Seeing Ruan Chenxuan's constipated face and speechless, Jing Yicheng was in a good mood and left a sentence: "A slow step is also slow, and the loss is a thousand miles away. You have no chance." Then he turned and sat in the car, happily Drive away.

Ruan Chenxuan stood there for a while, then sneered and muttered, "Do you think I don't know?"

He always knew that it was impossible for him and Xu Chenghao, not because of Jing Yicheng, but because the other party's attitude was too indifferent, so indifferent that he could not deceive himself.

But... feelings are something that people can control. Putting people on the apex of his heart and wanting to forget him is almost equal to digging his own heart. He hurts and is reluctant to bear it.

As soon as this thought fell, the pain in his mind began to appear, as if to remind him not to forget An Rouyu's existence.

Ruan Chenxuan felt that he was scum, stood there and smiled bitterly for a long time, and finally turned around and entered Ruan's house.


On the other hand, Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng reconciled by hurting Ruan Chenxuan. They both seem to have forgotten about their marriage and secrets. After a sweet lunch, they start their busy working hours.

Jing Yicheng was dazzled by joy before, and the consequence of randomly promising an order was that he had to go to work in the research room.

What's even worse is that Xu Chenghao has been having banquets, re-examinations, and seeing parents to visit patients in the past few days. Every day he runs outside, which leads to the accumulation of company affairs.

So the two people who had just been sweet for a while were forced to separate, and they could only see each other when they got home at night. This also caused Jing Yicheng's temper to fluctuate, like an iceberg wrapped around a volcano, sometimes cold and sometimes violent.

All the staff of the institute were as quiet as chickens, and even the assistant didn't dare to say anything.

On this day, Jing Yicheng's cell phone suddenly rang. It was a text message, but it was not Xu Chenghao's exclusive ringtone.

The assistant was slightly concerned, looked up at the boss's face, and saw that the other party was frowning and seemed unhappy, he silently raised his vigilance in his heart, and repeatedly checked his work to ensure that nothing went wrong.

After a long while, Jing Yicheng placed the lock screen of his phone on the desktop, and tapped his index finger as if thinking about something.

The text message was sent by someone who protected Xu Chenghao. He said: "Mr. Xu grows peppers in a greenhouse, and no source of peppers has been found."

Not found……

After pondering this sentence back and forth several times in his mind, Jing Yicheng suddenly remembered that once the pepper was taken away, the bodyguard also didn't see anything about the person, and his heart suddenly rolled with a strong unease.

I don't know when it started. He didn't like to be as happy as before when he saw Chili peppers. In the past, when Xu Chenghao gave him chili peppers, he would think that Xu Chenghao trusted him and liked him, but now he feels dangerous and wrong... His intuition is Yelling chili is wrong!

Jing Yicheng suddenly stood up, grabbed the car keys in the assistant's shocked expression and ran outside.

- He has always trusted his own intuition.


[Ding - The feedback is successful, the pepper task is automatically updated to 5.0, task requirements: the trigger must plant 10,000 peppers within one month of starting the task, and the timeout is regarded as a failure. [With a pack of low-grade pepper seeds, enjoy a 40% result rate]]

[Ding-Little Pepper System reminds you that with the increase of the fruiting rate, the pepper planting cycle has grown synchronously. It has been three days for seedlings, three days for flowering and three days for results. Please pay attention to adjusting the time to harvest on time. 】

Xu Chenghao recalled the system's broadcast. After adding and subtracting on the calculator on his mobile phone, he calculated that the average line of the Pepper 5.0 task was 3,334 peppers.

Even if the result rate increases by 10%, it is absolutely impossible to rely on the greenhouse alone! You must use a pepper base!

Fortunately, the pepper base was just completed a few days ago, and it just came in handy. Now he will go to the base to continue sowing when the peppers in the greenhouse are finished, and then he will definitely be able to-"Haohao!!"

A shout interrupted his thoughts. Xu Chenghao had no time to turn his head to look at the source of the sound before being pulled into his arms and hugged tightly. His waist hurt and he couldn't help breathing in, "Jing Yicheng?"

Jing Yicheng grunted, still holding him tightly, wishing to rub him to the bone.

Xu Chenghao didn't know what happened, so he could only pat him on the back blankly and asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Jing Yicheng was silent.

Xu Chenghao didn't get a response and pushed him tentatively. The other party immediately hugged him more vigilantly. Xu Chenghao looked at him with a sensitive and uneasy look and felt distressed and puzzled: "What's the matter? Who told you?"

Jing Yicheng opened his mouth, and found that after removing his intuition and speculation, he had no reason to say anything, so he could only resume his silence and hold the person without speaking.

Xu Chenghao touched his head and kissed him soothingly: "If you don't want to say it, forget it, don't be afraid."

Jing Yicheng turned his back on the guest and sighed contentedly, "Haohao, I don't want to leave you."

Xu Chenghao nestled in his arms, trying to calm his breathing: "I didn't say I left you."

"I mean I don't want to leave." After saying that, Jing Yicheng glanced at him nervously: "Haohao, do you feel pressure when I am like this?"

Xu Chenghao said deliberately: "Of course... that's weird."

Jing Yicheng's heart immediately dropped, and he bit Xu Chenghao aggrievedly: "Little rascal."

Xu Chenghao smiled. Seeing that the machine was not moving, he quickly patted his shoulder and reminded, "I haven't watered it yet."

Jing Yicheng took him back a step, hugged his waist and pressed down to finally touch the mouse to click on the option, and in the crowd of ducks, he tilted his head and kissed Xu Chenghao again.

Xu Chenghao found that Jing Yicheng suddenly started to be clingy, and he was more clingy than ever. Although the other party was worried that he would resist and always look at him calmly, but he never let go of his hand, and sometimes even took two bites.

The only time Jing Yicheng can let go is when he drives... It's not that he must drive with both hands when he is more disciplined and law-abiding, but he thinks that Xu Chenghao can't escape in the enclosed space.

The two moved from the greenhouse to the base, and after planting large-scale pepper seeds, Xu Chenghao took Jing Yicheng back to the company - anyway, Jing Yicheng probably doesn't want to leave in this state, and Xu Chenghao can rest assured by staying by his side.

Li Nian was almost blinded by dog ​​food. After sending the document once, he never showed up again. Xu Chenghao also felt embarrassed. : "Jing Yicheng, aren't you tired?"

Jing Yicheng wrapped one arm around his waist and the other held a pen to help him process the documents. His chin rested on Xu Chenghao's shoulder and said lightly, "I'm not tired, I like this pose very much."

Xu Chenghao said, "But you are not tired and I am tired."

When Jing Yicheng heard the words, the tip of his pen paused, then he suddenly sat up straight and supported Xu Chenghao's shoulder, turned the person and pressed him into his arms, patted and coaxed, "Sleep for a while if you're tired, darling."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He directly grabbed Jing Yicheng's ear, and said fiercely, "Don't pretend to be stupid and pretend you don't understand, I'm telling you to let me go!"

Jing Yicheng simply refused: "I don't!"

Xu Chenghao leaned in front of the desk, pinched his face and said solemnly: "If we have something to say, let's talk about it, don't hold back."

Jing Yicheng put his hands on his waist and thought for a while, then said solemnly, "Haohao, I only have one request."


"I hope you will call me in the greenhouse and the pepper base in the future, don't go alone."

"Ah?" Xu Chenghao was a little surprised: "Why do you ask for this?"

Jing Yicheng frowned: "I don't know, my intuition tells me that I can't let you grow peppers alone."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

What a devilish intuition! !

Xu Chenghao coughed twice with a guilty conscience, and pretended to be generous and said, "Okay, I'll call you if you have time."

"Yes." Jing Yicheng said, "I'm not busy."

It's surprising that they're not busy. The two of them haven't even seen each other in the daytime these days, and they can't see each other until they go home in the evening. Are they serious now? !

Xu Chenghao was speechless and funny, pushed him away and got up and said, "Since you are not busy, help me with my work, I will go to sleep."

Jing Yicheng was wronged: "I want to sleep with you too."

"You don't want to." Xu Chenghao refused cruelly and expressed his determination by locking the door - although locking the door is useless for Jing Yicheng who can pick locks.

When the office was quiet again, Jing Yicheng silently closed his eyes and was about to forcibly suppress his emotions and continue his work. The locked lounge was reopened, and Xu Chenghao showed his head and said, "Come in."

Jing Yicheng quietly hooked his lips and entered the lounge with a turbulent mood.

I know that Haohao treats him the best~~~ I can't bear him~~~

Li Nian, who came to deliver the documents again: ? ? ?

He knew that when Jing Yicheng came, Xu Chenghao would definitely lose the chain! This is a sinful man who brought down the diligent Xu Chenghao!

Fortunately, the lunch break was not long. With the help of Jing Yicheng, Xu Chenghao still finished all the work during the off-duty hours, and was ready to go home relaxed.

Li Nian hid or was in the same elevator with them and suddenly looked at the sky silently, pretending that he was blind.

Xu Chenghao took the initiative to say hello: "Brother Nian, is there anything to do after get off work? Please have dinner."

Li Nian refused without hesitation: "I have something to do."

"What's so important, don't eat the big money?"

"Blind date!"

Xu Chenghao was shocked: "You have a blind date? Aren't you in a hurry?"

"It's not because of you!" Li Nian said angrily: "You have brought people home. Will my parents feel better when they hear about it?"

Xu Chenghao looked at Jing Yicheng subconsciously: "Do your parents know?"

Li Nian: "Well, your parents have shown off to my parents... You should also know how serious the comparison between the elderly is. The less you have, the more you want. Otherwise, how could I be pressed by the whole family."

Xu Chenghao was surprised: "You mean my parents showed off Jing Yicheng?"

Jing Yicheng also followed after hearing the words.

Li Nian said: "Otherwise? That's why I'm so miserable because of you... No, I'm angry when I say it. I want to eat a lot of money, so I won't go on a blind date!!"

The author has something to say: Small Theater:

When the Xu family's parents faced Jing Yicheng: their temper was too bad and they were not satisfied!

When Xu's parents mentioned it to others: My son's boyfriend is amazing!