Add all the peppers in the pepper base, add all the peppers in the research base and the new area, add the peppers harvested last time, and at the end, Xu Chenghao's hand suddenly stopped, hanging on the "=" button for a long time. Did not dare to press.

The closer he got to the result, the less he dared to look at it. While Xu Chenghao gritted his teeth and was doing psychological construction for himself, a hand suddenly appeared in his line of sight, and he pressed down quickly for him——

"A total of 41,320,000 peppers." The voice from behind successfully overwhelmed the computer's broadcast, Xu Chenghao turned his head and was caught off guard into a pair of silver-gray eyes, he seemed to be smiling and seemed to have no emotion, The voice said calmly: "Congratulations on your successful completion of the task."

Xu Chenghao stared at him blankly for a few seconds, then suddenly reacted, got up excitedly and said, "I'm done! You have to fulfill your promise!"

"Of course." The system stretched out his hand, and when the palm was spread out, a small black square with a total of six sides was revealed. He threw the black square to Xu Chenghao and smiled, "This is what you want."

Xu Chenghao caught it, turned it over and over in his hand, but couldn't see how to use it: "How is this thing—" The voice came to an abrupt end, Xu Chenghao looked around blankly at the empty place.

It doesn't matter at this point, Xu Chenghao found that Jing Yicheng was still squatting on the spot, holding down the calculator and holding his hand, and the computer that should be held in his palm but was suspended in the air at the moment, the whole person took a breath of cold air, Step back a few steps.

This... what's going on?

Has time stood still or has you been isolated?

Department, system?

Xu Chenghao held the black square tightly and carefully looked around the surroundings, but he didn't find a triangle symbol appeared where his thumb was poked... A symbol similar to pause playback was clicked on by him.

Time began to be forced back, and he seemed to be walking backwards in a memory corridor, watching the memories belonging to him and Jing Yicheng flashed from time to time in the radiant walls... They went from the tension when they met to the peaceful cooperation later. , From the gradual improvement of the relationship to the determination of his heart, he has also been separated from the other party because of the injury to the other party, but in the end, they still reconciled and loved each other as always, and even saw their parents planning to get married.

Obviously it should be a picture of warm love, but because of the retrospect of time, it has become a scene of a couple changing from a loving husband to a stranger. Xu Chenghao lowered his eyes slightly, and when the darkness returned to the surroundings, he pursed his lips and asked, "Are you right, System?"

Unexpectedly, the system did not echo in his mind this time, but appeared behind him and said calmly, "Yes."

Xu Chenghao clenched the black square, his eyes guarded: "What do you mean? Could it be that changing the ending you said is going back to the beginning?"

The system is always calm: "Can't you?"

Xu Chenghao said rudely, "You seem to be joking."

The system glanced at him unhurriedly: "It's not stupid."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

"I don't have the heart to joke with you! How exactly do you use this thing for me, and what do you want to do now? It's best to make it clear!" Xu Chenghao exploded: "Otherwise, send me back and stop talking nonsense!"

The system stretched out his index finger and placed it on his hand: "Shh, don't be impatient. Let's talk about the initial question first."

"what is the problem?"

"About your first choice." The system said: "There were three options in front of you: heartache, chrysanthemum pain, and face pain. You chose the last one with a bonus to go home. still remember?"

"Remember, but I now regret that I want to stay."

"Don't worry." The system raised his hand to stop his remarks and explained: "You still don't understand what the choice represents. When I finish speaking, you will have a new chance to choose. Remember, this is the last time. ."

Xu Chenghao frowned slightly, his eyes still alert: "You said."

"The first choice is that you can leave the book world and return to your own simple but real life. As a participant in this story, we will compensate you 200 million yuan in cash, and you can also use it as a reward for experiencing the book. But at the same time you forget most of the world in the book, including your loved ones."

"The second choice, you can choose to stay, but after the choice is confirmed, you will never be able to leave the book world. With the death of the characters in the book world, it is impossible to change your choice. At the same time, system No. 2333 will be unbound from you. , the previous rewards and rewards will be withdrawn together, and you can no longer predict that you will have any cheats in the future.”

Xu Chenghao asked cautiously, "Is Jing Yicheng's ending rewritten?"

System: "It depends on your choice. If you choose to stay, the endings of both you and Jing Yicheng will change as the system unbundles; if you choose to leave, he will still be the ending in the book."

Xu Chenghao frowned: "So when you're talking about going back in time, you mean going back to the beginning and letting me choose again?"

System: "Almost, so what is your choice?"

Xu Chenghao didn't blink: "Then I choose to stay!"

System: "Are you sure?"


The system suddenly hooked its lips and smiled: "Congratulations, your wish has been fulfilled."

What does it mean? Xu Chenghao wanted to ask again, but the system had already retreated to the black area and disappeared. At the same time, the dark area on the other side was suddenly broken open by the light. As the gap got bigger and bigger, Xu Chenghao realized that it was a door, and someone pushed the door and entered!

The other party seemed to be injured. He could hear his faint breathing in the dark, and then the light suddenly came on... Xu Chenghao subconsciously took a few steps back, squinting his eyes to adjust to the light, and thinking quickly in his heart how to explain the appearance of When I was at home, I was surprised when I saw the figure under the light, and my eyes suddenly widened——

The young man who entered the door was dressed in formal clothes, with a calm look and a calm posture, but there was a big hole in his head, and there was dried blood all around.

Xu Chenghao covered his mouth in shock, watching him sit on the sofa expressionlessly waiting, watching him frown suddenly... Xu Chenghao was sure that he must be chatting with the system at this time, and chose from the three options without hesitation. the last one!

That's right, this is exactly the first day he crossed into the book world!

You have already made a choice, why does the system have to show yourself these pictures? Do I need to choose the chrysanthemum pain option at the first moment to be completely over? So what should he do now?

Xu Chenghao clenched the black square blankly, but was helpless and didn't know what to do.

The young man in front of him made a quick decision as before, got up and went to the bedroom to rest. Xu Chenghao frowned and followed him, watching him sleep, watching him go to work, watching him reject An Rouyu, watching him compete with the villain, watching him...etc!

Xu Chenghao stared at the young man who was eating slowly in front of him, frowning slightly - he didn't grow peppers!

Yes, the other party seems to be similar to the behavior in his memory, but there is no sign of any kind of pepper.

Isn't this your own memory?

Xu Chenghao's doubts in his heart expanded. Continue to follow behind the young man and watch his relationship with the male protagonist get worse and worse, watch him and the villain get closer and closer, watch them support each other for three years, and when the female protagonist comes back, all of a sudden everything is messed up.

After unintentionally seeing the villain helping the heroine, the young man decided that the villain was still the same villain. Thinking that the other party would become his enemy and hurt him, he took the lead in alienating the villain and trying to cut off contact with him. How could the villain agree? After the push-pull room discovered his feelings for the youth, he fought back like a madman.

After that, there are 100,000 words. Listen to me and explain the content of the abuse that I don't listen to. Xu Chenghao stared at this series of events in a stunned manner. No matter how stupid he was, he would never think it was his memory... What the **** is this? What's the matter? ? ?

The ending of the abuse came to an abrupt end when the villain went crazy and kidnapped the young man, but was resisted and finally both fell out of the hatch.

Xu Chenghao, who was still bewildered about what was going on, was suddenly pulled away by a strong suction force. When he opened his eyes again, he found that his body was falling, and what followed him was a crazy face that Jing Yicheng was familiar with but unfamiliar with.

Jing Yicheng refused the help of his men, looked at him with red eyes, and asked in a broken voice in the strong wind, "Why don't you believe me!"

"Xu Chenghao, are you a stone?"

"You really can't feel my feelings and have to prove that I am dead?"

"Xu Chenghao... Have you really never liked me?"

There was sourness in his eyes at some point, Xu Chenghao wanted to open his mouth to answer, but the cold wind filled his stomach.

he likes...he likes him...

It's a pity that Jing Yicheng couldn't hear him. He caught the rope thrown by his men and tied it to Xu Chenghao, but suddenly he stretched out his hands and shouted word by word during the rapid landing, "I will prove it to you!"

Xu Chenghao suddenly widened his eyes: "No!!!"


Even if he knew it wasn't true, Xu Chenghao's tears still poured out uncontrollably when he saw Jing Yicheng really fell to the ground and lost his life. Sincerely, let him have another chance to choose.

The system said: [Ding - host, are you going to make a big gamble to go back in time? 】

[Ding - The content of the gamble is that I seal your memories and let you go back to the starting point of the book, to verify whether you will still like him if you come back again. 】

[Ding——There are two kinds of verification results. The first one is that you successfully like him and change the ending together. In the system, you will no longer be you or Xu Chenghao. You do not belong to any world and will become a monster abandoned by time. You... think carefully. 】

Xu Chenghao heard himself say: Bet! Bet as long as he comes back!

[Ding——The recording is successful, and the gamble is officially opened. 】

The author has something to say: System: Surprise or surprise!