Li Nian opened his mouth and suddenly reacted: "What did you just say?"

Xu Chenghao said strangely: "I said that if things are over at the end of the month, the marriage can be put on the agenda, what's wrong?"

"That means you're willing to get married within six months?"

"Yes, but it depends on whether Jing Yicheng has a plan for this matter, otherwise even if he is willing..."

"Ah ah ah ah!!" Li Nian jumped up from the chair and said excitedly: "I succeeded by me! My sea view room! My 1.3 billion! Ah, ah, I'm going to develop!!"

Xu Chenghao: "???"

What sea view room? What 1.3 billion? What the **** is this?

Li Nian excitedly jumped around in the office for five or six minutes before regaining his calm. Li Liyi was the calm and gentle gold medal special assistant, and said solemnly: "I'm fine, continue on."

Xu Chenghao black question mark: "What's the matter with you?"

Li Nian laughed: "It's okay, let's continue talking about you."

Xu Chenghao looked at him uneasy: "No, what did you tell me about the sea view room first? What 1.3 billion? Why are you developed?"

Li Nian: "Your personal problem comes first, we should talk about your topic first."

Xu Chenghao: "I'm the boss, I can say whatever I want to say."

Li Nian: "..."

Xu Chenghao: "Speak!"

Li Nian can only bow his head to capitalism: "Okay, let me say first, I was just excited because I had more assets, it's purely a personal problem..."

"Then why did you get excited after I said yes?" Xu Chenghao interrupted him: "So your assets are related to me?"

Li Nian: "..."

Xu Chenghao slapped the pen on the table: "You are still lying in front of me!"

Li Nian was speechless, so he could only whisper: "It's the one in your family who is afraid that you will run away and want to be named, so I will help you with a few words of praise."

Xu Chenghao frowned and thought for a moment, remembering that Li Nian suddenly asked many times about the marriage and the source of his excitement, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth: "So you guys are trading under my nose, and both sides are trying to get me to agree to the marriage?"

"Forget it." Li Nian turned on the mouth-cannon mode: "But we also have preconditions and bottom lines for trading. I thought you needed someone to push you before agreeing. Who knows that you will not agree if you bite the bullet, I know Even if you understand wrong and want to go back, you don't dare to go back with Jing Yicheng."

"As for Jing Yicheng...he wants to marry you so much, it proves that he really likes you, and secondly, he probably has no sense of security, so he needs something to prove it urgently."

Li Nian was almost moved by himself when he picked himself up in a few words and talked about the transaction so deeply.

However, Xu Chenghao was unmoved, and snorted coldly, "I think you gave in for money, right? 1.3 billion?"

Li Nian: "...How could it be possible, in my heart you are the most important."

"Really." Xu Chenghao said calmly, "Then I will tell Jing Yicheng and reward me."

Li Nian: "..."

Keep smiling and don't cry QAQ

Xu Chenghao didn't hold back and laughed out loud: "Look at your money-obsessed eyes... Forget it, for what you paid in the past, you deserve this reward, I won't interfere."

Li Nian's eyes lit up instantly: "Thank you, President Xu!"

Xu Chenghao snorted, picked up the black pen on the table and continued to sign.

Li Nian tentatively said: "Then why don't you talk about your personal problems? For example, what big things are you going to accomplish at the end of the month? What if you can't finish it?"

"Shut up! Don't crow!" Xu Chenghao gave him an unhappy look: "I don't want to tell you, go out."

Li Nian: "..."

Well, Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, what you say is what you say!

Li Nian left the office dog-legged holding the folder. When he closed the door, he thought about it and reopened it. He comforted: "Although I don't know what's going on, I hope everything goes well for you at the end of the month. Come on."

The tip of the pen on the paper suddenly stopped, Xu Chenghao stared at his signature for a long time, and when he recovered his head and looked up, Li Nian had closed the door of the office and left quietly.

Xu Chenghao restrained his emotions, and after a long while he couldn't help but chuckle softly, raising his hand to make up the last step of signing.

Some people say that when dealing with unknown things, you must think of the worst ending, so that the psychological gap can be controlled within the tolerance range, and even the good ending can be regarded as a surprise.

Xu Chenghao thought the same at the beginning, but the people around him were so kind and warm that he was really reluctant to think of the worst ending... He wants the best ending!


outside the door. When Li Nian went out, he sent a message to Jing Yicheng to report the latest progress. After the text message was successfully sent, I hummed a little song and returned to my office. After a while, my phone rang with a ding-dong, and when I opened it, it seemed that I replied.

Jing Yicheng: "Well, come to fulfill the promise on the wedding day."

Li Nian: "!!! Thank you, Mr. Jing!"

Ahhh, still very happy! His sea view room! His 1.3 billion! !

On the other side, Jing Yicheng, who received the news, was also turning his mobile phone in a happy mood. He held his chin in thought, guessing whether Xu Chenghao's release was related to the secret at the end of the month. If this is the case, at the end of the month, he will not only know Xu Chenghao's biggest secret, but he will also get a name to get married... Thinking about it makes me feel so happy that I can't wait to see him right away.

Jing Yicheng thought so and did the same. He left behind everyone in the research institute and drove to Xu's Group. When he entered the office, he sat directly across from him, with a subtle smile: "Haohao~"

Xu Chenghao didn't lift his head: "Ang."

"Hao Hao~~"


Xu Chenghao looked up at him and said helplessly, "Very happy?"


"Then I'll take you to eat small yellow duck Sichuan cuisine to calm down."

Jing Yicheng's expression did not change, and he said happily, "As long as you stay with me."

Xu Chenghao hummed, lowered his head and continued to work.

Jing Yicheng also lowered his head, pressed his finger on the phone for a long time, and suddenly heard the person on the other side say, "Don't do things like marriage proposals, I don't like ostentation."

"..." Jing Yicheng silently deleted the marriage proposal process of the memo.

"The style of the ring is simple, I won't wear it anytime if it's too chic and uncomfortable."

"..." Jing Yicheng silently withdraws the conversation with the designer.

"And..." Xu Chenghao paused slightly, looked at Jing Yicheng who looked up nervously and said with a smile, "I just want to be with you simply, you'll be fine."

Jing Yicheng's expression got stuck for half a second, and was instantly replaced by a magnified smile. He nodded again and again: "Okay, whatever you say is fine."

But the preparation is still to be prepared, such as the wedding ring! It doesn't need to be too chic, but it doesn't mean that you don't pay attention. Jing Yicheng told the designer to have only one pair in the world, to engrave their initials, to have a logo focused on them, and to...

Also, the proposal is not ostentatious, but it does not mean that you can be lazy and not give surprises. Jing Yicheng decided to propose at home, first of all to set up the scene... No, first choose the place of the proposal, then set the scene and prepare for the surprise.

The most important thing is that he is here!

Jing Yicheng pursed his lips and tapped down what needed to be prepared. When Xu Chenghao was busy with the Xu Group and Chili affairs, in addition to helping out, he would occasionally find time to prepare surprises. He hoped that the end of the month would be a good start and a happy one. the beginning!

Five days later, the pepper seedlings were successfully raised. Xu Chenghao looked around, not knowing whether it was a psychological effect or a problem with his eyes, but he always felt that there was no difference from the last time... This is not good news. If it was really four million chili peppers, it would definitely die completely, not at all. Turn around.

Of course, the difference is a failure, but the difference of four million is too tragic.

Xu Chenghao could only attribute it to being too nervous and feeling wrong. He thought that he would wait five days to see the flowers, maybe he would be able to see the difference as soon as the little white flowers bloomed. However, Xu Chenghao was even more nervous after the flowers bloomed. He always felt that the number of these little white flowers was not as large as the last time. Looking at it, he was frightened and felt like he was going to lose.

Jing Yicheng affirmed: "The number is indeed more than last time, don't scare yourself."

"But I always feel like..."

"You are too nervous." Jing Yicheng comforted: "Look at the last time we had only two bases in the planting area, this time the scope of the planting area is two bases plus a newly divided area, and the seeds are much more than last time. , how could it be less than last time? Right?"

Xu Chenghao thought that he understood the truth, but he just looked wrong!

Jing Yicheng was helpless, so he just sat with him on the ground and counted the little white flowers. After the dazzling number of people in his arms fell asleep on his shoulders, he picked them up very skillfully and went home.

Day after day, the fifteen-day cycle finally ended in Xu Chenghao's anticipation and fear. Xu Chenghao was sitting in the monitoring room of the pepper base watching the mechanical harvesting of peppers. He was so nervous that his mind went blank. He couldn't even hear Jing Yicheng's comfort on the phone. He walked into the warehouse with hands and feet, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat. .

Final results coming soon!

It is impossible not to be nervous at this time. Xu Chenghao opened the memo with his mobile phone, and his fingers trembled while waiting for the peppers to be shipped to the warehouse. Not only is he nervous now, he is also afraid... afraid that he will lose, afraid that he will not be able to change the ending of Jing Yicheng, afraid that they will never be able to be together again after the bleak ending...

Buzzing—the conveyor belt suddenly started to operate, and bags of peppers were being delivered one after another. Xu Chenghao stared at the robot nervously, watching their eyes turn blue at the end of their work, and opened his mouth to report.

"The work is completed, 23098 on the left, 27009 on the right, the report is completed."

"The work is completed, 12977 on the left, 20009 on the right, the report is completed."

"Work done..."

Xu Chenghao's hands were shaking, so he simply recorded and waited until the end.

I don't know how long it took, and when Jing Yicheng arrived, he saw Xu Chenghao squatting pitifully in the warehouse. He was so distressed that he rushed up to hug him and comforted him, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm coming."

Xu Chenghao rubbed in his arms, cheered up and said, "Where's the pepper?"

"At the door, they are on the transport belt, and they will be brought in immediately." Jing Yicheng comforted: "There are a lot of them, much more than last time."

Xu Chenghao smiled reluctantly, staring straight at the door, waiting for the peppers to be shipped in to calculate the quantity.

As Jing Yicheng said, this time the number is indeed much larger than before. The two robots were so busy that there was no electricity, and the originally empty warehouse was filled to the brim. After Xu Chenghao recorded all the numbers with the audio recording, he simply sat cross-legged on the floor of the warehouse, holding the computer to keep adding.

"Add 30012, add 10882, add 29661..."