Jing Yicheng always counts his words, and Xu Chenghao can also feel at ease listening to his promise. He glanced at the little yellow duck's Tuzui flowerpot and managed to calm down. After quickly putting himself into work and completing all the tasks in the fastest time, he took Jing Yicheng away from the Xu Group and went home.

The two stayed at home and took a shower and rested after having a sweet dinner. After the person in his arms was completely asleep, Jing Yicheng slowly opened his eyes and pulled away.

At this time, night had already fallen, and the small night light in the room shone a little light, so that Jing Yicheng could barely see his feet and left the bedroom lightly. Quietly waiting for news in the night wind.

Tonight, the starlight is dim, and the dark clouds under the night cover the sky and the moonlight, making the already dark night more and more intense. At this time, only the prosperous Bu Yecheng is full of lively neon lights flashing.


A baby crying suddenly sounded, the dark room was silent for a while and then the lights suddenly turned on. Someone raised a flashlight and looked at the crying child impatiently, frowning: "What happened at night!"

"Who knows." Someone replied, and simply turned on the chandelier in the room. The sudden lighting made everyone narrow their eyes in discomfort, and scolded in a rage: "What's the matter with you? You can't turn on the light. Will you speak?"

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered when you turn on the lights at night?"

The person who turned on the light disgusted and said: "You can be found without turning on the light if you shout again."

"Isn't it because you turned on the light that you were scolded?"

"Didn't I turn on the light to see the children? How can I ask for money if something goes wrong?" The person who turned on the light was level 10: "Besides, we are not in the wilderness, and now the city is full of people who stay up late and turn on the lights. It's so easy to be discovered, how dare you kidnap the ticket, how can you be so cowardly?"


"Okay!" An impatient voice interrupted their quarrel, and everyone suddenly turned their heads to look, and saw the man on the sofa slowly opening his eyes, as if his eyes flashed quickly because of the light A trace of silver light, and the indifference without emotional fluctuations when staring at people made the audience quiet.

He said: "If you want to solve the problem, coax the child and make a fart!"

"This..." Everyone, look at me, I look at you, all of them are rough gentlemen who have never seen a child, and are even more reluctant to say a word.

It took a long time for someone to propose: "Should I wake this woman up? Always crying like this is not the solution."

The man hummed lightly and closed his eyes again.

The person who proposed the order immediately stepped forward, touched An Rouyu's leg with his foot, and shouted, "Wake up! Wake up!"

The eyelashes of the woman lying on the ground trembled, and she slowly opened her eyes and looked at the strange scene in front of her with a blank expression. What's going on? Why is she here?


The child's crying continued. An Rouyu closed her eyes and suddenly sat up abruptly. She didn't dare to blink to look at the source of the sound, her fingers began to tremble, "Child, child..."

Child, is it her child?

An Rouyu could only see the child in her eyes, she ignored the environment around her and couldn't wait to pounce on the crying child, patted and shed tears along with her: "The child...is my child...is mine... "

Although she came out of the sanatorium and lived in the Ruan family, she was prevented from holding the child, and she pleaded hard in exchange for watching from a distance and still refused to let her approach. She hated the Ruan family for occupying the child but was unable to resist. Sometimes it's enough to look at it from a distance, but I didn't expect that God would suddenly give her another chance to hold the child as she wished.

She was sobbing with joy, and she couldn't let go of her tears and patted the child. The baby who was still in the swaddling clothes quickly fell back into sleep, and An Rouyu, who was pursing her cute mouth tightly, couldn't hold back her smile.

"Okay." The person who raised the opinion suddenly said, proudly showing off his intelligence to his brothers.

This voice also made An Rouyu regain her sanity for a moment, and finally realized that the surrounding atmosphere was somewhat unusual. There was still a little pain in her neck, and there was a slight bone sound when she slowly raised her head... With a click, An Rouyu looked at the gun loaded on the other side and took a breath, holding the child back to the corner: "You...you..."

"Shh, don't shout." The man holding the pistol reminded: "We don't want to hurt you, so you'd better be obedient."

An Rouyu bit her lip, she tried to control her fear, but the existence of several burly men in the room could not be ignored. They were covered in blood, and some were wiping their knives and some turning their guns. The only thing that was the same was that they were all staring at her, as if if there was any change, they would all kill her.

No, she wants to calm down, the child is still... She wants to save the child! !

An Rouyu's arms were shaking while holding the child. She pressed against the wall as if she could support herself. After a while, she trembled and said, "Who are you!"

"Huh?" The man who closed his eyes and rested his mind made a faint voice of doubt, and when An Rouyu looked at it, it was just when the other party opened his eyes, and the light gray eyes stared at him calmly and calmly like dead water, and said in a light voice: " Miss An has forgotten a lot, and she actually forgot about us in just a few days."

An Rouyu's eyes widened suddenly, her fingers subconsciously clenched her swaddle horns, and she trembled, "You, you... I don't know you, and I don't understand what you're talking about."

The man said without hesitation: "Ms. An really thinks that we can't see it by being anonymous? You haven't paid the balance of the arson yet."

An Rouyu didn't know if she was relieved or fortunate, and quickly said, "I originally wanted to give it, but as long as you let me and the child leave, I will give it immediately."

"Miss An doesn't know us?" When the man finished speaking, someone couldn't help but let out a mocking laugh.

An Rouyu's face turned from white to red to blue, she gritted her teeth and said, "I just didn't expect it to be you, and I haven't seen you... and what do you mean by that? I've agreed that as long as I teach Xu Chenghao a lesson, I'll give it to you. What do you mean by kidnapping me and the child?"

"Of course it's because Miss An can give too little."

An Rouyu was stunned: "What do you mean?"

The man chuckled, "It means that you have been kidnapped, Miss An. After all, the Ruan Family Group has a great deal of wealth for you and your children, and you should get more than what you gave."

These light-hearted explanations made An Rouyu's face turn pale instantly. She looked at the burly men around her, her whole body became cold as if she had fallen into a cold cave: "You..." She tried to calm herself down, but her lips trembled. But couldn't say a word.

She never imagined that she would capsize in the gutter. Although she had taught Xu Chenghao a lesson, she would have to pay for herself and her children at the same time. Even all of this was her own net, foolishly seeking skin with the tiger, but she did not know that the other party had already targeted Ruan through her. Group's financial resources.

She collapsed a little, but she had nothing to do with the dark muzzle. She fell to the ground and could only cry silently with her child in her arms. She very much hoped that she would not provoke these people if she went back in time.

Regret is like the rising tide of sea water that drowned her little by little, making An Rouyu unable to breathe and her whole body froze in place, she was full of thoughts that she had implicated the child, she put the child in danger, because her stupid child was caught. Kidnapped... it's all her fault... it's all her fault! !

Da da da--

There was a knock on the door of the room, and all the people in the room immediately grabbed their weapons. Some even took a few steps forward and dragged An Rouyu to the door with a gun against his head: "Who?"

"Me, fifth." The voice from the door was not clear, but the joy could still be heard: "The money is in hand, I promised them to put the child in the square, and I saw them all squatting in the square before I came. "

The people in the room were still unwilling to relax, and they used An Rouyu to block the door and slowly opened the door—there was indeed only a big man with a ghostly head at the door, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. He kicked away directly, and at the same time, the red dot aimed at the big man who was kidnapping An Rouyu through the window, and shot without hesitation.

The fire was caught off guard, and the people who rushed in fought close to hand. The red dots outside the shattered window followed like a shadow. An Rouyu could only hold the child screaming and squatting at the door, not daring to move. The room was completely chaotic, but the man sitting on the sofa slowly hooked his lips, dodging all attacks in a ghostly figure, and rolled down from the balcony.

With a loud bang, the man landed on the ground unscathed. When he looked up, his light gray eyes quickly turned silver gray. He glanced at the person in the car, turned and quickly disappeared into the street, so fast that it seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Inside the car, the assistant held the phone for a long time before he regained his senses. He looked at the height of the tenth floor in disbelief, and then looked at the empty street. Forget what happened just now and continue to hold the phone and wait.

The shattered glass upstairs kept falling, and it could be seen that there were still survivors resisting, and it didn't gradually recover until half an hour later. The assistant sat in the car and waited, and finally waited for Zhang Yun to come out... eh? The assistant sat up abruptly, and saw that Zhang Yun was still carrying the unconscious Ruan Chenxuan on his shoulders. He put the other party in the ambulance prepared in advance, and went upstairs again with his red clothes on.

Moments later, An Rouyu and the child, who were in a coma, were also sent downstairs. The ambulance closed the door and turned on the emergency whistle whistling away. It was obvious that someone was seriously injured.

The assistant was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect it to be so intense this time. He dialed the phone and said in a low voice, "Boss."


"Zhang Yun's rescue operation was very successful, but all three members of Ruan Chenxuan's family were admitted to the hospital."


The assistant waited for a while and found that there was no response on the phone, so he couldn't help asking: "Boss, are you listening?"

Jing Yicheng immediately lowered the corners of his raised mouth and hummed calmly: "Remember to prosecute the suspects, and I will know their injuries and the results of the trial tomorrow."


Jing Yicheng: "Especially Ruan Chenxuan's injury."

Assistant: "...Okay."