As the voice broadcast by the system fell, Xu Chenghao was forcibly pulled out of the young man's body, and watched the young man untie the rope and fall down.

At that moment, Xu Chenghao seemed to have a heart-to-heart connection with the young man, and said with him, "I will die with you this time, and I will pay you for the rest of my life next time..."


The young man fell into the mountains to fulfill his oath.

Xu Chenghao sat blankly on the cloud, curled up and buried his face in his knees... He finally understood, finally understood why the system wanted to show him this, because these were his memories, his past experiences.

It turned out that he had made this kind of promise. It turned out that he thought that the first time he wore a book was because of the second week of the gamble. It turned out that the retrospect of time changed Jing Yicheng. …

After a long silence, the system suddenly appeared in front of him again, looking down at him on a white cloud: "You don't look happy."

Xu Chenghao sniffed: "Should I be happy to see my own tragic memories?"

System: "But anyway, you won in the end."

Xu Chenghao: "...that's true."

Thinking of a lot of questions in his mind, Xu Chenghao finally cheered up, got up and said, "Does my victory mean that Jing Yicheng's ending has been rewritten?"


"Does Chili Pepper's bet count?"


"Are you really going to untie me and leave?"


Xu Chenghao looked at him and said, "Thank you."

The system was quite surprised: "It's rare to hear a thank you."

Xu Chenghao said embarrassedly: "I don't say it doesn't mean I'm not grateful."

"Oh, I know when you secretly scold me in your heart."


Xu Chenghao insisted on explaining: "That's because I have no memory... Anyway, I want to thank you, thank you for giving me a second chance."

"This is just a big gamble with a clear price tag. It's your own efforts to win. It has nothing to do with me." The system said calmly, and his voice suddenly dropped: "And many times I want to stop you, and I don't want you to succeed."

Xu Chenghao was surprised: "Why?"

"Probably jealous."

"Ah?" Xu Chenghao was at a loss. Before he could analyze the meaning of the answer, the system had forcibly terminated the conversation and said lightly, "It's over, you should go back."

"Wait..." A big hole suddenly leaked from the solid cloud under his feet, Xu Chenghao fell down before he could finish his sentence, and the words he had not finished were instantly swept back by the strong wind, causing him to keep coughing, his throat burning hot. He opened his eyes sharply in pain.

Before the blurred vision could clearly see the scene in front of him, a familiar voice suddenly exploded, shouting: "Wake up! Xu Chenghao is awake!"

Xu Chenghao blinked, looking at the pure white ceiling in his sight, his whole body shuddered, and he sat up abruptly—it was really a hospital!

Li Nian stood in front of the hospital bed and shouted, and when he saw him sitting up, he immediately rushed up and asked, "How are you feeling? Does your head hurt? What's wrong with your body? Why did you cough just now? What do you want to say now?"

Xu Chenghao coughed twice: "Where's Jing Yicheng?"


Li Nian's face was covered with dog food, and he instantly recovered his coldness. He threw away his hand and said, "Oh, man."

Xu Chenghao rubbed his head, "What the **** happened? What happened?"

Li Nian said, "I still want to ask you what's going on? You've been dizzy for a whole week, do you know?"

Xu Chenghao opened his mouth, but was cut off by Li Nian before he could speak: "Okay, I know you don't know, don't talk, let the doctor check your body to see what's going on, and I'll call Jing Yicheng."

Xu Chenghao stopped him: "If Jing Yicheng is resting, don't call him."

Li Nian said sourly: "You really know each other, don't shout if you don't shout, hum!"

Xu Chenghao smiled and took the time to ask what was going on during the inspection and waiting. Li Nian explained one by one, finally letting Xu Chenghao figure out what happened.

The problem was when the system appeared - in his eyes, he was following the system back in time and space to retrieve his memories; in Jing Yicheng's eyes, he suddenly fainted with the number broadcast by the calculator , and was in a coma for a whole week!

Li Nian said that Jing Yicheng was particularly scary this week, except that the doctor did not allow anyone to enter the ward, and sat gloomily in front of the hospital bed all day like a walking dead. of.

After speaking, Li Nian seemed to realize what he had done, and said with horror: "It's over, I actually knocked out Jing Yicheng! Mom, President Xu, can I stay in this life? It's up to you, you must protect me! I'm taking care of your man after all!"

Xu Chenghao laughed: "You only realize now?"

Li Nian cried and said: "It was the assistant morality who kidnapped me! Otherwise, how would I have the courage!"

Xu Chenghao slowly got off the bed and moved his hands and feet: "Then you should find him."

"His words definitely won't work for you, you are my gold medal for avoiding death." Li Nian said, worried that he would not have the strength to lie down for a week, so he followed him step by step and waited for help at any time.

"Then I'll try."

"You can't try, you have to work hard to save my life."

"I know, I know." Xu Chenghao opened the door of the ward and took a look: "Where is Jing Yicheng?"


Xu Chenghao slowly walked to the right, opened the door next door, and saw the assistant sitting inside suddenly stood up as if surprised, showing a rare surprise: "Mr. Xu, you are awake!"

"En." Xu Chenghao looked around, saw Jing Yicheng lying on the hospital bed with a beard and dark circles under his eyes, and praised, "You did a good job."

The assistant pushed his eyes: "Mr. Xu is behind."

Xu Chenghao wanted to laugh a little: "How about you knocking his guts out?"

Assistant: "It would be too wasteful to use meat to carry the death-free gold medal."

Xu Chenghao: " can go out."

Assistant: "Okay."

After the door was closed, the surroundings instantly returned to silence. Xu Chenghao came over and was a little tired. He sat on the edge of the bed and silently observed Jing Yicheng's sleeping face, and then laid down on his body to rest unceremoniously... Well, stinky, Jing Yicheng must have not showered for several days.

But Xu Chenghao didn't dislike him, he still leaned on his chest and rested happily.

He must have been frightened when he suddenly fainted, Jing Yicheng must still feel guilty... Xu Chenghao rested his head on his chest, thinking about how to comfort Jing Yicheng later.

Just thinking about it, Xu Chenghao suddenly felt his heartbeat start to speed up under the chest he leaned on. He looked up and saw Jing Yicheng slowly opening his eyes.

Xu Chenghao tilted his head and smiled: "Good morning~~"

Jing Yicheng looked at him dully, and after two seconds he suddenly held his breath and cautiously reached out to poke his face.

Xu Chenghao tilted his head to avoid it, bit his finger and gritted his teeth: "Does it hurt?"

"Pain." Pain means reality, which means it's not a dream! Jing Yicheng's eyes lit up, he grabbed Xu Chenghao's waist with both hands, turned him over on the bed and hugged him fiercely: "Haohao... Haohao, you scared me to death!"

Xu Chenghao put his arms around his waist and patted him comfortingly: "It's alright, I probably slept for so long because I was too tense and suddenly relaxed. It's alright."

Jing Yicheng buried his face in his shoulder, and suddenly opened his mouth to bite Xu Chenghao's shoulder.

"It hurts..." Xu Chenghao shrank his neck, aggrieved to death: "Why did you bite me."

"Let you have a long memory, let's see if you dare to scare me next time." Jing Yicheng spoke fiercely, but his teeth had already let go, and he gently rubbed against Xu Chenghao's shoulder.

Xu Chenghao was not happy: "I didn't know I would faint..." He thought the time was frozen.

Jing Yicheng was silent for a moment, and then put a kiss on the tooth mark: "Then you bite me too, so that I can also have a long memory."

Xu Chenghao knew that he must have felt guilty for not protecting himself, so he deliberately said, "If you don't bite, you haven't bathed for a long time, you stink."

When Jing Yicheng heard the words, he lowered his head and sniffed it, and hugged Xu Chenghao tightly without hesitation: "Now you stink too, let's wash together."

Xu Chenghao obediently hugged his neck. But unexpectedly, Jing Yicheng didn't mess around. He just carefully cleaned the bodies of the two, and then wiped off the water marks for Xu Chenghao and put on new clothes.

Xu Chenghao was wearing loose casual clothes, sitting cross-legged on the bed with his chin supported, watching Jing Yicheng wearing clothes, his eyes were very envious: "Your abs are so beautiful."

Jing Yicheng had just put on his shirt, when he heard the words, he leaned over and motioned, "Touch it for you."

Xu Chenghao touched two hands happily, and quickly tied the buttons for him: "I'll go through the discharge procedures later, I want to go home."

"Wait for me to read your examination report." Jing Yicheng raised his body and became serious in seconds, frowning, "You have been in a coma for a week this time, and I'm worried that nothing has been found out."

"I've already said that it's because of the excessive tension and the sudden emptiness." Xu Chenghao thought to himself, it would be strange if the doctor could detect the out-of-body spirit.

However, Jing Yicheng was still worried, waiting for Xu Chenghao to fasten the buttons, took his hand and kissed him firmly, "Wait for me to finish it."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Well, just be happy.

Jing Yicheng asked, "Come with me?"

"No, I don't have the strength." Xu Chenghao shook his head: "I'm waiting for you here."

Jing Yicheng frowned immediately: "Then I'll carry you."

"Farewell, let Li Nian come to accompany me if you are worried, I want to take a break now" Xu Chenghao complained, "I ran out to find you as soon as I woke up!"

Jing Yicheng was also distressed, but he was really worried, and after thinking about it, he decided to call the doctor over.

The assistant quickly brought the doctor over. While they were communicating, Xu Chenghao bored into his pockets and found that he had nothing on him, so he re-entered the dirty clothes basket and his clothes. As a result, he didn't find anything but from Jing Yicheng. A red velvet box came out of his pocket.

Xu Chenghao pinched it and looked at it, thinking that this is not a ring, right? Could it be that Jing Yicheng originally planned to propose after receiving the peppers? Did he keep the ring with him for a week?