in a nursing home.

An Rouyu sat beside the bed and quietly looked at the world outside the window, her eyes were empty and numb, like a marionette that lost her soul. Even the door of the ward behind her did not respond.

"Looks like my sister likes it here."

The soft laughter swept across An Rouyu's skin like a poisonous snake, causing a shudder to instantly arouse, she finally reacted and turned her neck stiffly to look at the approaching person.

An Ruotong tilted her head to look back, the smile on her face deepened when she saw her embarrassment: "Long time no see, sister~"

An Rouyu looked at her silently, with a negative attitude.

An Ruotong didn't feel bored when she saw this, on the contrary, she became more interested, and went to the other side to observe carefully: "Sister's hospital gown is really ugly, why don't you dress up in beautiful clothes, I remember my sister's past I like pretty dresses the most, and every party is as beautiful as a princess, you look at it now... oh, it's really distressing."

An Rouyu didn't react, her eyes were blank again, completely blocking the perception of the whole body.

No one responded, and An Ruotong could play by herself. He pretended to suddenly realize: "Oh, yes, I remembered, since my sister's mother died, no one has ever bought clothes for my sister, and my sister has always been loved and loved by others with her pitiful face, and she has been called Luochen. Pearl still attracts attention."

When the final sound fell, An Ruotong suddenly stretched out her hand to grab An Rouyu's chin, and said sternly, "Sister is always so popular, there is someone to take care of and love wherever she goes, no matter when and where everyone can only see it. You. Sister, you said, why are you so annoying? Huh?"

The bright red nails slammed into the skin, and An Rouyu recovered from the pain. Her eyes swept over An Ruotong's hideous face and said calmly, "You came to me to express your envy for many years?"

"Sister seems to be joking." An Ruotong let go of her hand and took two steps back, revealing the diamond ring on her hand without a trace: "I might envy my elder sister before, but now... I am loved by my parents and will be married next month. I even have a baby in my womb, and a new life is about to start, so do I still need to envy my sister who lives in a nursing home with nothing?"

An Rouyu suddenly raised her head and stared at her stomach with burning eyes: "Baby..."

"That's right." An Ruotong deliberately said vaguely: "It's the future descendant of the Ruan family."

"The Ruan family..." An Rouyu repeated like a repeater, then suddenly got up in the next second with a frantic expression: "My child! My child! Why don't the Ruan family have the descendants to let me go! Why don't you let me go! Leave me and the kids alone!!"

An Ruotong's expression changed, she guarded her stomach vigilantly and took a few steps back, and said coldly, "Do you think everyone wants to keep the child? If it wasn't for the dead old man and Ruan Chenxuan, I would have thrown it to you long ago. let you go!"

An Ruoyu's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she grabbed An Ruotong's hand suddenly as if she had seized the last chance, and said frantically, "An Ruotong, give me the child and take the child with you immediately, and return the child to me. Am I okay? I promise that my child and I will never appear in front of you, and let your child be the heir!"

An Ruotong looked at the crazy person with a deep smile on the corner of her mouth: "Sister, I also think so, but Ruan Chenxuan is so powerful, how can I possibly beat him, why don't you just obey him, wait until he relaxes, don't you? Will you be able to see the child?"

An Ruotong leaned into her ear and bewitched: "If you pretend to be good enough, you might be able to take the child away."

An Rouyu's pupils suddenly dilated, and the last sentence lingered in her mind like the most attractive fruit in the world, constantly spinning back and forth in front of her, and she...just reach out and get it.

An Ruotong took a few steps back, looked at her reaction and showed a triumphant smile, suddenly grabbed An Rouyu's hair and slammed into the wall, and after the opponent fell, she started screaming: "Someone, come here! , my sister has an accident!"

An Rouyu looked at An Ruotong blankly, the bright red blood dripped down her chin on her palm, she curled up her fingers slightly, and there was only one word in her mind - she could take the child away.

An hour later, Ruan Chenxuan and Han Haofeng arrived at the hospital one after another.

An Ruotong sat beside the bed and looked at the unconscious An Rouyu with indifference and even mockery. When she heard the sound of the door opening behind her, she immediately lowered her head and wept softly, muttering, "Sister, why are you so stupid... "

"Ruotong!" Han Haofeng stepped forward and asked, "Is the child okay?"

An Ruotong's face almost didn't hold back, and she said indifferently, "It's okay, but my sister almost had an accident."

Ruan Chenxuan stood on the other side of the hospital bed and asked, "What's going on?"

An Ruotong sighed: "It's my fault... I really didn't expect my sister's reaction to be so big when she heard the child. I knew I wouldn't have spoken."

Ruan Chenxuan was displeased: "Did you mention the child to her?"

"I... I just know that I am very happy to be pregnant, and I just want to share the joy with my sister. I thought my sister would be happy for me, but I thought..." An Ruotong squeezed out a few tears, looking sad.

When Han Haofeng heard the words, he immediately helped: "Ruotong is also too happy, so she didn't think about it carefully. Fortunately, nothing major happened. If it's okay, brother, let's go first. I'm worried that Ruotong will be frightened, and I want to take Ruotong to check on her body. ."

Ruan Chenxuan was too lazy to talk to them, and waved them away.

A trace of displeasure flashed in Han Haofeng's eyes, and he finally helped An Ruotong to leave the ward. He couldn't wait to lower his voice and said, "What's going on?"

An Ruotong sneered: "It's a good thing anyway."

She originally looked for An Rouyu just to show off. She used her current brilliance to set off her desperation and embarrassment, to stimulate and stimulate the other party. In the end, there was no unexpected gain... If An Rouyu can really take the child away, Maybe she will successfully turn over with the child in her belly!

in the ward.

An Rouyu was still in a drowsiness, her face became thinner and paler with bandages on her forehead, and she was haggard.

Ruan Chenxuan stared at it for a few seconds before his head was splitting in pain, and finally he could only look away at the ward. There seem to be more nicks on the wall than the last time. Looking around, the words "Baby" were removed from Xu Chenghao's name, and the two words were mixed together. It was shocking to see that he hated one person deeply and loved one person deeply.

While watching, a slight inhalation sound suddenly came from behind, Ruan Chenxuan turned back to see An Rouyu slowly opening his eyes, the numb eyes in the past regained clarity, and a flash of light flashed quickly when he stared at him: "Brother Chenxuan... "

Ruan Chenxuan had a headache because of the pain, "Awake?"

"Hmm." An Rouyu remembered while leaning on the bed, but she fell back with dizziness in front of her eyes. She covered her head and said blankly, "What's wrong with me?"

Ruan Chenxuan frowned slightly: "Don't you remember?"

An Rouyu was at a loss: "What should I remember?"

Ruan Chenxuan stared at her silently, as if observing what she was trying to do. The person lying on the hospital bed looked back innocently and repeated, "What should I remember?"


The two words that appeared suddenly almost broke all of An Rouyu's pretense. She froze for a while before muttering: "Child, have a child with me... I remember that I am pregnant, what about my child? I remember that my child is Seven months... me, am I giving birth now?"

Ruan Chenxuan said calmly: "You need to rest now, I will call the doctor to examine you."

"Wait!" An Rouyu was afraid that he would leave, so she sat up and said, "Aren't you going to explain it? After all, this is your child, you all... don't you care about him?"

Ruan Chenxuan looked back at her, and finally turned around and left without saying anything. After a while, doctors and nurses entered the ward and began a series of examinations.

An Rouyu remained vigilant, keeping in mind that she would support her child, as long as there was a long as she found an opportunity...she would definitely leave with the child!

The inspection time is very long. An Rouyu lay in the ward and waited, waiting for the examination report to come, waiting for this opportunity—she would do anything to seize this opportunity and try to get close to the child, even if she deceived the man she once loved.

Ruan Chenxuan was also waiting, but he was anxiously waiting, and his heart was in a mess, not knowing how to solve the next thing, so at this time he actually expected that An Rouyu would not get better...

In the end, An Rouyu succeeded.

Ruan Chenxuan looked at the person who got better, not only was he unhappy, but also had a headache, and said coldly; "Even if you don't remember, I still want to remind you that you chose to leave for the sake of your child and broke up with me."

"What about the child?"

"At Ruan's house."

An Rouyu's expression was subtle: "Is this what you said about breaking up for the child?"

"It's because you don't have the ability to protect the child yourself." Ruan Chenxuan responded calmly: "I have helped everyone who should have helped, and even supported you for so long because of your poor mental state. I have done my best to be benevolent and righteous, and you can do it yourself in the future."

An Rouyu looked at him in astonishment when she heard the words, and shouted at a loss, "Brother Chenxuan, what do you mean by that?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "It means..."

"It means as long as the child doesn't want me, right?" Tears welled up in An Rouyu's eyes, she stared at him for a while, then suddenly turned her head to wipe clean, closed her eyes and said, "Okay, I understand, you can go."

Ruan Chenxuan suddenly felt uncomfortable, staring at the other party's tearful eyes for a long time without moving. He really didn't understand that this woman could simply abandon herself for the sake of the child, but why couldn't he just abandon her?

How much did he love this woman before, so humble that even if he lost his memory and couldn't remember her, he still couldn't be ruthless towards her... It's ridiculous.

Ruan Chenxuan's eyes cooled down a little, and he said in a high-spirited tone, "If you can settle down, I don't mind raising one more person."

The tone was slightly humiliating, if it was usual, An Rouyu would definitely refuse and let him go. But now, even though her hand hidden under the quilt was tightly clenched, she still lowered her head and said, "Okay."

The author has something to say: yes, the heroine escaped with her acting skills