For the sake of the 300 million mansion! !

Li Nian swallowed his old blood silently and sat opposite Xu Chenghao: "Come on, let's talk."

Xu Chenghao didn't want to speak.

Li Nian looked at him: "The dark circles under the eyes are so thick that you didn't sleep well at night. Could it be that you and Jing Yicheng quarreled because of a disagreement over the bed?"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

"Can you shut up!"

"No." Li Nian refused mercilessly, and continued to look at Xu Chenghao with his chin on his back: "It stands to reason that your husband and wife have been together for so long, and there should be no differences between the upper and lower sides. Could it be that the other party does not know how to control? You don't have a hickey on your neck."

Li Nian suddenly realized: "Could it be that you don't know how to control yourself?"

Xu Chenghao: "..."


Li Nian tilted his head to avoid the pen, and laughed: "Just make a joke to ease the atmosphere, don't be angry~"

Xu Chenghao was not happy: "It's not funny at all."

Li Nian tutted twice: "Look at what Jing Yicheng has spoiled you. No matter how big things happened in the past, you were calm and self-sufficient and tried to solve them, but now you just lose your temper?"

Xu Chenghao glanced at him smugly when he heard the words: "Do I have someone to spoil you?"

Li Nian: "???"

Xu Chenghao suddenly reacted and pretended to be surprised: "Oh, look at my memory, I forgot that no matter how many blind dates you have, you are still single."

Li Nian: "..."

Damn, what kind of hero is a personal attack just chatting! !

Li Nian rolled his eyes in anger, patted the table and said, "Stop, stop, I'm here to help you solve your problems. It would be shameless for you to attack me to ease your mood."

Xu Chenghao: "You are only allowed to joke and not allow me to drive?"

Li Nian: "Isn't it because you didn't speak that I was joking to ease the atmosphere?"

"Am I slow to respond?"

"I believe in your evil!" Li Nian clasped his fists and said, "I'll take it easy and you win, okay? Now can you tell me why you are angry, sad, sad, and painful?"

Xu Chenghao curled his lips, but when he thought of the next topic, his smile instantly subsided, and he sighed: "The greenhouse was on fire last night."

Li Nian suddenly widened his eyes: "Pepper shed?"

Xu Chenghao nodded: "The burning was very thorough, and the evidence of the thunderstorm that night after the burning was insufficient."

Li Nian's face returned to seriousness, and he pondered: "This is coming prepared."

Xu Chenghao: "And being able to fight fire under the vigilance of the two veterans doesn't seem like someone who is incompetent."

Li Nian: "Everyone who knows you knows that you have been obsessed with agriculture for the past six months, and you have fought hard to grow peppers. You also know that you always value your peppers and never give them away or show them to the public... This fire is so fierce that it wants to burn your peppers. shed……"

Li Nian looked up at him: "Threat?"

Xu Chenghao looked back calmly: "Or provocative."

"It's possible." Li Nian touched his chin and recalled the people he had recently met in his mind, his eyes were slightly cold: "I don't know if we have moved too much recently and moved other people's pockets, or become a nail in the eyes of others."

Xu Chenghao continued: "The thing that puzzles me the most is that Jing Yicheng and I just announced that we are together not long ago. It stands to reason that people in the circle do not have the guts to provoke me and Jing Yicheng at the same time, and they cannot afford this kind of counterattack. After screening, there is no suitable candidate."

"People are dying for money and birds are dying for food. Maybe someone will take risks?" Li Nian said, suddenly turned his head and looked out the door, and said in a low voice, "Could it be Jing Yicheng's side...?"

Both of them understood the unfinished words, but Xu Chenghao shook his head: "The current situation is unknown, and either party is suspected."

Li Nian didn't continue talking, and asked, "What are your plans then?"

"Jing Yicheng won't let me intervene." Xu Chenghao said with resentment: "But I know that he suppressed the news, and he has passed the investigation to the above, and the rest are the assistants around him to negotiate on his behalf, so I will I no longer know."

Li Nian's index finger pointed at the table and frowned: "Jing Yicheng must also be wondering if it has something to do with his identity, so I don't want you to get involved in the case... If it really comes from Jing Yicheng's side, you are most likely to be involved. Well, let him make arrangements."

"I know."

Li Nian sighed: "I hope not, if it's our grievances, it might be better resolved."

Xu Chenghao glanced at him with a half-smile but not a smile: "Can you still laugh out loud now? Do you know why I'm unhappy?"

"Are you questioning my power of observation?" Li Nian said with a good laugh: "Since I started chatting with you, you have watched it no less than seven times, and it is not clear that you are worried and nervous about something else. Happiness doesn't seem to have anything to do with the case."

Xu Chenghao: "...Your power of observation is really getting more and more terrifying."

Li Nian: "Your ability to go around topics is getting better and better."

After chatting for a long time, his mouth was dry, but Xu Chenghao never said the reason why he was really upset.

The two people touted the final reconciliation for a long time. Li Nian said, "It's too early to say anything. It's useless even if you're worried. If you have time, it's better to have lunch together and enjoy a better life."

Xu Chenghao glanced at him: "Li Nian."


"You are fat."

"I'm not afraid."

"Five kilograms of meat by eye."


Grass, full hit. Li Nian squeezed his stomach in annoyance: "That's right, I gained 14.89 it 14.89 or 15 pounds, you know?"

Xu Chenghao: "You make up for it after one meal, why bother so much."

"It's not the same." Li Nian said: "How can you see that your eyes are so poisonous for fifteen pounds. Is it obvious that I am so fat?"

Xu Chenghao looked at him holding his chin: "It's not too obvious, I know it's because I've seen your medical report."

Li Nian: "..."

Waste of emotion, go!

Seeing Li Niantou leave the office without looking back, Xu Chenghao finally showed his first smile of the day, and shouted in a good mood, "Let Jing Yicheng settle the bill for you in the morning."

Li Nian: "Lose weight, go away!"

"Really don't eat?"

"Eat!" Li Nian immediately changed his mouth: "After eating the last meal, lose weight!"

Xu Chenghao didn't believe this kind of nonsense at all. Fortunately, Li Nian's height and legs were more than ten kilograms. He couldn't see anything on his body. Xu Chenghao didn't continue to say anything. Gotta make time to go to the base to pick peppers.

outside the office.

As soon as Li Nian went out, he saw Jing Yicheng leaning against the door openly and aboveboard, obviously listening to all their conversations. Even if Li Nian expected it, he was a little nervous by the dark eyes of the other party. He closed the office door and said in a low voice, "Mr. Jing has something to say?"


"..." What are you doing looking at me like that? ? ? Li Nian was a little ashamed and could only say: "If Mr. Jing is all right, then I will go back."

Jing Yicheng didn't say a word. Seeing this, Li Nian tentatively took a step back, and after finding that the other party was not unusual, he turned and left. He walked towards his office as steady as a dog, but he was actually panicked.

It's been a long time since I saw Jing Yicheng with such a strong lethality.


"Boss?" There was a slight vibration from the phone in his hand, Jing Yicheng retracted his gaze from Li Nian, and continued to answer the phone: "Tell me."

"I just heard from the police that after a night of heavy rain, it is difficult to continue to break through the traces around the greenhouse. However, the police detected petroleum components in the greenhouse, and through Chen Long and Zhao Jun's repeated inquiries and memories, they speculated that the suspect was the suspect. There are more than one person, they should be a gang with a clear division of crime, it can be seen that the means are sophisticated and prepared. The police are now ready to start their investigation from the way of buying a large amount of oil, and it will take at least three days to get the news. "

Jing Yicheng frowned displeasedly: "Too slow."

Assistant: "No way, there is too little evidence, and the gas stations in the city have to be checked one by one, and there is no guarantee that the other party brought it in from the outside... Now investigations without direction are looking for a needle in a haystack."

Jing Yicheng: "Try to find it in my or Chenghao's network."

Assistant: "Investigate immediately."



After hanging up the phone, Jing Yicheng leaned against the wall and turned his phone, his eyes gradually filled with blood that hadn't appeared for a long time, he couldn't wait to know who it was...

With a click, the door of the office beside him was suddenly opened from the inside. The **** aura on Jing Yicheng's body dissipated instantly. He installed his mobile phone without a trace, and when he saw the other person's figure, his expression was gentle in seconds, and he asked with concern, "Are you in a better mood?"

Xu Chenghao was helpless: "I'm not that vulnerable."

Jing Yicheng coaxed: "Well, Haohao is very powerful, and his endurance is even more powerful than I thought."

Xu Chenghao felt guilty for a moment: "It's not as good as you think."

All his attention is now on the Chili base and the results of the mission, except that he is tense, but he will not be too angry and annoyed. But if the mission fails this time, he will perform Jing Yicheng's death on the spot... Well, when all the emotions come back, Xu Chenghao himself doesn't count.

Jing Yicheng understood what he meant, and couldn't help but hug the person in his arms to comfort him: "It's okay, there's me too."

"Little Yellow Duck Little Yellow Duck..." Xu Chenghao propped up the opponent's chest, trying to make a small space for the pepper seedlings in the little yellow duck flower pot, and said anxiously, "Don't knock my flowers off."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

People are not as good as pepper series.

Fortunately, none of the little white flowers fell off, Xu Chenghao lifted his head with a sigh of relief and said, "Let's go to the pepper base this morning."

No matter how much you say, it is better to see it with your own eyes to feel safe. Even if there is no result yet, Xu Chenghao wants to see if the pepper seedlings grow well in the ground, and also wants to see if the pepper flowers grow well on the seedlings. So Jing Yicheng wouldn't stop him, he said "Okay" and drove directly to the base, waiting for the result with him.

It was too early today, and the two of them waited for two and a half hours to see the shocking scene of the result in front of them. The red peppers topped off the little white flowers from the seedlings, some of which grew into a normal shape with a long, pointed shape, while others were round and groggy in a variety of strange shapes.

The machinery that had been waiting for a long time immediately stepped forward, harvested all the peppers, put them on the conveyor belt and entered the warehouse. Jing Yicheng and Xu Chenghao also followed into the warehouse, and saw that the two robots that had just been dormant and standby had their red eyes lit up and started scanning peppers to prepare for work.