Outer suburbs.

The sudden fire was raging in the wind, and the bright red and hot flames swallowed everything in front of them in the blink of an eye, rendering the darkness half red, as if the fireworks that suddenly bloomed were gorgeous but also dangerous.

Chen Long and Zhao Jun were assisting the fire police to put out the fire, but the shed still collapsed in the flames, leaving only a dark and ruined wreckage.

When Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng arrived, everything had already settled, and the chaotic scene just disappeared with the sound of the siren and disappeared again in the darkness, if it weren't for the unpleasant smell volatile in the air and the scorching temperature that could still be felt. , Xu Chenghao even thought he had gone to the wrong place... The fire was too clean.

Chen Long and Zhao Jun lowered their heads shamelessly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Xu Zongjing, it's our dereliction of duty."

Anger rose in Jing Yicheng's eyes, and he stepped forward and said, "Do you still have the face to say that? Hiring you is just a dereliction of duty for you?"

The two said with guilt: "I'm sorry, Mr. Jing. We also know that it's too late to say anything now. All we can do is to make up for nothing... We are willing to pay for all the losses of Mr. Xu."

Jing Yicheng laughed in anger, and said fiercely, "I'm afraid you can't afford it in your life!"

"I'm sorry..." Chen Long and Zhao Jun murmured, apart from saying sorry and compensation, they really didn't know how to quell the anger of the two bosses.

Xu Chenghao recovered from their conversation and sighed: "Forget it, Brother Cheng, call the police first."

Jing Yicheng looked back at him. Seeing his distressed expression, he became more angry. He turned back and said, "Are you deaf? Didn't you hear it and asked you to call the police?!"

Chen Long and Zhao Jun looked at each other, and finally Chen Long took out his mobile phone and called the police.

While waiting for the police to call out, Xu Chenghao took a few steps forward, looked at the burning wreckage by the light of the car lights, and frowned slightly when he smelled the smell of gasoline floating in the air. He didn't expect that the fire was coming on purpose...or Is it deliberately provocative?


Lightning flashed suddenly, and the purple thunder and lightning that lit up were menacing, and the night sky was violently split and blasted in everyone's ears. Xu Chenghao, who was thinking about it, looked up and looked up, and saw that the night was covered with dark clouds, and before everyone could react, a torrential rain fell and instantly extinguished the scorching breath.

Jing Yicheng reacted the quickest, he stretched out his hand to embrace Xu Chenghao, stuffed the person into the car, and warned, "Don't come out."

Xu Chenghao grabbed him: "Where are you going?"

Jing Yicheng said warmly: "This person has calculated the thunderstorm. When the police come, there is no evidence. I will go and have a look for a while before coming back... I didn't pull out the key. Remember to lock the doors and windows. Don't be afraid of people around you."

Xu Chenghao frowned: "I'll go too."

"No, it's easy to get sick in the rain." Jing Yicheng didn't seem to be going backwards in this kind of thing, and said solemnly: "Locking the windows is not allowed to come down, dare to try it!"

Xu Chenghao pursed his lips: "Oh."

"Good." Jing Yicheng rubbed his head, closed the car door, and watched Xu Chenghao lock the car window before turning around and taking Chen Long and Zhao Jun closer to the greenhouse.

As the distance got farther and farther, Xu Chenghao couldn't see anything through the car window and the rain screen. He could only lean on the driver's seat and try hard to recall who he had offended recently, and what enemies he had fought against...

Since ancient times, shopping malls have been like battlefields, because there are many examples of profit-taking and turning against each other, ranging from damage to money and decadence, to life-threatening situations.

But the question is who in the circle dares to attack him? Everyone knows about his strong alliance with Jing Yicheng. Ruan Chenxuan doesn't have much hatred for him now that he has amnesia... After over and over again, he can't find a suspect.

But one thing is certain, if the other party wants to provoke him and block him, the other party has indeed done it!

Xu Chenghao was afraid that Jing Yicheng didn't dare to express his worries, but he was dying of heartache, okay? His little chili, that **** is so vicious to attack his little chili, just in time for the last chance at the end of the month!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !

Xu Chenghao was angry and distressed. He hammered the steering wheel several times and still couldn't relieve his hatred. He could only hold the little yellow duck tootsout flowerpot to try to purify his brain and force himself to calm down.

It's useless to be angry now, I can only wait until tomorrow morning to see if the pepper harvest can complete the task. If it really fails, he will definitely hammer this person to death!

must! !

After a while, the siren sounded, and a light swept across the car window and found that it was a one-way face, and then knocked tentatively. Xu Chenghao wanted to open the door and go in, but as soon as he opened a crack, he was pressed by Jing Yicheng, who came over after hearing the sound. went back. Xu Chenghao was wronged, he is the victim and the person with the most say, why not let him negotiate!

Jing Yicheng glanced at the car window ruthlessly, and then continued to negotiate with the police, explaining what happened here and what they had just discovered, Jing Yicheng also called the above and said that he hoped that they would carefully investigate the case and give him a reasonable approach.

When all this is over, it will be dawn. Xu Chenghao sat in the car and waited eagerly, and finally waited until the rain gradually subsided to get off the car, but Jing Yicheng took the lead and got into the car and said, "Let's go home."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

He glanced at the other party's soaked clothes, and he could only swallow all the questions and drive away. When he got home, he hurriedly pushed the person into the bathroom and let him take a hot shower first. Bowl of **** tea.

Although the taste of **** tea is not very good, it is still the heart. Jing Yicheng finished drinking silently, and said calmly, "It's no use flattering, I'll solve this matter and you don't need to participate."

Xu Chenghao, who was blowing his hair, raised the hair dryer rudely and knocked him on the head. He said speechlessly, "I can't just care about you, can I?"

"Of course you can." Jing Yicheng should be cowardly, he turned around and grabbed Xu Chenghao's wrist and dragged him into his arms. He said warmly, "I also care about Haohao, so I don't want Haohao to participate in this matter."

Xu Chenghao turned off the hair dryer and said unhurriedly, "But I am the victim, how can this matter get around me?"

Jing Yicheng rubbed his wrist and said calmly, "The victim should be protected to prevent the next crime."

"I'm sure you won't hurt me."

"Well, indeed."

"Isn't that alright?" Xu Chenghao raised his chin and asked him to face himself: "You said yourself that you can protect me from injury, then I will definitely not be involved in the case, and if you don't agree, it will be a self-confession. contradictory."

Jing Yicheng looked at him indulgently and smiled: "I can protect you, but I have no intention of participating in the case, so you give up."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

He couldn't help pinching his cheek, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't you want to implicate me because you are worried that this disaster is caused by you? Do you think I can't see it? Or do you think I will be afraid?"

Jing Yicheng was helpless: "Haohao is very smart."

"If you care, you will expose too much." Xu Chenghao said proudly: "Since you can be with me, you should have considered the special status and the trouble it will bring me. Shouldn't you let me grow up? Doting on me like that is hurting me."

Jing Yicheng hooked the fingers under his chin and held it in the palm of his hand, and said calmly, "It's too tiring to grow up, I can't bear it."

Xu Chenghao cocked the corners of his mouth: "But you will be very tired if you keep doing this."

"I am delighted."

"Then are you going to protect me for the rest of your life?"




"Okay." Jing Yicheng tilted his head and kissed his cheek, his eyes flashing a cold light.

No one knows the importance of Little Pepper to Xu Chenghao better than Jing Yicheng. He can feel Xu Chenghao's suppressed emotions, and he can also guess that the other party did not collapse because he was waiting for the final result of harvesting the peppers. It will be more peaceful, if the mission fails...

Jing Yicheng patted the person in his arms soothingly, but his face turned cold every inch, and his eyes were gloomy.

He wants to see who is so bold!

"Alas!" The person in the arms suddenly sighed heavily, causing Jing Yicheng to look sideways and ask, "Sleepy?"

"It's because I'm not sleepy that I sigh." Xu Chenghao buried himself in his arms and tried to sleep unhappily, but he didn't feel sleepy no matter how he patted his hand on the back. When he closed his eyes, it looked like the greenhouse had been burned by fire. He was worried about his harvest for a while. The chili failed to complete the task, and for a while I worried that I overslept and didn't get the chili because of the loss...

The more he thought about it, the more annoying he became, the more he could not forget it, Xu Chenghao gave up sleeping in a gloomy heart, and calmly said: "Forget it, I'll wash my face and go to the company."

Jing Yicheng frowned, then got up and went into the bedroom to change clothes.

Xu Chenghao was in a really bad mood. He left without having breakfast. Jing Yicheng brought him back and ate three scallops of sauerkraut. He was forcibly fed a few mouthfuls of mangosteen beef **** before he went out.

Mr. Xu, who usually stepped into the company by stepping into the company, suddenly became the first person to go to work. The employees who didn't know what happened suddenly had an ominous feeling, and they all worked tensely for fear of causing an abnormal Mr. Xu.

When Li Nian arrived at the company, someone deliberately told him what happened this morning, reminding Li Nian not to be caught with pigtails when he was working. Li Nian was puzzled, so he simply found Xu Chenghao and asked, "Mr. Xu is in a bad mood today?"

Xu Chenghao stared at the ticking clock, and said in a low voice, "What do you think?"

"...Well, it's really not good." Li Nian frowned and thought, thinking that Mr. Xu is now proud of his career and love, and what else could make him react so badly and so unhappy... Could it be Jing Yicheng?

Li Nian silently glanced at Jing Yicheng, who seemed to have raised his head and looked back, his eyes suddenly frightened, so that Li Nian quickly retracted his gaze, and said with a dry smile: "Then Xu, if you are unhappy, just talk to Jing. Tell me, he will definitely make you happy, so I'll go out first, bye bye."

"Stop!" Jing Yicheng stopped him from behind, got up and said, "I'll go out and you can talk." As he said that, Jing Yicheng walked out, and when he passed Li Nian, he gave him a deep look, and his eyes showed clearly. 'Go to coax him! ' three big characters.

Li Nian: "…"

The author has something to say: 300 million yuan is not easy to make a duck - said Li Nian from the pit.