At dawn, all chaos returns to calm.

Jing Yicheng got up early as usual, squeezed the toothpaste again after washing, turned around and walked to the bedside and started calling for people to get up: "Haohao should get up, I have to go to the company today, Li Nian said that you have two meetings waiting for you. Can't be late."

Xu Chenghao hummed and hid his head in the bed, and turned on the bedtime mode.

Jing Yicheng tugged at the quilt in a funny way, but he couldn't pull it. He skillfully reached into the quilt to find Xu Chenghao's hand and gently pushed it away. The other arm passed through Xu Chenghao's waist and directly picked him up and forced him to get up.

Xu Chenghao reluctantly opened his eyes and struggled: "Wait, wait, let me take a look at the surveillance."

Jing Yicheng is ruthless: "You can look at me first."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He bit the other's chin angrily, washed carefully under the supervision of Jing Yicheng, and didn't get the phone until he finished changing his clothes. In the surveillance screen, the ground was still bare and there were no seedlings. Xu Chenghao sighed every day and his phone was confiscated.

Jing Yicheng touched his frowning brow: "It's getting old to sigh all the time."

Xu Chenghao glanced at him and said unhappily, "Even if my face is wrinkled, you still have to like me, there is no negotiation."

Jing Yicheng deliberately teased him: "Why are you so domineering."

Xu Chenghao said: "I am domineering because I like your wrinkled face, and I like you no matter what."

Jing Yicheng was greeted by the love words in seconds, his teasing expression was instantly gentle, and he said softly, "Well, me too."

Xu Chenghao raised his chin proudly: "Do you still say it?"

"Don't say it."

"Then take the little yellow duck to dinner."

Jing Yicheng cooperated and said, "Good."

The two walked out of the bedroom while joking. In the dining room, the aunt had already prepared breakfast. Seeing them get up, she greeted them with a smile: "Mr. Xu, Mr. Jing, good morning."

"Good morning." Xu Chenghao responded, and Jing Yicheng nodded lightly as a response.

"It's all ready, eat it while it's hot." Auntie left the dining room after a few words and continued to the kitchen to clean up.

Xu Chenghao took a bite of the potato cake, remembered something, found his mobile phone and searched it, and said "Huh" in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

"I didn't see the news." After Xu Chenghao refreshed the news and checked it carefully, he found that there was still no news about the police cracking the case or the Ruan family. He couldn't help tilting his head and looked at Jing Yicheng... Obviously just yesterday he heard Jing Yicheng call and say that he would save people at night, why is there no news today?

Jing Yicheng cut the sausage and fed it to Xu Chenghao's mouth, and said calmly, "Maybe it was pressed down. I'll ask the assistant later... Now put down the phone to eat."

"Oh..." Xu Chenghao could only put down his phone and eat honestly.

Jing Yicheng didn't break his promise. Although the assistant called a little late, he still found Xu Chenghao to open the hands-free sharing message.

The assistant said: "There is news from the hospital that the child has a fever because of the cold, and An Rouyu was frightened and fainted, but it was the rescuer Ruan Chenxuan who was the most seriously injured. He was not only shot but also injured in the head. wake up."

"In terms of interrogation, the suspects confessed to arson and kidnapping, but unexpectedly, An Rouyu was involved with them. It is said that the evidence has been submitted, but because An Rouyu is still awake, there is no interrogation."

Jing Yicheng frowned slightly: "What evidence?"

"Chat records and transfer records." The assistant said, "According to the confession of the criminal suspects, they were habitual criminals who fled everywhere, and they were able to come to this city because they received an order saying that they would teach one person a lesson. ...Yes, the person who wants to teach a lesson is President Xu, but it's just that President Xu always follows people around and they didn't find a chance, so they retreated and chose to set fire to the greenhouse."

"The chat record reads, 'Since he dares to take away what I care about most, I can't hurt him, but I can let him taste the pain of heartache.' Lenovo Xu always seems to pay attention to his peppers, so the other party can buy fierce fire prevention. make sense."

Xu Chenghao pouted unhappily: "Yeah, it just hurts to death."

When Jing Yicheng heard the words, he immediately took the person into his arms and comforted him warmly, "It's okay, I'll help you get revenge."

Xu Chenghao nodded vigorously: "Okay."

Jing Yicheng kissed his cheek, turned his head to the phone and said coldly, "Continue."

Feeling the difference in tone, the assistant couldn't help coughing lightly, "If it was really An Rouyu who did it, then the rest of the matter is purely her own cocoon, and her identity was accidentally found out when she was sending money to the other party. When the gang found out that he was the mother of the Ruan family's little Jinsun, seeing Qian opened her eyes, she stood guard for three days while Ruan Chenxuan was not there to kidnap the child and An Rouyu, so they threatened to blackmail him."

The continuity of the matter was finally revealed, Jing Yicheng was furious when he heard it, and sneered: "An Rouyu is really good! Report, tell me one by one, if Ruan Chenxuan dares to save An Rouyu, he will even get him! "

Assistant: "Yes."

Jing Yicheng said, "An Rouyu wakes up and informs me that I want to meet her in person."

Assistant: "Okay."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Chenghao nervously grabbed Jing Yicheng's wrist and frowned, "Why are you going to see An Rouyu, don't get your hands dirty because of her."

Jing Yicheng's anger was instantly defeated by Xu Chenghao's hands, he touched his cheek and said with a smile, "It's rare to hear you say such a thing."

Xu Chenghao slammed the pot: "Those who are close to the ink are black."

Jing Yicheng's smile grew stronger and he said softly, "It's okay, I like it when it's dark."

Xu Chenghao rolled his eyes at him: "I'm serious, don't get your hands dirty because of An Rouyu."

"Okay." Jing Yicheng agreed gently, but there was a flash of cold light in his eyes, and sometimes living may not be the best outcome.


In the afternoon, An Rouyu woke up from the coma.

She stared blankly at the policeman on one side. Facing the arson case and other matters asked by the other party, her heart almost jumped out of her throat, except for shaking her head.

She knew that she couldn't admit it. If she confessed, she would be convicted and locked up. It would be an extravagant hope to see the child from a distance in the future, so she absolutely couldn't admit it. She insisted that she didn't know these things and shied away She has a good relationship with Xu Chenghao and would not do such a thing. She also said that she would transfer money because she was threatened. I didn't expect that the other party was even more greedy after receiving the money and still kidnapped her.

In short, she has many excuses, even if her eyes are dodging and her face is pale, she still refuses to admit it.

In view of the poor health of the other party, the police can only temporarily suspend the interrogation and exit the ward.

An Rouyu was quiet for a moment, then quietly sat up and saw through the glass on the door that the police hadn't gone far, and seemed to be watching over her outside.

An Rouyu's heart suddenly tightened. She could probably guess that someone must have confessed her part, but she would never admit it. As long as Xu Chenghao didn't seek to excuse herself, she would still have a chance to escape. until the child can—

With a click, the door was suddenly opened again.

An Rouyu thought it was the police who came to interrogate her again, so she hurriedly lied down and pretended to be asleep, but she didn't expect to hear someone say, "Splash her awake."

This voice... An Rouyu suddenly opened her eyes and said in horror, "Jing, Jing Yicheng, why are you here? What are you doing here?"

Jing Yicheng stood by the bed and looked at her condescendingly, with the murderous intent in his eyes at a glance: "I heard that Miss An was injured and admitted to the hospital, I came to visit Miss An on purpose, I hope that Miss An will never recover, it's better to be stupid enough to take care of herself. Just go in."

"Are you mocking me?"

"Could it be that I'm still praising you? I'm praising you for hiring someone to hurt Xu Chenghao, but revenge won't make you set on fire?" Can you hold on, miss!"

An Rouyu's face was instantly pale because of her suffocation. She casually grabbed the big hand around her neck to save herself, but no matter what, she couldn't match the strength of the opponent's hand. For a moment, she thought she was going to die, and she felt fear and despair in her heart and even hoped that the police would come in and save her... She was out of breath... Help...

The big hand that was grabbing her neck suddenly loosened. An Rouyu was like a fish being sent back into the water from the shore. She finally got a moment to catch her breath and lay on the bed, breathing rapidly. The originally livid complexion slowly recovered, but her eyes But he became more and more frightened, looking at Jing Yicheng and his teeth were almost trembling: "You, what are you thinking, doing..."

She knew that this man really wanted to kill her, but the sudden withdrawal of his hand would not make her feel lucky but more and more afraid, fearing that the unknown treatment would be even more terrifying.

Jing Yicheng looked at her unhurriedly: "I heard that you sent a message to the criminals saying that you want to hurt Xu Chenghao's most important thing, which makes his heart hurt?"

An Rouyu's heart suddenly tightened, and even her heavy breathing slowed down a bit, and she said nervously, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I don't want to hear your defense." Jing Yicheng said coldly, "As long as you know that you can't keep what you care about most, you'd better be obedient and don't try to resist, otherwise... I will also let you taste the Legend Center. Pain."

An Rouyu immediately stood up because she was too anxious, and before she opened her mouth, a violent cough broke out and said hoarsely, "What do you want to do!"

Jing Yicheng: "I'll give you two choices, one is to confess your guilt honestly and maybe you can meet a child in the future; two, if you don't choose the first option, I will return your thoughts about Xu Chenghao to you as it is. I believe you know best about what you care about."

Jing Yicheng leaned over slightly to look at her, and said in a light voice: "You said, is it better for the children to not remember that your mother is happy and living, or is it better to stop at your hands?"

For An Rouyu, who regarded her child as her life and wished to tie the child to her body forever, either of these two choices seemed to be killing her, gouging out her flesh and bones with a knife. She stared at Jing Yicheng with hatred, the rational string in her mind was broken and she wished to die with the other party.

But she knows it's impossible, she can't beat the other party and may cause trouble for the child... She will implicate the child...

Tears started rolling in her eyes, she gritted her teeth and said in a hoarse voice, "I, admit it!"

Jing Yicheng sneered: "Are you very wronged? If you don't buy the murderer and set fire to return to this kind of field, will it hurt the children?"

"I said I admit it, I admit it, I admit it!" An Rouyu cried frantically as if she lost her mind, but the next second, Jing Yicheng grabbed her throat again and slammed onto the bed.

Jing Yicheng didn't seem to have any thoughts of pity on Xiangxiyu, staring at the struggling person and said fiercely: "Listen, this is the retribution you deserve, don't put on a face that others owe you! If you are still awake, I will I don't mind helping you out!"