An Rouyu suddenly lost her oxygen, and her eyes went black. She was struggling like a fish that was caught ashore and couldn't breathe.

Jing Yicheng really didn't like An Rouyu. Ever since he got out of his childhood memories and lost the filter, Jing Yicheng especially didn't like this woman who was cheap and good-looking, even though he was sorry for Xu Chenghao, but was able to hold grudges with a big face.

Jing Yicheng seems to be biased. No matter how bad or bad he likes, he can be spoiled by heaven. If he doesn't like it, he gets bored. This kind of double-standard mentality is most obvious in the comparison between Xu Chenghao and An Rouyu. Every time he sees An Rouyu. Rou Yu looked like I was weak and I was reasonable, and he wanted to deal with people on the spot.

But Haohao was right, there was no need to get his hands dirty for An Rouyu. Rather than deal with the other party neatly, Jing Yicheng wanted to see the other party in pain and despair but had to endure it for the sake of the child.

He released his hand and slowly wiped his fingers with a handkerchief: "I hope you stay in prison and reflect on your faults, know the consequences."

The handkerchief was thrown on the ground, and Jing Yicheng stepped on it and turned to leave. The assistant who had been standing silently at the door immediately stepped forward to open the door and left.

An Rouyu was alone in the ward lying on the bed. She stared at the pure white ceiling with empty eyes, tears streaming down the corners of her eyes, and the sheets were instantly wet. Regret, despair, helplessness, and numbness, she seemed to have fallen into a swamp of negative emotions, and her whole body was full of dying depression.

Yet she cannot die.

She knew that she might be dead, but what about her children? What if the ruthless Jing Yicheng tries to repay the mother's debt? An Rouyu curled up on the hospital bed, gritted her teeth and cried silently, all she could do was call the police in and say she pleaded guilty.

She can only plead guilty!


An Rouyu pleaded guilty and was imprisoned. Due to the serious circumstances of the intentional arson case and the suspected **** case, she was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years in accordance with Article 115 of the Criminal Law. The suspect who set fire to the crime is suspected of kidnapping and extortion, and the criminal law is only high or low, and it can be regarded as a well-deserved crime.

However, Jing Yicheng did not stop. He was determined to kill the chicken and warn the monkeys. Not only did he use thunder to suppress the An family's dying, but he also confronted the Ruan family, grabbing connections, resources, and partnerships. In less than a week, Han Haofeng, who was the temporary president, was forced to retreat. The Ruan family paid for it.

In the end, it was because Mr. Ruan contacted Grandpa Xu, Grandpa Xu contacted Dad Xu, and Dad Xu called and told Xu Chenghao. After a lot of retrospect, Jing Yicheng finally stopped and returned to the business district. A safe.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Jing Yicheng is throwing money to avenge Xu Chenghao, but is it important? It's not important, it's not a day or two in the business world. People who have money are willful and want to vent their anger on their lovers. In addition to being envious of their wealth, what else can they say.

Moreover, compared to these, everyone is more concerned about the situation of the other two, and waits for the collapse of the two with bad intentions, so they can rush to **** blood and skin for a little profit. Especially the Ruan family, who used to be able to go hand in hand with the Xu Group, everyone is very much looking forward to the Ruan family falling to the altar, so that they can take the opportunity to divide it up.

The decline of the An family is inevitable, and it is also expected by everyone to be suppressed and scraped in the circle of the weak. The only surprising thing is that the Ruan family is too hard to chew. Although the Ruan family is just as good as Jing Yicheng, the skinny camel is more than Ma Da and the Ruan family is really not afraid of these small groups. In the end, Ruan Chenxuan woke up in the hospital, beat all the crooked people back, and instantly regained his footing.

Everyone was embarrassed, but they refused to let go of the rare decadent period of the Ruan family. They could only fight a tug-of-war with the Ruan family, instantly turning the quiet business district into chaos.

No one dared to move the big golden signboard of the Xu Group, and it has always been disdainful of dividing up other people's belongings. Just when everyone was fighting for your life and death, they took advantage of the situation to rise up, completely securing the position of the No. 1 giant in the business circle, and no one could shake it.

After Xu's group took advantage of the east wind to gain a firm foothold, Xu Chenghao was finally able to relax and let his subordinates do all the work.

Because the monitoring was on Jing Yicheng's mobile phone, Xu Chenghao, who was free, ran around behind Jing Yicheng's ass, sometimes going home and sometimes going to the research institute. Anyway, he is not boring, he can watch most of the time every day while holding his mobile phone.

In the surveillance screen, large green pepper seedlings had already grown on the bare ground before, and the 90% result rate did not live up to its ability. Large tracts of white flowers were clustered together, and it was reminiscent of the sight. What a bountiful harvest of late peppers.

And... it has been fourteen days since the pepper seeds were planted, and the peppers can be harvested tomorrow afternoon! !

As long as he thinks about Xu Chenghao, he is excited, looking forward and nervous in his heart. He threw himself on the back of Jing Yicheng who was working and expressed his excitement: "Brother Cheng~"


"The first batch of peppers will be harvested tomorrow!"


"Aren't you happy?"

Jing Yicheng said blankly, "I'm happy."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

It's strange to be happy. But it doesn't matter, he is happy! Xu Chenghao's good mood was still unbroken, and he nestled on Jing Yicheng's back and acted like a spoiled child.

At first, Jing Yicheng was able to straighten his back and let him mess around, but after being swept by the hair for three minutes, he finally couldn't help the itch on his neck. Suddenly, he didn't turn his left hand behind his back and clasped Xu Chenghao's waist with one hand to pick him up. He came to the front and took two bites: "Don't bother me."

Xu Chenghao was at peace, sat obediently on Jing Yicheng's lap and stared at each other to handle affairs.

Due to his personality, Jing Yicheng handles things with a single-handed shot, which is completely different from Xu Chenghao's steady and calm approach. Moreover, Jing Yicheng's handwriting is heavy, and the lines between the lines are full of decisive momentum, and he is domineering in his bones.

Xu Chenghao picked up the pen and secretly wrote a few words and looked at them together... Well, it's quite normal, and it's more than a little or two points worse than Jing Yicheng's momentum.

Sure enough, people are more popular than dead people. Xu Chenghao sighed, silently crumpling the paper into a ball and throwing it into the trash can, Xu Chenghao pretended that he didn't do anything.

Jing Yicheng took time to pat his head: "Are you bored?"

"No." Xu Chenghao has absolutely no duplicity. His eyes are full of chili flowers on the surveillance camera. As long as he gives him his mobile phone, he will never be bored.

Jing Yicheng was a little helpless and inexplicably jealous. He still hoped that Xu Chenghao would put his eyes and attention on himself... But there was only half a month left, so he could bear it.

Jing Yicheng pursed his lips restrainedly, and pretended to be casual while signing, "Ruan Chenxuan is awake."

"Didn't you wake up a long time ago?" Xu Chenghao held his phone indifferently.

"I mean clear head."

Xu Chenghao paused and said in surprise, "Restored memory?"

Jing Yicheng hesitated for a moment: "That's right."

Xu Chenghao: "What does it mean?"

Jing Yicheng explained: "It means that he has indeed recovered his memory, but his way of doing things still hasn't changed back to before. I heard that when he went to visit An Rouyu, he personally told An Rouyu that he wanted to erase her existence. Let the children know about her."

"Wow..." Xu Chenghao exclaimed, "Are they going to fall in love and kill each other?"

Jing Yicheng pondered: "I think what he meant by saying this was that he wanted to give up together with the memories he remembered, so that he wouldn't have to be burdened in the future and just live with his children."

"Give up?" Xu Chenghao was puzzled again, always feeling that he wouldn't have a chance to get back together at this point.

He couldn't help poking at the system, repeating his question, hoping to get an answer. However, ten minutes later, he and Jing Yicheng both began to change the subject and the system did not respond.

Xu Chenghao felt strange and couldn't help but let out a series of shouts: System? System are you there? System, I know you are coming out, system! system system——


Familiar with the sound of the system, but did not speak, it seemed that he was just annoyed and dinged to indicate his existence.

Xu Chenghao probed: What's your situation in the system? Answer my question if you don't die.

[Ding - System No. 2333 advises the host to take care of himself first, work hard to complete the Big Bet 9.0 series and strive to survive, and don't care about other things. 】

Xu Chenghao was silent for a while: You can't even make up excuses now.

[Ding - No. 2333 is just too lazy to speak. 】

Xu Chenghao: Oh, you don't even want to perfunctory me now, right?

Having been coquettish with Jing Yicheng for a long time, Xu Chenghao is very skilled in questioning, just like questioning a boyfriend who is not returning home, making the system silent for a while before responding.

[Ding - System No. 2333 reminds you, please respect your own host. 】

Xu Chenghao: ? ? ?

Why doesn't he take care of himself! He was clearly questioning him very seriously! The system is just unwilling to answer, deliberately making excuses to divert attention! !

Xu Chenghao rolled his eyes angrily: Then I'm self-respecting, but you should explain what's going on.

The system was silent for a longer time, just when Xu Chenghao thought that the other party was too lazy to perfunctory him, a sound suddenly sounded in his mind [hee hee]

Xu Chenghao: ? ? ?

There is no familiar reminder sound ding ding ding, there is no familiar business tone, a hee hee? Why doesn't this hee hee sound like a good thing? ?

In just a few seconds, countless guesses flashed in Xu Chenghao's mind, and he finally rushed to the most terrifying and direct idea-his system was blackened and he was trapped!

So is this gamble more risky? Is it good intentions for the other party to give him the seed of the 90-result rate? Is it really a ninety result rate? That doesn't mean that the other party wants his soul to nourish the yin and strong... No, who knows what the system wants the soul to do, but Xu Chenghao felt that he was definitely being tricked!

Originally looking forward to tomorrow's good start, Xu Chenghao was suddenly embarrassed by the system's hee hee. He felt that he couldn't sit still. He had to work hard to complete the task of growing peppers. It's better to pick up peppers tomorrow at a variety of points... I just don't know if they will give them a place.

Xu Chenghao, who has been short of fields since planting chili peppers, frowned. He couldn’t find too many safe and concentrated fields. What kind of greenhouses were prepared before, should they still be burned or burnt, if he wastes it again With so many seeds, the game is over.

Xu Chenghao's mood that had been relaxed for a long time became tense again, and all these good things were going over and over in his mind, and even the rare symptoms of being unable to sleep in the middle of the night and insomnia appeared.

He was lying on the bed for fear of disturbing Jing Yicheng. He held the quilt silently and didn't dare to move his body the whole time. He thought about this **** in the system for a while, and then he was afraid that the result would be bad if he made a false statement. I will worry about what to do if the gamble fails, and I will worry about whether Jing Yicheng will explode in place if he goes first.

——Well, Jing Yicheng found out that he didn't sleep in the middle of the night and it really exploded, and then Xu Chenghao was completely exhausted by the "domestic violence" on the spot, and he slept until noon.