Xu Chenghao's heart suddenly tightened, his eyes fixed on the robot's every move, watching them divide the mixed peppers into complete and deformed, and then his eyes turned into blue light, and said in a mechanical voice: "The work is complete, the left side 3217, 4599 on the right, the report is complete."

3217 peppers? How much did he count before?

Xu Chenghao thought hard, the more anxious he became, the less he could remember, so he simply took out his mobile phone and started counting from the beginning.

- "It's 3013 peppers."

Xu Chenghao raised his head, his eyes were a little dull: Huh? "

"You said before that there are still 3013 chili peppers to complete the task, I remember." After speaking, Jing Yicheng glanced at the calculator page on his mobile phone screen teasingly.

Xu Chenghao didn't pay attention to the other party's eyes. After two seconds of buffering his brain, he suddenly grabbed Jing Yicheng's wrist and said in surprise, "That means the task is completed?"

Jing Yicheng affirmed: "Yes, the task has been completed."

"Ahhhh, it's done!!" Xu Chenghao was completely mad, screaming and jumping on Jing Yicheng's body, knocking the latter back two steps before he could get down, pestering him.

Jing Yicheng carried the little yellow duck that was almost thrown away, sighed helplessly and doted on his body, and said, "Yes, yes, it's done."

Xu Chenghao was very happy, he caught Jing Yicheng and kissed him a few times: "Thanks to the base you guarded, thank you Brother Cheng~~"

"I want to thank you when I get home. Now..." Jing Yicheng motioned, "Your phone has been ringing for a long time."

Xu Chenghao returned to his senses, and then felt a little embarrassed. He silently got off Jing Yicheng and picked up the mobile phone on the ground. He glanced at the number 2333 above, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Hello?"

"It's me." The familiar mechanical voice rang on the phone, and slowly said with a chi chi lala radio wave: "Open the door and collect the peppers."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He was looking forward to how the system would show up.


The door of the Chili Base was slowly opened, and the man standing at the door raised his head when he heard the sound, revealing silver-gray eyes under the peaked cap. He scrutinized Jing Yicheng and Xu Chenghao, and finally walked to Xu Chenghao without looking sideways, staring at him.

"Here." Xu Chenghao turned around with a smile, and gestured for the other party to go in with him. Although I was used to it on the surface, I was secretly surprised. I didn't expect the system to pick up the goods in a real-life mode... If it weren't for the eyes that looked very conspicuous, I would be wearing a simple black casual suit and a peaked cap, and I wouldn't be able to find it in the crowd arrive.

Jing Yicheng was also looking at the man, from his behavior to his clothes, from his silver-gray eyes to the other No. 2333 badges on his clothes, he didn't see anything unusual, so he could only keep silent and follow Xu Chenghao. Watch them interact.

Xu Chenghao was worried that he would say too many mistakes, so he put on a business-like expression and said solemnly, "The pepper is here, you can check."

The system stepped forward to open the bag, silver-gray eyes flashed, and after a few seconds, he nodded and picked up the whole bag of peppers, turned and left without blushing or panting. The entire harvest took less than three minutes.

Jing Yicheng frowned and glanced at the camera without a trace. The bodyguard sitting in the monitoring room immediately understood and called the person at the door to pay attention to tracking.

Five minutes later, a notification sounded in Jing Yicheng's cell phone and Xu Chenghao's mind at the same time.

Bodyguard: "Follow me."

System: [Ding - The little pepper harvester is online. 】

[Ding - The detection is successful, the pepper task is over-completed, your current total number of peppers is 11111/50000000, please make persistent efforts. 】

[Ding—Little Pepper quest rewards are online, because you complete the quest within the specified time, you can get a copy of 'Physical Adjustment'. 】

[Ding - Little Pepper Mission 5.0 is completed, and the automatic upgrade will enter the mission cooling time, and the time limit is five weeks. 】

Xu Chenghao said nervously: Where are you now? Are you all right?

[Ding - please rest assured, the host, there are no mistakes. 】

Xu Chenghao was relieved, and finally had the mind to check what the reward was: what does it mean to adjust physical fitness?

[Ding - Adjusting physical fitness is to adjust the overall physical fitness of the host to the best human state, and complete the final step of transforming your body. 】

Xu Chenghao: Then what can you reward me in the future?

[Ding - The system store has everything, it just depends on whether the host can complete the task. 】

Xu Chenghao jokingly said: Then you can give me a carry-on space next time.

[Ding——The record is successful, please work hard to complete the task. 】

Xu Chenghao: ? ? ?

He just said, what the **** is record success? Could it be that you can really give him space next time?

Xu Chenghao couldn't help rubbing his hands after the horror. He heard that the portable space is a must-have item for the protagonist. Although he may not be able to use it, there is one thing he is very happy with!

Just as he was snickering, Jing Yicheng, who was beside him, suddenly looked at him, so scared that Xu Chenghao quickly retracted his expression and looked back innocently: "What's wrong?"

Jing Yicheng paused for two seconds and said helplessly, "It's okay."

Xu Chenghao smiled: "Then let's go back, we'll have a good meal to celebrate and finish the task~"

Although the process is tortuous, but the result is the most important. Xu Chenghao was in a good mood after completing the task. Even if he remembered that the greenhouse was set on fire, he didn't feel too angry. He happily followed Jing Yicheng to dinner, and his gloomy expression in the morning was completely cleared up.

Two words: happy!

And I can rest for more than a month, and I am even happier when I think about it.

Seeing that Xu Chenghao was in a good mood, Jing Yicheng naturally felt relieved. But rest assured is one thing, finding a suspect is another.

Regarding the case of burning down the greenhouse, although the news was suppressed by Jing Yicheng from the beginning, there was no rumors, but after a long time, the police came and went, and people with connections in the circle could naturally sense something was wrong. If there is no explanation for this case, I am afraid that no one will dare to attack Xu Chenghao in the future.

What Jing Yicheng has to do is not only to solve this matter, but also to slaughter chickens and monkeys to beat those who don't know what they are called.

It happened that Xu Chenghao was in a better mood, and Jing Yicheng was relieved for the time being and was able to free up his hands to investigate this matter in person.

Sometimes even the most sophisticated murderer will leave clues that he didn't notice. The clues are not necessarily at the scene of the crime, but sometimes his sudden appearance in the city is enough to attract attention. Although this method is a needle in a haystack, it is also the fastest method as long as there are enough people.

Jing Yicheng spent six days targeting the murderer, and before he could make a move, he heard that Ruan Tianci and An Rouyu, the young masters of the Ruan family, had been kidnapped by the same group of people.

When the disappearance spread, Xu Chenghao's reaction was the biggest, he was even more excited than Ruan Chenxuan, got up suddenly and said, "What did you say?"

Li Nian frowned: "It's not your wife and child, what are you excited about?"

Xu Chenghao opened his mouth, and finally sat back to his seat in silence, holding his head and completely collapsed - how could he not be excited, the plot clearly stated that the heroine and the child were kidnapped, and the original owner died for the savior and the villain...etc. Wait!

Xu Chenghao raised his head and looked at Jing Yicheng, who was also looking at him, his eyes narrowed slightly. No, in the plot, the villain kidnaps the heroine and the children because of love and wants to take them away, but now Jing Yicheng can never do such a thing, so the plot has a deviation, this plot point was completed by others, then the ending ...

Xu Chenghao looked down at his legs, his fingers trembled slightly, he had experienced an unrewriteable experience of breaking his leg, and he was really unsure to say that such a thing would not happen. What he is most afraid of is that the process is rewritten but the result will never change.

Then both he and Jing Yicheng will die? Or die together?

No, no, no, no, Xu Chenghao shook his head again and again, no! He hasn't completed the task yet, how could he die? If he suddenly died halfway before completing the task, wouldn't the system be wasting its time? Shouldn't die!

Then... what about Jing Yicheng?

Xu Chenghao stared at Jing Yicheng blankly, because of his too sweet life, he almost forgot how unsuccessful and tragic the ending of the plot was for him.

If now is the end for him...then what to do...

At the beginning, Jing Yicheng was still unhappy that the other party was worried about An Rouyu, so he reacted so much for An Rouyu. But when he saw that there were tears in the eyes of the other party, he couldn't help his heart tighten. He stepped forward and said, "Why are you crying, if Ruan Chenxuan is not capable, I will save him for him, can I guarantee that An Rouyu will come back?"

Li Nian frowned, wondering why Xu Chenghao reacted so much, and feeling that the domineering such as Jing Yicheng would give in to such a level for love. He couldn't say what it was like, so he could only quietly leave the office to give them space to be alone. chat.

——At least he can be sure that Xu Chenghao's panic was definitely not because of An Rouyu.

With a click, the door was closed from the outside, Xu Chenghao recovered from the sound of the lock cylinder colliding, plunged into Jing Yicheng's arms and muttered: "No, you are not allowed to participate in this matter, the greenhouse matter. I won't pursue it, anyway, if you are not prepared to go, you are not allowed to participate!"

Jing Yicheng really couldn't understand it now: "Haohao, what are you hiding?"

Xu Chenghao hugged his waist and did not speak. Jing Yicheng patted his head soothingly, waiting for him to recover.

Xu Chenghao was devastated by the sudden news, grabbed Jing Yicheng's clothes, and quickly thought about how to avoid this danger in his mind.

Xu Chenghao: System, can I start the quest directly without the cooldown and assign new rewards?

After speaking, Xu Chenghao held his breath and waited for a response, but in the end he didn't know if the request was too much, his mind was quiet and no one paid any attention to him.

Xu Chenghao was slightly nervous: System?


Xu Chenghao continued to shout without giving up: I know you can hear the system, no matter if you agree or not, at least give a response, even if you refuse, it is better than hanging me like this!

This sentence probably caused the system to react. The other party made the usual "ding" sound when speaking, and asked calmly and slowly in Xu Chenghao's mind: [Then what can you give, host? 】

The author has something to say: System: This is the worst host I have ever brought.