Xu Chenghao was stunned when he heard the words. Even though he understood what the other party meant, he still asked subconsciously: What do you mean?

[Ding - The host made two consecutive requests: one is to change the system mode, the other is to change the world in the book, both of which are operations with a difficulty factor of five stars. If the host does not have something to pay, how can No. 2333 be able to do it? promise? 】

Xu Chenghao calmed down: What do you want?

[Ding - what can the host do? 】

Xu Chenghao: I accidentally entered the world of books, everything belongs to the original Xu Chenghao, and I can't give anything.

[Ding - The host seems to have forgotten that you still have a soul. 】


[Ding - let's make a big gamble from now on, if the host loses, leave the world immediately and leave the soul to the transcribing system; if the host wins, the system No. 2333 knows what you want, and specially prepares a rollback for you Opportunity [It is hereby noted that after experiencing some plot points, it will not appear a second time, and having the opportunity to roll back is your best choice. 】

Xu Chenghao: What are you betting on?

[Ding - of course, it is a kind of pepper. 】

Xu Chenghao:  …

[Ding - The host has accumulated 11,111 peppers at present, and there is still 49 million peppers before the real task is completed. According to the normal speed, 6.0 is 100,000 peppers, 7.0 is one million peppers, 8.0 is 100 million peppers, 9.0 is all the peppers left, so let's just skip the middle and enter the 9.0 mode. As long as you grow 39 million peppers within a month, you win. 】

Xu Chenghao: ? ? ? Are you really cheating on me?

[Ding - Gambling is risky, but the rewards are very high. It is natural to have a harder problem to revert to such a precious existence. 】

Xu Chenghao frowned and thought, this big gamble is to use his life to gamble Jing Yicheng's life. If he wins, both he and Jing Yicheng will live; if he loses, he will leave the world of the book and die, I believe that Jing Yicheng will also fall soon because of the irreversibility of the plot point.

Xu Chenghao thought for a while and asked, "If I win the gamble, is it the same as Little Pepper's mission completed and you should go?"

[Ding - Strictly speaking, if the host wins, I need to wait for the host to activate the rollback function before leaving completely. If the host minds, I can just leave the rollback function and go to sleep. Provided, of course, that you can win. 】

Big bets are risky but rewarding.

Xu Chenghao pondered for a moment and then asked: What is the result rate?

[Ding——According to the normal calculation, what you can get is 80%. 】

Xu Chenghao: We have already skipped so much, so we don’t need to follow the calculations, right? Why not give a ninety result rate?

[Ding - no way. 】

Xu Chenghao: Then let me tell you, eighty-eight can always be okay? Very auspicious.


Xu Chenghao is unrelenting: Eighty-eight! !

[Ding - the host is willing to gamble? 】

Xu Chenghao: Bet at eighty-eight.

[Ding——Deal, please wait while recording the content. 】

Xu Chenghao:  …

He suddenly felt a little sloppy.

[Ding - The feedback is successful, and the Little Pepper mission is automatically updated to 9.0. Mission requirements: The trigger must plant 390,000,000 peppers within one month of starting the mission, and the timeout will be considered a failure. [With a pack of high-grade pepper species, enjoy a 90% result rate]]

[Ding-Little Pepper System reminds you that with the increase of the fruiting rate, the pepper planting cycle has grown synchronously. Now it has been five days for seedlings, five days for flowering, and five days for results. Please pay attention to adjusting the time to harvest on time. 】

Xu Chenghao was a little surprised: You gave me a ninety result rate?

[Ding - count as sincerity, I hope the host will work hard to complete the task. 】

Xu Chenghao: Thank you.

[Ding - Please note, host, this set of Xiaozhi's reasoning and emotion is useless, if you can't complete the task, it will be miserable. 】

Xu Chenghao:  …

He took back the move! !


Inside the office.

Jing Yicheng found that the person in his arms had not moved for a long time and thought he was asleep, so he lightly picked him up into the lounge and placed him on the bed. . Jing Yicheng's heart softened when he saw the look of dependence, he lay down without hesitation and hugged the person in his arms firmly, even if he was not sleepy, he would accompany him to lie down.

Suddenly, Xu Chenghao sat up abruptly, quickly took out a small bag of chili seeds from his pocket and stared at it for a few seconds, then suddenly looked back at Jing Yicheng with burning eyes: "Brother Cheng, do you have any fields?"

Jing Yicheng: "???"

Xu Chenghao pounced on him and said coquettishly: "Brother Cheng, I want fields, fields that can grow chili peppers, and many, many fields that can grow chili peppers!!"

Jing Yicheng pinched his chin and looked carefully: "Haohao, are you provoked?"

Xu Chenghao: "...Are you calling me crazy?"

"I'm worried about you." Jing Yicheng glanced at the cloth bag in his hand, and his face became more serious: "Haohao, what are you trying to do? What are you hiding from me?"

Xu Chenghao didn't dare to meet Jing Yicheng's eyes, so he lowered his head into his arms and said obediently, "It's the secret I told before."

Jing Yicheng frowned, "Is this secret related to An Rouyu?"


"Then why were you so excited just now and why are you suddenly sad and scared?"


Xu Chenghao suddenly felt that the current self was even more difficult to speak than before. In the past, he always felt that Jing Yicheng was too insecure. If he told him that the final purpose of the system-grown peppers involved leaving, Jing Yicheng would definitely be nervous or even frightened - not because he did not trust Xu Chenghao, but because he was emotional It's too deep to be completely unbearable if it goes wrong.

So... if Jing Yicheng knew that he was risking his life, he might die, and even if he was the one who saved him, he would probably be **** off.

"Is it difficult to answer? Say it, I'll go find you fields, many, many fields where you can grow chili peppers." A gentle coaxing sound rang in his ears, Xu Chenghao shuddered for a moment by the blowing breath, thinking about it. Hiding but being caught again. Jing Yicheng shackled his waist and said softly, "Don't Haohao want fields?"

Xu Chenghao: "...I think."

"Then tell me why?"

"The time is a little urgent now. I'll let you know next month when I finish planting the peppers, okay?"

The arms around his waist tightened slightly, Xu Chenghao quickly kissed Jing Yicheng, and said to please: "Brother Cheng~~~ I will tell you everything when I finish planting peppers this time, I swear."

Jing Yicheng closed his eyes patiently, gritted his teeth and said, "You just want to **** me off."

"I was wrong." Xu Chenghao began to change the subject: "So Brother Cheng has limited time, let's hurry up and find a field. I want to plant tens of millions of peppers this time, and at least a thousand acres of fields are needed. It is urgent!"

Jing Yicheng could only get up and follow Xu Chenghao while Xu Chenghao was planting peppers at the pepper base. Like some remote places that seem unsafe, Jing Yicheng would not choose to have the experience of the past. He directly called a certain crop cultivation and planting research base. After expressing his intention, he quickly determined the location and brought Xu Chenghao there.

The safety factor is high here, and all are planted with high-tech. In terms of professionalism, even Xu Chenghao's pepper base is not comparable, and it is the best place to choose.

Xu Chenghao swayed half of the chili peppers in the cloth bag, feeling anxious and nervous in his heart, silently changed the schedule of the little chili peppers on his mobile phone to fifteen days, then followed Jing Yicheng to leave the research base and waited quietly at home for the time to come.

Jing Yicheng seemed to see that he was uneasy, and through negotiation, he connected his mobile phone to the other party's monitoring. As long as he held the mobile phone, he could see the fields where peppers were planted, and he could comfort Xu Chenghao to some extent.

The fifteen-day waiting time would be extraordinarily long at such a time. Xu Chenghao was nervous and uneasy. From time to time, he glanced at Jing Yicheng's mobile phone to see what the peppers looked like.

Until later, Jing Yicheng's mobile phone had become Xu Chenghao's exclusive monitor, and he wanted to hold it in his hand every day. Instead, Jing Yicheng used Xu Chenghao's mobile phone, and even his assistant called Xu Chenghao's mobile phone to find him - anyway, the two were tired of being together.

On this day, the assistant dialed Xu Chenghao's cell phone as usual, waited for the other party to connect, and then tentatively said, "Mr. Xu?"

Jing Yicheng said, "It's me."

The assistant immediately changed his words: "Boss."

"Well, is something wrong?"

Assistant: "I just want to report to you that the police have determined the location of the kidnappers this morning and are going to raid to save people at night... Zhang Yun is here too."

Jing Yicheng hooked his lips: "Since he has come forward to rescue people, it's only a matter of time, don't intervene, just contact the police to keep the evidence, wait until the kidnappers are caught and prosecuted together... In addition, I want to know why they want to Take action against Xu Chenghao."

Assistant Spiritual Society: "When someone is caught, I will definitely ask."

The last few words were a little bit heavy, and Jing Yicheng was very satisfied when he heard it: "Let me know if there is any news."



After hanging up the phone, Jing Yicheng put the phone back on the table, looked up and saw Xu Chenghao staring at him intently, his eyes were slightly fierce because he heard the conversation just now, and there was some unnoticeable grievance.

Xu Chenghao was really against this kidnapping case, whether he was selfish or indifferent, even if he was impersonal, Xu Chenghao still didn't want Jing Yicheng to participate in these things, and didn't want to see him so close to danger.

He was really worried that Jing Yicheng's tragic ending would happen in front of him in front of him. He absolutely couldn't stand this kind of stimulation, so when he watched the surveillance and heard that Jing Yicheng's phone call seemed to be in contact with these things, Xu Chenghao was angry and angry. Aggrieved, he stared at each other with feign anger.

Seeing this, Jing Yicheng immediately raised his hand and surrendered, explaining: "I didn't participate in these things. Just now, the assistant called me to report the situation and wanted to get the next instructions. I really didn't do anything else."

Xu Chenghao looked at him with distrust: "Really?"

"It's absolutely true." Without Xu Chenghao continuing to say anything, Jing Yicheng took the initiative to say: "I promise not to participate in these things, I will always be by your side, I promised you, and I will not forget it."

Xu Chenghao stretched out his hand: "Remember what you just said... Now breaking your promise will cost a lot."

Jing Yicheng stretched out his hand to hold his hand and intertwined his fingers: "I won't break my promise."

The author has something to say: I see that some little angels do not understand, explain: Haohao is not afraid of the kidnapping case, but because of the ending of the villain, and what he wants to change is the ending of the villain's death.