Jing Yicheng said solemnly: "It doesn't cost much anyway. After the restaurant opens, it will open the door with chili peppers, and rest without chili peppers. After the experiment you participated in, you can resell it for cash, which is very convenient."

Xu Chenghao actually thought it was right... After all, Little Pepper's mission has just been completed, and the number of deformed peppers will definitely increase. Opening a restaurant can make money and consume it. It's the best of both worlds!

The more Xu Chenghao thought about it, the more feasible he felt, he patted the table and said, "Okay, listen to you."

Jing Yicheng: "Then I'll do it."

"it is good."

Xu Chenghao nodded happily, only to find out later that he found that Jing Yicheng took over all the problems, and he became the idle one instead. It's really cool to be pampered, it's always cool to be pampered~~

Xu Chenghao happily stuffed Jing Yicheng with a chili pepper, and said with a smile, "You will be rewarded."

Jing Yicheng reluctantly ate the chili peppers, and in the next second he quickly got close to the back of Xu Chenghao's head and kissed him. The spiciness erupted in the lips instantly, and with the entanglement and demand of the tongue, the perception continued to expand, so that the whole mouth was filled with spicy taste.

Xu Chenghao frowned, he didn't expect raw chili peppers to have such a strong stamina... How on earth did Jing Yicheng eat it before.

Jing Yicheng seemed to be aware of his thoughts, and withdrew from his lips, calmly said: "I didn't know why before, but now I think it should be that what Mei Se eats is sweet now."

"You can talk." Xu Chenghao pushed the person away, poured himself a glass of water and sipped slowly. Mmm, really spicy.

Jing Yicheng did not continue to harass him, and went to the kitchen to wash a plate of strawberries to relieve Xu Chenghao. When the third one was eaten, the almighty assistant arrived at the door and knocked on the door to indicate that the thing he wanted was delivered.

- is an intelligent robot that can separate different things. It is about half the height of an adult, and its eyes emit faint red light. After scanning the peppers in the cloth bag in front of it, the baffle suddenly rises to reveal a black hole. The robot aligns the cloth bag with the black hole on its head and pours it all in. It turns into a blue light to indicate that it is working.

The assistant immediately placed the two cloth bags under the palm of the robot, and within five minutes, the two palms of the robot also removed a baffle, and the bright red peppers gushed out along the two arms, and all of them did not fall. Pour into a cloth bag.

The perfect separation of deformed peppers and intact peppers, Xu Chenghao checked carefully and there was no problem.

"The work is completed, 3076 on the left, 4330 on the right, the report is complete."

When the mechanical voice sounded, Xu Chenghao felt cordial, and his eyes became even more eager when he looked at the robot.

It's a pity that the robot stops working after finishing its work, not only returning to red eyes, but also entering a hibernation state, which is extremely cold. The assistant carefully put the protective cover on it, pushed it out, and said, "Boss, I have borrowed it and have to pay it back. If you want to go by yourself, I will leave first in a hurry!"

Jing Yicheng nodded to show that he knew it, and after the assistant and the robot came and disappeared in a hurry, he turned to look at Xu Chenghao, who was squatting in front of the cloth bag to touch the pepper: "Do you like it?"

Xu Chenghao nodded, thinking that this robot was super cool.

Jing Yicheng pondered: "Wait for me to take a look tomorrow."

Xu Chenghao felt as if he was a spoiled child, and he coughed with a guilty conscience: "If it's too embarrassing, forget it."

Jing Yicheng: "No."

Xu Chenghao couldn't help but smile, robot! Although its function is limited to separating different objects, it is very cool to have a robot! It's a dozen times cooler than buying any electronics!

Who hasn't dreamed of being a boy anymore? Xu Chenghao was obsessed with various electronic products in the original world. It can be seen from the fact that he can deduct time to watch major technology exhibitions even when he is busy with work. Is he definitely a real hobby? !

I never imagined that my dream would come true now~~~

Xu Chenghao put away the peppers in a turbulent mood, and even the fact that the harvest did not reach the passing line did not shake his good mood.

Seeing that he liked it so much, Jing Yicheng naturally followed his heart and went to the research institute for a walk in exchange for bartering, and successfully brought back two robots. Xu Chenghao was so happy that he put them in the warehouse of the pepper base, and put all the peppers here after preparation. The left side is the whole pepper, and the right side is the deformed pepper. It's perfect~

To deal with the problem of distinguishing between peppers and warehouses, Jing Yicheng also specially selected a store to decorate it in a small yellow duck style, and searched for all kinds of small yellow duck decorations to use, making the restaurant a veritable little yellow duck Sichuan restaurant.

Jing Yicheng's actions were really quick and precise. When Xu Chenghao harvested the second batch of chili peppers, he had already completed everything and invited Xu Chenghao to be the first guest of the Little Yellow Duck Sichuan Restaurant.

Xu Chenghao was waiting for the robot to separate out the complete peppers. Hearing that, he thought he had heard it wrong, and said in shock, "What did you just say?"

Jing Yicheng: "I said the Little Yellow Duck Sichuan Restaurant has opened, and I invite you to eat."

Xu Chenghao looked confused: "This action is too fast, how much money did you spend?"

Jing Yicheng didn't say much, and said lightly, "Just be happy."

Xu Chenghao sighed in embarrassment: "Brother Cheng, you've spoiled me too much recently and you'll spoil me."

Jing Yicheng: "It's good to spoil it, and then you can't leave me."

"The work is completed, 3911 on the left, 4623 on the right, the report is complete."

The second half of the sentence was spoken, but it was directly covered by the sudden mechanical sound. Xu Chenghao was robbed of all attention by the robot that suddenly made a sound, and after listening to the other party playing the number again, he realized: What the hell? More than three thousand nine hundred? ? ?

The pass line for Pepper 5.0 mission is 3334 peppers, and only 3076 peppers were harvested last time. Originally, Xu Chenghao was worried that the second harvest would be the same as the first time. In the end, he didn't expect that the other party gave him a big surprise, and he was upset and almost broke the 4,000 mark!

That is to say, the second harvest not only completed its passing line, but also missed the first harvest. The third planting only needs 3013 to successfully complete the task! !

Comparing the number of peppers harvested for the first time, 3013 peppers must be very easy... However, Xu Chenghao opened two more planting areas to prevent the peppers from falling off the chain at a critical moment.

Anyway, seeds don’t need money, and many kinds of harvests are better than the last few grievances. If you encounter the latter situation, there is no place to cry!

Sometimes, people's opportunities are so wonderful. Xu Chenghao doesn't know how his current actions will affect the future, but in the future, Xu Chenghao will be startled in a cold sweat every time he thinks about it, and he is very grateful for his actions today.

——I'm glad that I opened two more planting areas because I was worried that the chain would fall off.