Jing Yicheng was heartbroken, but he was thinking about Xu Chenghao's secret, so he could only threaten in his ear: "I can wait for you for half a year, but if your secret is to leave me, you will be dead."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Shot in the knee.

Xu Chenghao cowardly said: "Don't think too much...cough, what would you do if you left?"

Jing Yicheng's eyes were fierce: "Looking at your performance, if you don't mean to leave me, I won't say anything; but if you dare to leave once within six months, I will break your legs and lock you up."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

This is definitely not a joke, according to Jing Yicheng's character and current attitude, he can really do this.

Jing Yicheng looked down at him: "Scared?"

"Well, you're so fierce." Xu Chenghao looked at him accusingly, but he expected the other party to chuckle lightly, rubbing his head and saying, "Remember when you're scared, don't do it."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Junk Jing Yicheng, now he's starting to reveal his true colors, isn't it? Damn man!

Seeing Xu Chenghao's face swelled so quickly that he almost became angry like a puffer fish, Jing Yicheng burst out laughing, and quickly restrained his aura and hugged him on his lap to coax him: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I'm just talking, I can't bear to do it myself, and I can't bear to see others hurt you. , how could it really break your leg."

Xu Chenghao snorted, barely satisfied. Before I could speak, I heard the other party add slowly: "I will lock you in bed at most and kill you."

Xu Chenghao: "???"


The more guilty Xu Chenghao became, the more angry he became. He took the folder and punched someone out of the office and ordered him not to come in. He slammed the door shut without letting him see it.

Jing Yicheng stood outside the office door, the strong momentum just now vanished in an instant, and he couldn't be cowardly. He was also afraid that Xu Chenghao would be really angry, so he made a phone call while peeping through the blinds.

Ten minutes later, Li Nian, who was working, suddenly received a call. It was the girl at the front desk in the lobby. The other party said, "Brother Nian, there is something for Mr. Xu in the hall. I want you to sign for it and give it to Mr. Xu."

Li Nian had a bad premonition, and when he came down to see the strawberry bouquet, he immediately felt that way.

- Do you think you can dodge dog food by running fast? Oh, naive!

Li Nian returned to the office floor with a numb expression on his face. When he saw Jing Yicheng who was standing at the door, he also understood why the strawberry bouquet appeared, so he looked even more numb, and knocked on the door: "Xu is always me."

"Come in."

Xu Chenghao was at work, he looked up and wanted to say something, he was stunned for a second when he saw the other party holding a strawberry bouquet, and frowned, "Jing Yicheng bought it?"

"Yes." Half of his head was exposed by the door frame, Jing Yicheng's upright peeping also had his own reply function: "Haohao can eat directly, it's all washed."

Xu Chenghao gave him a white look: "Did I ask you? You are not allowed to pick up the door frame!"

Jing Yicheng retracted aggrievedly. Seeing this, Xu Chenghao was angry and funny, and motioned Li Nian to put down the strawberry bouquet. When he was about to discuss his work, Jing Yicheng, who was peeping through the blinds, said quietly, "Haohao, eat one, it's super sweet."

Xu Chenghao: "Go away."

Jing Yicheng: "My heart is with you, I can't leave."

"You are so annoying."

"That's also because I like Haohao so much."

"It's no use talking sweetly."

"It's telling the truth."

Li Nian in the middle: "..."

Ma, is this a quarrel or a show of affection in disguise? Is he the only audience who wants to kill him with dog food? If you have the ability, you have a quarrel for the purpose of breaking up!

Li Nian controlled his desire to roll his eyes and smiled, "Mr. Xu, it's time for you to see Mr. Ruan."

Xu Chenghao glanced at the time: "It's still early."

Li Nian: "No, the best time to see a patient is in the morning. You have to go early. I have all the gifts ready for you, right in the car."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Okay, he knew that Li Nian must have disliked him and Jing Yicheng again. It just so happened that he planned to take Jing Yicheng to Ruan's house to spread his attention, so he kept paying attention to the secret and then became angry.

So Xu Chenghao did not refuse, and after quickly picking a few strawberries, he took Jing Yicheng out of the office.

Jing Yicheng knew that he was no longer angry when he saw people eating strawberries. He followed Xu Chenghao happily and volunteered: "I'll drive!"

"Yeah." After Xu Chenghao checked the gift to make sure it was safe, he sat in the co-pilot and slowly ate strawberries.

Jing Yicheng followed him into the cab, and when he approached to ask for a kiss, Xu Chenghao choked back with a strawberry, and complained vaguely, "Haohao..."

Xu Chenghao raised his chin ruthlessly: "Drive!"

Jing Yicheng could only sit up straight and fasten his seat belt to drive.

Xu Chenghao disposed of the strawberries one by one on the road. After Jing Yicheng drove quickly and steadily to the old house of the Ruan family, he rewarded him with a deep strawberry kiss and reminded, "Take a gift."

Jing Yicheng was simply elated, "Okay, let me come."

Xu Chenghao laughed, and the two got out of the car and entered the door with gifts. Ruan Chenxuan had been waiting in the hall for a long time after receiving the notice. When he saw them coming in, he stood up and said, "Xu Zongjing never expected to meet again."

Xu Chenghao smiled and said, "Yes, we came here on purpose this time to visit."

Ruan Chenxuan: "If you're interested, welcome."

The two exchanged polite greetings, and Jing Yicheng also handed over the gift to the housekeeper. It was unfortunate that they came. According to Ruan Chenxuan, the old man could not see the guests for the time being after taking medicine, so Ruan Chenxuan made tea to entertain them.

The last time we met was two days ago. Because of Jing Yicheng, Xu Chenghao had not received any new news, and he was not sure whether the other party had recovered his memory or not, so he could only calmly say, "We only heard about it recently. Regarding Grandpa Ruan's illness, President Ruan has been working hard recently."

Ruan Chenxuan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter how hard it is, as long as my grandfather is in good health, it's fine for me to be tired."

Xu Chenghao: "What did the doctor say?"

Ruan Chenxuan; "The doctor said that the depression is condensed, and the old man's bad health has become a sex, and it will be so serious."

"Maybe it would be happier to let Grandpa Ruan see the child more."

"Yeah, I haven't thanked President Xu for helping to save the child." Ruan Chenxuan stared at Xu Chenghao with bright eyes: "If President Xu needs any help in the future, don't be polite."

Jing Yicheng, who had been silent all this time, looked up at him and said coldly, "No need."

Ruan Chenxuan quickly put away his smile and looked at Jing Yicheng coldly: "What does Mr. Jing mean?"

Jing Yicheng said rudely: "It means that I don't need your help."

Ruan Chenxuan: "This is my relationship with President Xu. It doesn't matter whether you are here or not?"

Jing Yicheng: "Haohao is my lover, why doesn't it matter?"

"Lovers should also have their own space and social circle, right?"

"But the social circle doesn't include you."

Ruan Chenxuan sneered: "It must be very tiring to fall in love with someone like you."

Jing Yicheng poked at the sore spot: "That's better than your old man's lover."

Ruan Chenxuan's expression was cracked, and he said gloomily; "Why come to Ruan's house if Mr. Jing doesn't like me."

Jing Yicheng refused to let it go: "I came with Haohao, or do you think I would like to come?"


The two of them looked at each other unpleasantly on a daily basis, and they began to draw swords and arrows as they talked, and their momentum was tense as if they could fight in the next second.

Xu Chenghao coughed lightly and adjusted the atmosphere appropriately: "Mr. Ruan is very polite. I didn't help you with anything other than contacting you that day, so I don't need to thank you."

Ruan Chenxuan immediately gave up Jing Yicheng and looked at him: "Take 10,000 steps back and say that I would like to thank President Xu for contacting me, otherwise, how could it be possible to find the child so quickly."

Xu Chenghao didn't argue with him, and changed the subject: "Is the child okay?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "Fortunately, now there is Yuesao to take care of it."

"Oh." Xu Chenghao hesitated, but still tried to speak: "What about An Rouyu?"

Ruan Chenxuan was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect that the first person to mention An Rouyu in front of him after three days was actually Xu Chenghao. He didn't know how to react for a moment. Not only did he have no face to face Xu Chenghao, he didn't want the other party to think that he was scum; and because of An Rouyu's name, he thought too much, and his head started to hurt.

Ruan Chenxuan has often been in this situation recently. As long as he thinks of An Rouyu, his head will throb in waves, and he can't even hide the excitement on his face.

He wondered if he wanted to restore his memory, but in fact, after the image flashed over the past two days, his brain just ached like a malfunction, but no new images appeared, which made him annoyed, and his bad mood was getting worse. Bad hair.

He was silent for a while, and then whispered: "She is in a very poor mental state. She is now recuperating in a sanatorium, and she can come out after she is better."

An Rouyu's mental state is far from bad. After experiencing the incident of her child leaving her again, her whole person is almost going crazy. She heard from the doctor that she writes letters in the ward every day. She hated it.

Strange to say, she didn't hate Ruan Chenxuan or Jing Yicheng, but she hated Xu Chenghao, and she talked about dying with Xu Chenghao every day.

But these Ruan Chenxuan did not say, after all, it is not a pleasant thing.

Seeing that he was in a low mood, Xu Chenghao did not continue to ask questions, and comforted him: "It's good for the child."

Ruan Chenxuan couldn't laugh, so he could only mechanically hook his lips as a response.

Because of the delicate topic, the atmosphere suddenly became cold. Xu Chenghao pondered that the time was almost up, so he took Jing Yicheng to get up and say goodbye.

Ruan Chenxuan said reluctantly, "It's almost lunchtime, won't President Xu stay for dinner?"

"No need, I have to go back to the company in a hurry."

"Then I'll send it to you."

Ruan Chenxuan directly ignored the existence of Jing Yicheng, and sent Xu Chenghao to the front of the car to watch the person sit on the co-pilot and was about to turn around and leave, Jing Yicheng suddenly called him: "Ruan Chenxuan!"

Ruan Chenxuan frowned, "Is something wrong?"

"It's not a big deal." Jing Yicheng said lightly: "I just want to tell you that Haohao and I have already established a relationship with the parents, and we have the opportunity to invite you to a wedding wine."

Ruan Chenxuan: "..."

The author has something to say: Jing Yicheng: I really still showed off~~