu Chenghao also found it funny, pinched his face and said, "This matter is completely over, aren't you very happy?"

Jing Yicheng put his palm on his knee and explained, "I'm happy because your body is recovering well, but this incident cannot pass. It's a wake-up call that will always remind me to let me protect you."

Xu Chenghao didn't know whether to be happy or distressed, he took back the hand that pinched his face, and said, "Why can't you live with me... Do you think I'm better than Ruan Chenxuan? If I lose my memory, I won't remember three years. , at this time, it is estimated that he is still chasing behind An Rouyu to be the godfather for the child."

As Xu Chenghao spoke, he began to open his mind: "And you left for two months later, if I lost my memory, I wouldn't know you, maybe I would be glad that you left and then look for An Rouyu everywhere, wait until then. It's probably useless for you to come back..."

The rest of the words were blocked by Jing Yicheng's kisses. Xu Chenghao pushed him away a few times before he pushed him away. He inhaled and said, "Why are you biting me? Isn't it better for me to compare with you now?"

Jing Yicheng buried his face on his shoulder: "It's not good, Haohao don't talk about it."

Xu Chenghao silently shut up, and after reflecting on the wrong method he had used, he patted Jing Yicheng on the shoulder soothingly and changed the subject: "Then let's not talk about it, it's all in the past anyway, it's better to prepare to see the parents tomorrow. Woolen cloth."

"This time is not an exercise, I really want to see the parents, a very grand, formal meeting with the parents linked to future progress!"

Xu Chenghao deliberately described in an exaggerated tone in Jing Yicheng's ear, which finally caused the other party to look up and become nervous: "Haohao, say it first, if your parents don't agree, you can't abandon me."

Xu Chenghao felt strange: "Why do you keep asking me to say this?"

Jing Yicheng said: "Because I have recorded it all, when you regret not wanting me later, I will buy all the billboards in the city and play back to the time you promised."

Xu Chenghao: "???"

Holy crap, can you still play like this?

Xu Chenghao was stunned and expressed surprise: "How did you record it."

Jing Yicheng pointed to his first button: "This."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He watched silently for a long time and didn't see anything wrong, so he pushed Jing Yicheng away tired and said that he wanted to be quiet.

Jing Yicheng coaxed: "Haohao say it again."

"Do not say."

Jing Yicheng was aggrieved: "Haohao, have you ever thought about going back on it? Otherwise, why didn't you say it?"

"Bitter meat is useless, go away."

Jing Yicheng: "Haohao..."


The two fought all the way, and in the end, Xu Chenghao was defeated and forced to say it again under the pressure of force value, and it was considered to stop the war.

Xu Chenghao was angry and decided not to say good things to Jing Yicheng tomorrow! snort!

Having said that, Xu Chenghao still felt distressed when he saw his parents and saw Jing Yicheng being cramped, and took the initiative to lead someone to say hello to his parents.

Generally speaking, the son-in-law is the father's wine table to check whether he has the ability to have a good character; if the daughter-in-law is the mother to chat and observe the girl's character. But when Jing Yicheng came, the second elder of the Xu family was stumped. For a while, the two of them looked at each other and said 'you go' in their eyes.

Mother Xu: How can he be a boy, I will, of course, you.

Dad Xu: Don't you always say that my observation skills are not as good as yours, and that you want to observe your daughter-in-law by yourself? Doesn't this give you a chance.

Mother Xu: Are you sure this is the daughter-in-law, not the son-in-law?

Dad Xu: Sure, didn't you see Jing Yicheng listening to his son like this?

Mother Xu: No, I think Jing Yicheng is domineering because he controls his son.

Dad Xu: I think you are making excuses.

Mother Xu: I think you are making excuses.

The two of them were smiling, but their eyes were silently fighting back and forth. In the end, Dad Xu was defeated and could only be forced to come out to chat: "I didn't expect that Mr. Jing would deliberately collect porcelain, so he had a heart."

"Uncle is polite."

"Speaking of which, Mr. Jing should also have an understanding of porcelain, why don't we go to the study to discuss a thing or two?"


The two said that they were about to get up and move, and Xu Chenghao automatically got up and followed. Xu's mother shouted, "what are you doing when your father is chatting with Mr. Jing?"

Xu Chenghao said confidently: "Why can't I? It's easier for everyone to be a man. You can take a break and we'll come down later."

Xu's mother glared at him angrily, and Xu's father also said: "There is no tea set upstairs, Chenghao, go to the warehouse and bring my blue and white exquisite cup. I will have a cup of tea with Mr. Jing."

Xu Chenghao paused, and looked at Jing Yicheng worriedly: "Then don't bully him."

"What are you talking about, hurry up and hurry up." Xu's father disliked him and drove him away, then turned his head and politely led Jing Yicheng into the study.

As soon as Jing Yicheng left Xu Chenghao, he couldn't help but start to tense, the gentle temperament just now disappeared, even if he deliberately restrained himself and sat on the chair silently, the habitual aura around his body was enough to make people not dare to be presumptuous.

If Dad Xu hadn't been sure that there was no malicious intent in his eyes, he would have thought that the other party was shaking his face. After thinking for a long time, he said, "Let's not speak secretly, Mr. Jing should know what I want to talk to you alone."


Seemingly worried that he said too little, Jing Yicheng added: "I know, uncle rest assured."

Dad Xu: "..." If you know what you are, say it and give me a guarantee!

Father Xu had a headache and felt that this was the disadvantage of marrying Gao. For Jing Yicheng, who has a tough background and a bad temper, he can't say he can't scold him and he won't be able to support the child if he thinks about it. He vomits blood when he thinks about it.

Still don't like Jing Yicheng.

Xu's father was not good at apprenticeship, and after a long while he said again: "You two have been together for a long time, when are you going to decide?"

Jing Yicheng said, "As long as Haohao is willing, you can do it anytime."

The answer was not bad, Dad Xu was reluctantly satisfied: "Oh, has Haohao met your parents?"

Jing Yicheng's breath seemed to be a little lower: "They haven't been there for many years."

Dad Xu was stunned, feeling that he seemed to have stabbed someone's scar, and quickly said, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's been too long, I almost forgot about them." Jing Yicheng smiled, but his eyes were cold and cold.

Father Xu frowned, and the more he observed, the more he felt that Jing Yicheng's character was really bad. Let's not talk about family background and other issues, if the two want to be sure, it will be a lifetime thing, and there will be no gap for the next six or seven years to get along.

Just according to Jing Yicheng's weird and uncontrollable temper, now it's fun and fresh to be together sweetly, what if one day you feel bored and suddenly burst out and want to break up? If Jing Yicheng was the first to get bored, Xu Chenghao would be hurt. If Xu Chenghao was the first to propose the separation, if the other party did not agree, it would be more extreme...

No matter how you look at it, Xu Chenghao will suffer more damage, and Father Xu is very worried!

Just as he was thinking, he heard the door of the study being opened with a click, followed by the sound of "I'm here!" Xu Chenghao, like a little sun with its own light, instantly dispelled all embarrassment and indifference, and sat directly next to Jing Yicheng and smiled at him , whispered: "I'm back."

Jing Yicheng hummed, the ice and snow in his eyes melted in seconds, and he unconsciously showed a smile, the demonic painting style just now became gentle and sweet, and the whole person's momentum changed in only two seconds.

Father Xu: "..."

I don't know what to say, I just miss Mommy Xu a little.