When Jing Yicheng got up, he also said that he professionally treats insomnia, and that he can find him in the future and don't hold it by himself.

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Xu Chenghao rubbed his waist, expressing that he did not want to talk to him.

After the two of them had breakfast, Xu Chenghao, who was usually at leisure, accompanies Jing Yicheng to work in the research institute, but today is different. Today is the day to harvest peppers!

For Xu Chenghao, this day is definitely very important. After all, what has been hanging for half a month and fifteen days has finally come to an end. He is so impatient that he just wants to see the peppers! He feels that no one is as important as chili today!

Therefore, Xu Chenghao refused Jing Yicheng's invitation to go out, and very happily proposed to go to the pepper base.

Jing Yicheng was stunned for a few seconds, trying to analyze rationally: "It's only nine forty-seven in the morning, and your chili results are at four in the afternoon. It's useless for you to go so early, why don't you stay with me and see me more? , I'll accompany you to harvest peppers in the afternoon."

Xu Chenghao refused to reason: "I don't, I'm going to see Chili Pepper."

Jing Yicheng looked at him silently, with grievances in his black eyes: "Aren't you going to have lunch with me?"

Xu Chenghao asked back, "Will you ignore me if I don't have lunch?"

"...No." Jing Yicheng had already guessed what he was going to say.

Sure enough, Xu Chenghao said gently: "Then I'll wait for you to deliver lunch in the pepper base, and we can still eat together."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

In the end, Jing Yicheng was defeated and could only temporarily part ways with Xu Chenghao to go to the research institute. Along the way, he recalled how much work he had with a sullen face, and he had to finish it as soon as possible to accompany Haohao.

On the other side, Xu Chenghao also drove to the pepper base, and sat in the monitoring room silently watching the peppers in all the greenhouses.

All the pepper bases are automatically adjusted by the central management system, and there are very few places that require manpower. The only two positions are gatekeepers and electricians, but it is absolutely impossible for them to appear in the place where peppers are grown. So Xu Chenghao stared at it for a long time and found out that the surveillance screen was like a still picture, and there was no change at all.

There is really no change in the literal sense, after all, there is no wind in the greenhouse.

Xu Chenghao leaned back on the chair, staring at the display screen, but he had already started poking at the system: the system.

The system ignored him.

Xu Chenghao made persistent efforts: System, is the seed you gave me 90% true?

The system still ignored him.

Xu Chenghao continued to complain: Have you been hacked? It seems that you have changed since I was with Jing Yicheng, and you are no longer the serious and solemn official.


As Xu Chenghao was talking, he suddenly realized: Is it because my three plot lines didn't go well, that's why your system is disordered and you are gradually perverted?

[Ding - Strictly speaking, the host has completed the second one, the chrysanthemum hurts the plot. 】

Xu Chenghao thought about the content of "domestic violence" last night, and couldn't help coughing: Then why is there a big gamble?

[Ding——What you want to change is the ending, it has nothing to do with the completed plot, doesn't it? Besides, you chose the third story, which hurts so much. The other two are automatically rejected and not included in the system assessment, so I can't give you any feedback. 】

Xu Chenghao:  …

It makes sense, and it is completely irrefutable.

Xu Chenghao was silent for a while, then suddenly asked: Do you want me to win or lose?

The system was silent for a while, and then there was another [hee hee]

Xu Chenghao:  …

I don't know why, but the two words hee hee seemed particularly provocative and mocking at this moment, and also had a bit of a cheap meaning, and the hatred value was full, making Xu Chenghao want to find out the system and smother him with hee hee.

That means I don't want him to win.

When Xu Chenghao thought about it, the tension in his heart began to increase greatly. In order not to make himself anxious and uncomfortable, Xu Chenghao could only turn his attention to the monitoring screen again, count the number of little white flowers seriously, and then... Xu Chenghao counted Dazzled and fell asleep directly in the chair.


When Jing Yicheng arrived with his lunch, he was angry and funny when he saw the other person sleeping in a ball. He originally wanted to carry someone to the lounge, but as soon as he picked up Xu Chenghao, he opened his eyes quickly and held his chest quite defensively. .

Looking at each other for a moment, Xu Chenghao breathed a sigh of relief and buried his face in his chest: "You startled me."

Jing Yicheng patted his back soothingly: "Did you sleep well?"

"Well, it should be because of the uncomfortable posture." Xu Chenghao buffered for a moment, and finally regained his energy: "You came very early."

"It's not that I'm afraid you're hungry." Jing Yicheng looked at this little conscience and wanted to beat his ass: "Go to the restroom when you're sleepy in the future, don't sleep like this."

Xu Chenghao casually hummed twice, opened the lunch box one by one, looked at the two pairs of chopsticks inside, and knew that Jing Yicheng didn't eat, and shouted, "It's time to eat."

Jing Yicheng pinched his earlobe: "You perfunctory me again, I will twist my ears next time if I don't obey."

Xu Chenghao was not afraid of this threat at all, and changed the subject very skillfully: "Are you leaving in the afternoon?"

Jing Yicheng took a seat beside him: "I will accompany you, and you will have a stiff neck again."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He didn't fall asleep on purpose, this position is still uncomfortable for him!

Xu Cheng was unhappy and snatched his chicken wings, and after a few bites, he said, "Why don't you go and see the research base for me, if there is a traffic jam on the road, I can't catch it in time."

Jing Yicheng pondered the distance, and it was indeed not close, so he nodded and said, "Okay, it's time to eat earlier now."

Xu Chenghao nodded silently.

The two chatted while eating, and after the meal, Xiao Shi went around the greenhouse. After two o'clock, Xu Chenghao became anxious, urging Jing Yicheng to go to the research base and try to deliver all the peppers he harvested.

Jing Yicheng could only leave. After waiting for no one around to distract him, Xu Chenghao was fidgeting in the monitoring room. He wandered back and forth for an unknown amount of time, and finally waited for the long-lost alarm clock to be formed-this time he set it at the time of planting. Yes, as long as the bell rings, it's time for the harvest!

Xu Chenghao raised his head suddenly and looked at the surveillance screen for a moment.

I saw that on the countless green and tender pepper seedlings in the greenhouse, the small white flowers that were open and beautiful were gradually replaced by red peppers, and in less than three seconds, it was a booming scene. The central management system whose time has been adjusted is automatically turned on, indirectly triggering all machinery in the greenhouse to enter the harvesting state.

Seeing this, Xu Chenghao went directly into the warehouse, waiting for all the peppers to be delivered here.

Because the number is much larger than before, it took ten minutes for the transport eloquence to be heard, and the bags were delivered one by one. The robots leaning against the wall instantly turned on their eyes and entered a busy working state.

Xu Chenghao held up his mobile phone and temporarily recorded the numbers they broadcast in a memo.

"The work is complete, 28530 on the left, 39731 on the right, the report is complete."

"The work is completed, 9088 on the left, 22103 on the right, the report is complete."

"The work is done..."

Xu Chenghao tried his best to keep up with their speed, wrote down all the numbers, and waited until the transport belt finally stopped transporting and the robot had finished all the classifications. battle.

Xu Chenghao glanced at the long data on the memo, silently clicked on save and backed up his own hand swipe, then went back to the monitoring room and turned out the computer to add, subtract, subtract, and get 7.62 million peppers...

Xu Chenghao frowned, feeling that the current situation is not very optimistic. Forty million peppers only have two chances due to the cycle, and at least 20 million are required for the pass line. Originally thought that the average of 10 million peppers in each of the two bases would have a chance, but now the pepper base suddenly fell off the chain, I don't know how the research base is...

On the other hand, because the planting time of the research base was a little behind, when Xu Chenghao's side was over, Jing Yicheng's side was just busy. The consequence of sowing a large area is that the harvest is onerous. Fortunately, Jing Yicheng was well prepared, and the robots went into battle with the fastest speed to harvest all the peppers and put them in the truck... Yes, the quantity is too large and the truck must be used to transport the goods!

Worried that Xu Chenghao was in a hurry, Jing Yicheng called Xu Chenghao on the road to explain the situation here, and said that he would be there soon.

Xu Chenghao said quickly: "I'm not in a hurry, drive to be safe and don't make phone calls."

Jing Yicheng: "If you have a driver, don't worry."

Xu Chenghao was relieved at this time, and he said his own affairs again, and said with a frown: "I just count on the peppers you sent. If the number is not enough, you may need to brush your face to continue to expand the territory."

Jing Yicheng comforted: "It doesn't matter, if you want more land, let me know."

Xu Chenghao was not polite and agreed directly. After the two gathered and counted all the chili peppers, Xu Chenghao found that he had a headache and almost realized that the total number of chili peppers brought by Jing Yicheng was 11 million chili peppers, and the 7 million chili peppers were only 18. A million, but the pass line is 20 million, which is a full two million peppers.

Looking at the final data, Xu Chenghao felt that his scalp was going to explode, and he felt that he had to spend money for chili peppers! Buy land! Buy land like crazy! !

According to this set of data, the total difference between the two pepper bases is 4 million peppers, and even if it is 50,000 per mu of land, it will take a lot of land!

Xu Chenghao started to expand along the land of the research base at his own expense, buying as much as he could, and renting for half a month if he didn't sell it. immediately! Add money!

Jing Yicheng also contacted the research base and rented all the spare places. After fighting all over the place, he finally got together a hundred acres of fields and sprinkled pepper seeds. Then tragedy struck - not enough chili seeds.

Xu Chenghao, who had just solved the problem in the field, felt suffocated for a while. After thinking about it, he still didn't give up and woke up the system. He said confidently: I don't have enough seeds, so I want to redistribute the seeds.


Xu Chenghao said: Although we are on the opposite side and make big bets, you shouldn't have the tradition of not providing support and secretly getting into trouble, right?


The author has something to say: System: Guess whether I am such a system.