The time seemed extraordinarily long at this moment, and Xu Chenghao began to feel uneasy as he waited, not sure how the system would react. I'm afraid that the system will follow his words cheeky and really don't give him pepper seeds, then his big gamble will be over!


A familiar sound suddenly sounded in his mind. Xu Chenghao suddenly raised his attention and listened carefully. He didn't know if it was his illusion. Someone seemed to sigh in his mind, and then the system's mechanical sound board broadcast: [Congratulations to the host for feedback If successful, you will get a pack of high-grade pepper species with a 90% result rate, please pay attention to the host. 】

Xu Chenghao was stunned for a second at first, then he subconsciously touched his pocket and took out a bag of chili seeds. He was both surprised and delighted. He continued: "Thank you system, I knew that you are kind, lovely, innocent, upright, and elegant." ,Love you! !


[Ding - No. 2333 reminds you, please respect your own host. 】

Xu Chenghao still cares about this, and has long since hurriedly planted the pepper seeds. After all, time waits for no one, and Xu Chenghao's time waits even less for no one.

He put the newly received pepper seeds into the machine one by one, and after watching them run all over the field to sow all the pepper seeds, he began to discuss with Jing Yicheng the big issue of potential safety hazards.

Since the pepper shed was burned down last time, Xu Chenghao has attached great importance to this issue. He felt that the inside of the two bases was okay, but the newly divided area was definitely not covered.

After Jing Yicheng observed it, he shook his head to indicate that the time was too short, and even if he painted a scoop, he would not be able to achieve the level of protection of the two bases. The two discussed and discussed, and finally decided to rely mostly on temporary protective tools, and the vacancies were filled manually.

As for where to choose someone who is trustworthy and suitable... Jing Yicheng silently set his sights on his bodyguard group, and said with satisfaction: Isn't this ready-made!

Bodyguards: "..."

Jing Yicheng said that as long as someone is willing to look at the fields for half a month, he will pay the other party ten times the overtime pay, and give the other party a two-month vacation after the end of the work.

Money is not the key. When the bodyguards heard that the rest of the holidays were all green-eyed, they raised their hands to sign up, patted their chests and said that they would take good care of these fields and the pepper seedlings inside! In this way, the manual problem is successfully solved.

After the security risks are resolved, everything is done. Xu Chenghao was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, collapsed into the car and didn't want to move a finger.

At this moment, the sky is dark, and the last ray of sunset has not yet been put away, but the crescent moon has already risen to the sky to show its existence. The street lights on both sides of the street were lit together, and the colorful neon signs flashed on the windows and were slightly dazzling.

Xu Chenghao, who was leaning against the car window, frowned slightly, turned his head and leaned against Jing Yicheng's arms, trying to sleep.

"Don't go to sleep yet." Jing Yicheng groped in the dim car, trying to dig someone out of his arms: "I'll be home soon, I'll go to sleep after I have something to eat."

Xu Chenghao tried to refuse: "I'm not hungry."

However, this kind of lie was useless in front of Jing Yicheng. He lifted Xu Chenghao up and said solemnly: "How can you not be hungry if you haven't eaten all afternoon, you have to eat two bowls of rice later."

Xu Chenghao was aggrieved: "I'm tired."

Jing Yicheng rubbed his head: "I'll hold you up later."

Xu Chenghao thought about the picture and immediately refused: "Forget it, it's not good to show off too much."

Jing Yicheng laughed and continued: "Then are you still sleepy? If you are still sleepy, I can help you wake up."

Xu Chenghao: "???"

Why does this sound so unpleasant?

Jing Yicheng: "Huh? Why don't you speak?"

The slightly hot breath began to approach, Xu Chenghao sat up straight, and said with a dry smile: "Okay, I'm sober, and I won't make trouble."

Jing Yicheng seemed to be laughing, and after a brief breath, he returned to silence again. Xu Chenghao blinked, and when he reached out his hand to turn on the reading light in the car, his fingers were entangled and pressed against the seat. Before Xu Chenghao could react, the person who had been waiting for a long time rushed over to kiss him and let out a slight suck. Voice.

Xu Chenghao didn't even know how he kissed him in the dark, he couldn't help but want to laugh while kissing, which abruptly destroyed the ambiguity that had just risen, making Jing Yicheng feel helpless, he pressed his forehead and asked, "I Kissing skills so bad?"

Xu Chenghao couldn't smile: "What do you think?"

Jing Yicheng said, "If you think my kissing skills are poor, I will ask you to practice more from now on. If you think my kissing skills are good, tell me why you want to laugh."

Xu Chenghao smiled and said: "Okay, your kissing skills are the best, I want to laugh because it's too dark to see you clearly."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

It's a bit strange to laugh, but Xu Chenghao is indeed a lot awake after such a commotion, and he promises to go back to sleep after eating obediently.

Just as the car stopped suddenly, Xu Chenghao looked outside and found that they had reached the downstairs of the community, and immediately pushed Jing Yicheng out of the car to breathe fresh air. Jing Yicheng also got off the car and held him to enter the building.

The moment the elevator came, everyone inside and outside was stunned.

Jing Yicheng's original good mood was instantly punctured, he dragged Xu Chenghao behind him, and said coldly, "Long time no see, Mr. Ruan."

Standing in the elevator was Ruan Chenxuan, who had just been discharged from the hospital. He was wearing a cap and his eyes were hidden in the shadows. He could not see any emotions. , he is still the president of the Ruan family of which all-powerful shopping mall.

He hooked his lips politely, but his voice was calm: "Long time no see, Mr. Jing... Mr. Xu."

The last two words were slightly softer, and when they were spoken, they seemed to murmur lingeringly. Jing Yicheng immediately raised his brows and directly stood in front of Xu Chenghao: "Why did Mr. Ruan come here at night?"

"Because I have my property here."

"Oh? Could it be that President Ruan has to move back in?"

"No, I'm here to pack up and sell it." Ruan Chenxuan's answer, even Jing Yicheng didn't think of it, he said, "After all, this house has lost its function, and it's meaningless to keep it... deal with it together."

Xu Chenghao tilted his head slightly and glanced at Jing Yicheng through his shoulder, but unfortunately all Ruan Chenxuan's emotions were hidden under the brim of his hat, and it was impossible to see what he meant by saying these words.

However, it doesn't matter if you can't see it. Xu Chenghao would rather believe that he really let go of all his feelings, got rid of his past things and emotions and started a new life. This might be the best ending for him.

Ruan Chenxuan looked over with a sense of awareness, but before he could see clearly, he was blocked by Jing Yicheng vigilantly, so he could only lower his head and say goodbye in a low voice.

"Wait." Jing Yicheng stopped him and said coldly, "If you really want to sell for cash, I will ask the assistant to discuss with you about the transfer."

Ruan Chenxuan: "Does Mr. Jing want to buy it?"

"Yeah." Jing Yi sincerely pointed out: "There are too many people who are digging the wall, so it is necessary to protect the lover strictly."

After Ruan Chenxuan turned around, he said in a calm voice, "Then I'll wait for the news of President Jing." After speaking, he walked away without looking back.

Xu Chenghao looked at his back, and before he could express his emotion, Jing Yicheng held his chin and kissed him.

Jing Yicheng said fiercely: "Everyone is gone and still looking, what to look at? Does he look better than me?"

Xu Chenghao pretended to ponder: "This..."

"???" Jing Yicheng looked incredulous: "You still think about it? Shouldn't you give me a positive answer at this time?"

Xu Chenghao teased him deliberately: "That's good, you look good... Is this a sure answer?"

Jing Yicheng: "..."

He couldn't help grinding his teeth, and threatened the person against the corner: "Say it again!"

Xu Chenghao was cowardly for a moment, wrapped his arms around Jing Yicheng's neck and said, "You are the best-looking when you look good, and you are the best-looking in my heart."

"Who looks good between me and Ruan Chenxuan!"


"who I am!"

"Jing Yicheng! Jing Yicheng is the best looking!"

Under Xu Chenghao's rainbow fart, Jing Yicheng's anger finally subsided, he took his hand and said solemnly: "Don't say Ruan Chenxuan in front of me, even if it's a joke, I hate him very, very much."

Xu Chenghao is familiar with the natural gas field of the male protagonist and the villain. At this moment, it is natural to nod and agree. After coaxing the other party, he explained: "I just saw him and felt that he had changed a lot, and I felt that he had let go of the past. Ready to start a new life."

Jing Yicheng said coldly, "If he can let go of the past, I can't let it go. I will always remember when I wasn't digging a wall!"

Xu Chenghao burst out laughing: "Okay, okay, go home for dinner first."

Jing Yicheng followed him into the elevator and said, "You also have to remember that you should not interact with him in the future."

"it is good."

"Even if he does let go, he should have less contact."

"it is good"

The elevator closed with Xu Chenghao's smiling reply. The hall was quiet again, and after a while, a figure wearing a hat appeared, standing there for a long time before leaving quietly.


On the second day, Jing Yicheng's assistant came to the door as promised. After the first peaceful discussion with Ruan Chenxuan, he bought the house at a suitable price, and handed over the property certificate to Jing Yicheng after the transfer. From then on, Xu Chenghao was surrounded by Jing Yicheng's property up and down, and the enclosure was tight.

Li Nian almost laughed when he heard the news: "I don't understand the world of you rich people."

Xu Chenghao rolled his eyes: "You called me back to the company to gossip?"

"You can't hang out with Jing Yicheng all the time, it's too boring." Li Nian said and began to test: "How is your relationship now?"

"very good."

"Oh... well, you're not planning to get married yet?"

Xu Chenghao paused, this time he didn't wonder why Li Nian was so interested in the topic of marriage, but remembered his big gamble with the system... If you lose the marriage, it is useless, it should be a tragedy or a tragedy; but if the gamble succeeds, Both Jing Yicheng and his ending have been rewritten, so getting married and living a stable life is not a bad idea.

Thinking about it, Xu Chenghao pursed his lips and said, "If I succeed at the end of the month, this matter can be put on the agenda."

The author has something to say: Li Nian: The surprise came so suddenly!