Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng looked at each other, not expecting such a thing to happen in the middle. Thinking of the calm faces of my parents when I left last time, I thought that it would be the greatest tolerance to leave them alone by default, but I didn't expect to even show off Jing Yicheng!

Xu Chenghao wanted to laugh and warm in his heart, patted Li Nian's shoulder and comforted: "It's hard for you, go, let Brother Cheng invite you to dinner."

Li Nian glanced at them: "No, I'll just place the order, I don't want to eat with you."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Ok. It was not a day or two that Li Nian disliked them. Xu Chenghao didn't force it. After separating from the other party in the underground garage, he got in the car and rushed towards Jing Yicheng. Jing Yicheng caught him steadily: "Happy?"

"Aren't you happy?" Xu Chenghao looked up at him.

"Happy...very happy." Jing Yicheng rubbed his head with gentle eyes.

The current attitude of the Xu family's parents shows that they have accepted him and are willing to hand over Xu Chenghao to his care, how could Jing Yicheng be unhappy.

Xu Chenghao laughed twice: "I'm happy too."

Jing Yicheng rubbed his cheeks and suddenly said, "Haohao, now you are the only one left to nod."


"Nod to marry."


Xu Chenghao silently buried his head in Jing Yicheng's arms and pretended that he couldn't hear him, hummingly acting like a spoiled child, trying to get away with it.

Seeing this, Jing Yicheng could only sigh, patted the back of the person in his arms soothingly, and changed the subject thoughtfully: "Well, let's not talk about it, as long as you remember to call me when you plant peppers in the future, I can still wait half a year. "

Xu Chenghao nodded silently, waiting for the other party to drive, sitting in the co-pilot seemingly closed his eyes and resting, but quietly contacted the system: the system, this time I really need to send someone to collect the peppers. "

[Ding - No. 2333 system is accepting suggestions and feedback, please wait. 】

Xu Chenghao waited silently, and after a while he couldn't help but gossip: System, do you know about the split between the male and female lead? Will they really reconcile with the plot twisted like this?

[Ding - If three years have not passed, naturally it will not be reconciled. 】

Xu Chenghao: ? ? ?

So now they have to live or die just because the genius son hasn't grown up yet and hasn't reached the point of reconciliation?

This is too strict...

Xu Chenghao secretly marveled at himself, a little bit looking forward to whether the two of them would be together again for the sake of the child in three years' time...or maybe the male protagonist would remember the female protagonist and forget the current memory at the same time, maybe they could really get back together.

The system suddenly poured cold water: [Ding - Compared with the relationship history of the hero and heroine three years later, I think the host should care more about himself. 】

Xu Chenghao sneered: Compared with these, I want to get rid of you now.

He could understand that the system was a **** stirrer. When he wanted to leave, the system made it clear that he could stay, and when he wanted to stay, the system began to imply that he should not make an early decision, as if to remind him that staying may not be a good thing, and that he had to be disturbed before giving up.

The more this is, the more determined Xu Chenghao wants to get rid of the system. After all, he does not consider himself a strong-willed person. What if one day he is really shaken by a loophole... Yes, hurry up and complete the task!

When Xu Chenghao got home, he turned out the little yellow duck tootzui flowerpot that had not been moved for a month, washed it and then added soil again, carefully burying the seeds in it, watering it and waiting for the seedlings to grow.

Jing Yicheng looked at the long-lost Little Yellow Duck Tootzui flowerpot, the memory of the first encounter appeared in his mind, he couldn't help but chuckle, when Xu Chenghao looked at him suspiciously, he turned his finger to remind him: "Haohao, look ."

Xu Chenghao lowered his head for unknown reasons, the little yellow duck flowerpot in his sight did not change significantly, it was still Huang Cancan's body, dark eyes and red beak... Huh?

Xu Chenghao leaned a little closer, and after confirming that he was not mistaken, he said in shock, "Faded?"

Jing Yicheng nodded and said jokingly, "Did I hit my head too hard in the past, so only here is the color faded?"

Xu Chenghao couldn't help laughing when he remembered the past, rolled his eyes and said, "I also said that your head was too hard and it made me lose your color."

When Jing Yicheng heard the words, he immediately bent down and tried to hit Xu Chenghao with his head. Xu Chenghao hurriedly hugged the little yellow duck to escape, chased after him for a few laps, and finally was packed by Jing Yicheng and carried into the bedroom together with the little yellow duck to rest.

The next day was another busy day.

Xu Chenghao took the little yellow duck flowerpot by his side, as if he had returned to the time when he was trying his best to grow peppers and wanted to go back. At that time, he must not have imagined that he is also working hard to grow peppers now, but to get rid of the system and cut off his last retreat. .

- It's amazing to think about.

Xu Chenghao smiled lightly, took a photo of the little yellow duck and sent it to the circle of friends, and then people who owned all Jing Yicheng accounts found out that all the avatars of this Mr. Jing were changed from cold black to cute. A little yellow duck with a dab dab mouth.

Crowd: ? ? ?

Has this Mr. Jing been hacked?

This pouting little yellow duck has nothing to do with Mr. Jing!

Out of concern (gossip), everyone sent messages to try to find out what was going on.

Jing Yicheng directly put on the cute little yellow duck's avatar in the circle of friends, and said coldly: "Looking for death?"

Everyone: Don't worry, don't worry, Mr. Jing is still right!

Xu Chenghao poked Jing Yicheng and asked what was going on. After Jing Yicheng briefly explained, he secretly said, "Haohao, look at this little yellow duck so cute..."

Xu Chenghao: "Huh?"

Jing Yicheng: "You don't even want to use it as your avatar?"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

If you want a couple's avatar, just say it. Xu Chenghao exited the page funny, found his own shot of the little yellow duck and flipped it in a mirror, and put the word "Brother Cheng" in the P below, and replaced it decisively: "Brother Cheng is still satisfied?"

Brother Cheng was silent for a while, then suddenly changed to a new little yellow duck head, saying: "Satisfied."

Xu Chenghao opened his avatar and saw that there was a sentence 'Aha' under Little Yellow Duck's toot mouth.

Xu Chenghao laughed directly, and it was the first time he found that Jing Yicheng was so hilarious. Jing Yicheng seemed to be very proud, and took down the two avatar pictures and sent them to the circle of friends.

So everyone who just felt relieved found that Mr. Jing's circle of friends has been updated again. There are two face-to-face little yellow duck emojis, one saying 'Brother Cheng' and the other responding 'Aha'

Crowd: ? ? ?

So it's not hacking just now, is it just showing affection?

Forget Jing Yicheng's nonsense, Xu Chenghao still retweeted it, leaving a string of "hahahaha" to express his mood.

Li Nian: ? ? ?

Li Nian couldn't help rushing to the office: "This boss doesn't want to fall in love during working hours. Have you signed the documents I sent? Have you read the email? There is a video conference in half an hour, and the project manager is still waiting in line to see you. , the Finance Department has been waiting for you to issue orders before daring to allocate funds..."

Xu Chenghao had a headache when he was talking about it, so he could only raise his hand to surrender and say, "Good job, work and work."

Li Nian was reluctantly satisfied: "Work hard." Then he walked out steadily.

Xu Chenghao lowered his head to sign, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. He raised his head and said, "Wait a minute? How did you know that you didn't play with your phone!!"

Li Nian picked up the pace strangely.

Xu Chenghao clapped the table: "Li Nian, you are a thief calling to catch a thief!!"

Bang - the door was closed mercilessly, and Li Nian quickly fled the scene without looking back.

Friends, just like to hurt each other!

Xu Chenghao hummed twice, thinking that Jing Yicheng had not been in the Xu Group recently, how could he be so arrogant, and Li Nian would be dead when he was done, hum!

Come to think of it, work is still to be done. Xu Chenghao devoted himself to the group, and the only thing that could distract him was the Little Pepper 5.0 mission.

Because of the increase in the result rate, the growth cycle of the peppers has increased significantly, and the itinerary reminder set by Xu Chenghao has also been changed from six days to nine days.

Oh yes... and also inform Jing Yicheng.

After Xu Chenghao sent a message to Jing Yicheng that he was going to the greenhouse, he drove away from Xu's group, thinking that if Jing Yicheng didn't see the text message and didn't come, it would have nothing to do with him.

The idea is quite beautiful, but Jing Yicheng almost arrived at the greenhouse with his front and back feet, and said that he would not be allowed to grow peppers alone, and he would not be allowed to grow peppers alone.

Xu Chenghao sighed helplessly, and could only harvest peppers for replanting in front of him, and then rush to the base with his people for the second wave of harvesting and planting.

The number of peppers was much more than the previous mission, and the cloth bag was also changed to a medium size, which was carried by Jing Yicheng and placed in the trunk.

When Xu Chenghao followed him into the car, he was still thinking about what to do with the number of them in the future... At least they can't be carried around anymore, not to mention the heavy trouble, and there is no place to put them at home.

The base will be completed soon, and the central management system has been activated. After Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng determined that the safety factor is high, they decided to pile the peppers here directly when the next new task comes. Presumably Jing Yicheng nodded to confirm that the safety factor should be passed. Nothing will happen!

After solving a difficult problem, Xu Chenghao was just happy for a long time, and when he returned home, he suddenly found that a new problem had arisen - with the increase in the number of intact peppers, deformed peppers grew at a constant rate and much more than intact peppers. When it comes to distinguishing, it is troublesome not to say, and I do not know how to deal with it.

Jing Yicheng said: "The distinction can be solved with a few small things. I have already sent a message to the assistant and it will be delivered after a while. But what are you going to do with these peppers?"

Xu Chenghao teased: "I remember that you didn't like to eat raw chili peppers the most? Why don't you eat all of these?"

Jing Yicheng refused to accept without changing his face: "No, I only like to eat you now."

"Fuck you!" Xu Chenghao raised his foot and kicked him, looking at the half-bag of deformed peppers in front of him and worried: "Unfortunately, the group is not involved in the catering industry, otherwise it would be easier to send it to the restaurant."

When Jing Yicheng heard the words, he calmly said, "We can open now without us."


"Let's open a small yellow duck Sichuan restaurant."