On the day An Rouyu was discharged from the hospital, Jing Yicheng got the news.

On the one hand, he spurned Ruan Chenxuan for being shameless, and he hooked up with An Rouyu every day while still thinking about Xu Chenghao; on the other hand, he was worried that An Rouyu would hurt Xu Chenghao when he was discharged from the hospital.

The assistant responded and asked again, "Do I need to tell President Xu?"

Jing Yicheng looked up at the person who was playing with the little yellow duck's abacus, and said calmly, "No."

His Haohao doesn't need to worry about these people.

Not far away, Xu Chenghao raised his head with a feeling, and seeing Jing Yicheng watching himself, he simply got up and walked over: "Are you busy?"

Jing Yicheng hung up the phone calmly: "Some small things."

"I thought you wanted to leave and I was embarrassed to say it." Xu Chenghao sat beside him with a smile: "If you are busy, you don't have to follow me every day."

"There is no Tiantian." Jing Yicheng said resentfully, "I wasn't here the day before yesterday. I heard about you and Li Nian coming to dinner!"

Xu Chenghao said with a smile: "I just had a meal with Li Nian. If it's true, I can accompany you several times."

Jing Yicheng said unhappily, "You and Li Nian are too close."

Xu Chenghao: "Our brother of more than ten years, do you really want to compare with him?"

Jing Yicheng squinted his eyes slightly, his arms silently wrapped around Xu Chenghao's waist and violently forcefully lifted the person onto his lap: "Haohao, don't mess with me."

Xu Chenghao hurriedly held onto his shoulders and sat firmly: "I've provoke you, don't scare me, it's almost the same."

Jing Yicheng: "I haven't provoked it yet? Don't you know that if you say that, I will only be more jealous?"

"I think you are jealous." Xu Chenghao held his chin and looked at him seriously: "You can't treat Li Nian like this, we can be together thanks to Li Nian, and I plan to let you thank him well. Woolen cloth."

Jing Yicheng wondered: "Thanks to him?"

"Yes." Xu Chenghao explained: "If Li Nian hadn't persuaded me, I might not have been with you."

The arm wrapped around his waist exerted force in vain, Xu Chenghao patted his arm soothingly, and explained, "I was worried at the time, and I was full of too many uncertain factors, so I couldn't make up my mind. It's also daunting to do things together."

"Li Nian plays the role of a matchmaker in our relationship. If it weren't for him, I really wouldn't agree to be with you, so you have to be nicer to Li Nian in the future, you know?"

Jing Yicheng nodded very seriously, and asked again, "Haohao, are you still worried about being with me now?"

Xu Chenghao asked back: "If I have concerns, will you let go?"

"Impossible, don't even think about it." Jing Yicheng refused very quickly.

Xu Chenghao laughed: "That's fine."

Jing Yicheng: "Then you can't give up on me because of concerns."

"No." Xu Chenghao reassured: "I didn't dare to take this step because of concerns, but if I really took this step, I didn't have any concerns. It's enough to keep going down, don't think too much."

Jing Yicheng played with his fingers and felt a little relieved: "Okay."

Xu Chenghao was quiet for a moment, and suddenly felt that something was wrong: "Don't change the subject! I told you to be nicer to Li Nian, do you hear me?"

"I heard." Jing Yicheng responded reluctantly, but then he thought that if Li Nian was really that powerful, he might be good to the other party and might help him in the future.

Thinking about it, Jing Yicheng's eyes were even brighter, and after returning to the Xu Group with Xu Chenghao after lunch, he took time to visit Li Nian's office.

Li Niantou didn't lift his head and said, "Leave the document on the left, and speak directly if you have something to do."

Jing Yicheng said lightly, "I heard that you are a matchmaker."

Li Nian suddenly raised his head when he heard the words, looked at the person who appeared in his office, and stammered: "Jing, Mr. Jing, you, you, did you go through the wrong door?"

"That's right, I made a special trip to find you." Jing Yicheng sat across from him expressionlessly, and repeated, "I heard that you are the matchmaker for me and Haohao?"

Li Nian was puzzled by this sudden topic: "It's okay to say yes, and no to say no. I just happened to give Xu the affirmation that President Xu needs. What does President Jing want to say?"

Jing Yicheng said calmly, "I want you to blow my hair."

Li Nian black question mark: "Huh?"

"If your words are useful, please help me to persuade Haohao to agree to get married with me."

Li Nian looked at Jing Yicheng in confusion, made sure that the other party was not joking, and quickly declined: "This kind of thing should be due to Mr. Jing's efforts. The ceiling pendant that I, an outsider, said is not as powerful as Mr. Jing."

"I will naturally do my job well, but you also have your role." Jing Yicheng didn't want to talk nonsense, and before Li Nian could continue to refuse, he directly threw the bait: "If Haohao gets married with me within half a year and gets a license, I will reward you as a matchmaker well."

Jing Yicheng's aura was too ferocious, and when he was stared at by his gloomy black eyes and said to reward him, Li Nian always had the feeling that he was going to eat a gun, so he laughed dryly: "Mr. Jing looks down on me too much, I'm just a little kid. Assistant, how could I have intervened in Mr. Xu's own marriage to succeed."

"I have a mansion in my hand." Jing Yicheng raised his eyes and looked at him: "Dushu, by the sea, as long as you succeed within half a year, I will transfer it to you."

Li Nian: "It's really not something I want to do or not..."

Jing Yicheng added slowly: "It's worth 300 million US dollars."


"make a deal!"

Li Nian finally bowed his head to the rich forces. Anyway, Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng are both in love with each other, it shouldn't be difficult to get married in half a year, why not if he can make 300 million US dollars for nothing! !

It's not in vain for him to worry about the relationship between the two before, and to help Jing Yicheng by saying good things, he knows that good people have good rewards!

However, Li Nian was not happy for long. After finding Xu Chenghao's firm attitude in the first test, he knew that he had been fooled - he knew that the benefits of Jing Yicheng were not easy to earn!

If it wasn't for the sweetness and love between the two, Li Nian even wondered if Jing Yicheng had made Xu Chenghao unhappy and dragged himself over to be an old man. But the two did not quarrel and were not unhappy. Why was Xu Chenghao still reluctant to get married?

Why is this couple so strange!

Li Nian sighed helplessly, and could only try to find the root cause of the problem.

Xu Chenghao didn't know their agreement, but he also noticed that the number of times Li Nian mentioned marriage had increased significantly. He asked curiously, "Why are you so concerned about this kind of thing now? Are you being fooled by your family's blind date?"

Li Nian said half-truth, "yes, I'll find out the exact time first. When you get married, I'll have to fly away so that my family can't catch me."

"Then don't worry, I haven't planned this for the past six months."

Then he was even more worried. Li Nian frowned and said, "Why didn't you plan for half a year? Logically speaking, shouldn't you, a loving old man, have plans?"

"Jing Yicheng has plans, but I haven't agreed yet."

"Why don't you agree?"

Xu Chenghao paused for a few seconds: "I won't tell you."

Li Nian: "..."

Li Nian felt as if he had been tricked by these two husbands.

He said why Jing Yicheng came to him and promised him such good conditions. He thought that the other party was conscience and found out that he really rewarded him for knowing what he said, but it turned out that he was still too sweet.

Nima, can he go back on it? ? ?

The door of the office was pushed open, and Jing Yicheng walked in and said warmly, "Haohao should get off work." Then he glanced at Li Nian with cold eyes.

Li Nian: "..."

Woohoo well he's working hard. Who made him not have the courage to say sorry to the big devil.

Xu Chenghao looked up, Jing Yicheng's eyes softened for a second, he helped hold the little yellow duck flower pot and said gently, "Are you hungry? It's time to go home for dinner."

"Okay." Xu Chenghao got up and said, "Don't touch my pepper flowers."

Jing Yicheng lowered his head and glanced at him: "When will the result?"

"Tomorrow." Xu Chenghao grinded his fists: "We will see the final result tomorrow. I don't know how many peppers we can harvest this time."

Jing Yicheng rubbed the little yellow duck tootsout flowerpot, and said lightly, "Just right, I also want to see who will collect the peppers."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He coughed twice, pretending to be calm: "I'll see you tomorrow, let's go, let's go home first."

"it is good."

The two said goodbye to Li Nian and went home from the company. On the way, Jing Yicheng reiterated: "You must call me when you harvest chili tomorrow. If... Forget it, I will go to the company with you tomorrow."

Xu Chenghao's mouth twitched: "Aren't you busy recently?"

Jing Yicheng: "There is still half a day."

Xu Chenghao had nothing to say, so he could only promise on the surface, but he started to poke the system frantically: System, ah, ah, how is your feedback? Can it still work? Is there anyone! !

[Ding - please stay calm, host, someone will come to harvest peppers on time tomorrow. 】

Xu Chenghao breathed a sigh of relief, and he was no longer afraid of tomorrow's events after he knew what to do. Instead, he was more eager than Jing Yicheng to look forward to what the person who harvested chili peppers would look like.

However, plans are never as fast as changes. Before the harvest time the next day, Xu Chenghao's phone started ringing frantically in the middle of the night. Xu Chenghao was sleepy and tired not long after he slept. He hid in Jing Yicheng's arms and did not want to open his eyes.

Jing Yicheng connected on his behalf, then patted Xu Chenghao on the back to lull him to sleep, and whispered, "Speak!"

There was a rapid gasp on the phone, Jing Yicheng thought it was a pervert, moved the phone away from his ear and glanced at the screen, and immediately frowned after realizing it was Chen Long: "Chen Long?"

"Is it me, Mr. Jing? There was an accident in Mr. Jing's greenhouse!"

The eyelashes of the person in his arms trembled a little as if disturbed, Jing Yicheng lowered his voice immediately: "What's the matter?"

The voices on the phone were chaotic, accompanied by high-pitched sirens shouting: "Fire!"

The bedroom in the dark was too quiet, so the shouted words almost exploded in the ears of the two of them. At first, Xu Chenghao suddenly opened his eyes and got up from Jing Yicheng's arms: "Is it on fire? "