Thinking that Jing Yicheng was happy and ready to give him a surprise, but he was the first to be frightened by his own coma for a week, Xu Chenghao wanted to laugh and felt a little distressed.

Just stuffing the ring back, Jing Yicheng, who was communicating with the doctor and didn't see anyone in a blink of an eye, followed up immediately and said nervously, "Why are you squatting here? Are you out of strength?"

"No, I'm looking for a mobile phone." Xu Chenghao pretended to bar, and by the way covered Jing Yicheng's clothes under it.

Jing Yicheng stepped forward to help him up and explained, "You have nothing in the hospital gown. What do you want Li Nian to find for you?"

Xu Chenghao snorted and followed him out.

Jing Yicheng motioned him to sit down and stay still. After talking to Li Nian, he continued to communicate with the doctor. Xu Chenghao was bored sitting beside the bed, stretched out his hand to hook Jing Yicheng's clothes and circled around.

Jing Yicheng touched his head soothingly, his hands were gentle, but his face was always gloomy when facing the doctor, and he said in an unpleasant tone, "So you still haven't found any problems, have you?"

The doctor wiped his cold sweat: "The examination report shows that Mr. Xu is in very good health and there is no problem..."

"Then why was he in a coma for a week!"


The doctor was speechless. After all, they have tried all kinds of tests over and over again this week, but they haven't found any problems, and they don't know how to treat people who are sleepy. Even now, people are still helpless when they wake up, and they don't know how the other party wakes up.

Doctors want to ask patients, have you slept for a week? ? ?

It's a pity...the patient was tightly covered by this Mr. Jing, and he didn't even look at it, let alone say a few words.

But the doctor faltered and couldn't say one, two or three. It was all fueling the fire and fueling the anger. Jing Yicheng's face turned dark. Do you know at home that you are in a coma these days?"

Jing Yicheng's accumulated anger dissipated in an instant. Although his face was not good-looking, his voice was softer several times, and he explained, "I don't know, I said to the outside world that we are traveling, and I will let the assistant prepare some special products for you to take home."

"The company over there..."

"Li Nian is holding on, looking for me for important matters, everything is stable."

Xu Chenghao immediately wrapped his arms around his waist: "Thank you, Brother Cheng~ Brother Cheng, you are so kind~" After saying that, he waved his hand behind Jing Yicheng, signaling the doctor to leave quickly.

Li Nian was the first to react, pushing the doctor's shoulder and sending the person out directly. The assistant looked around and felt that it was not good to have a light bulb by himself, so he went out and closed the door.

It's strange that Jing Yicheng can't hear such a big movement, but what can the mastermind say in his arms, he can't hug him, and he asks him in a soft tone: "What if you don't pay attention to your body and you faint again? "

Xu Chenghao said happily: "No, I don't have to grow peppers in the future and I don't have to worry about it!"

On the contrary, this reminded Jing Yicheng. He immediately sat by the bed, stared into Xu Chenghao's eyes and said solemnly, "You said before that you would tell me everything after the end of the month!"

"Speak." Xu Chenghao was very happy: "Just say it when you get home."

Jing Yicheng was very satisfied with his attitude, and brought the person over and kissed him: "Go home right away... Do you have anything to eat? Let Auntie prepare it for you in advance."

Xu Chenghao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said in a breath, "I want to eat cola chicken wings, fish, shredded pork, spicy chicken and fried pork—"

Jing Yicheng pinched his mouth helplessly: "Please, Mr. Xu, face up to his body that has been in a coma for a week. I asked you to choose Sydney stewed chicken soup, fish soup, bird's nest, and I didn't let you choose those that can't be eaten."

Xu Chenghao clapped his hand unhappily: "please this Mr. Jing face up to his boyfriend's needs, and don't refuse when his lover is coquettish!"

Jing Yicheng was amused by this absurd reason, "Haohao don't make trouble, or just drink chicken soup."

Seeing that the other party didn't retreat, Xu Chenghao could only sigh and said melancholy, "Whatever."

Jing Yicheng couldn't be lovable at the sad little eyes. After calling his aunt, he rushed over and hugged the person and chewed several bites. , lively, popular and cute!

Jing Yicheng simply couldn't put it down, he would carry Xu Chenghao by his side wherever he went, holding his little hands around his waist from time to time, and stroking his forehead and kissing his forehead would come every now and then. Everywhere you walk is filled with the fragrance of dog food.

In the end, Li Nian couldn't take it anymore, and said with a smile: "You two go first, we'll take care of the rest of the procedures and things!"

Jing Yicheng thought about it, so he happily took Xu Chenghao home first.

At this moment, my aunt was cooking, and the fragrance of the rice that came from opening the door made Xu Chenghao grunt before he opened his stomach.

The voice was not loud but was easily caught by Jing Yicheng. He smiled and touched Xu Chenghao's stomach, then lowered his head and said, "Hungry?"

"En." Xu Chenghao took a deep breath and said with emotion, "I'm so hungry, so fragrant..."

Auntie walked out of the kitchen when she heard the sound, and they greeted them immediately: "Sir is back, the food will be ready soon, just wait."

Xu Chenghao followed the kitchen curiously: "What delicious food have you made? It's delicious."

"I boiled chicken soup... Mr. Jing said that you are not comfortable with the weather and your stomach is fragile, and you didn't prepare much, so you should eat something light first."

Xu Chenghao nodded silently and stood at the door of the kitchen to absorb the aroma.

Auntie prepared a lot of things, such as yam, bitter gourd and fungus porridge, and boiled fish maw in chicken soup. When stirring, things such as pork bones and chicken legs are faintly visible, and they smell delicious.

Xu Chenghao was even more hungry, and secretly opened the refrigerator to think about what to eat. As a result, as soon as he took out a box of strawberries, Jing Yicheng found out that he took it out of the kitchen and said, "You can't eat the refrigerator because it's too cold."

Auntie also said: "It will be fine soon, sir, go to the dining room and wait, and I will send it over."

Jing Yicheng responded, supported Xu Chenghao's shoulders, pushed the person to the dining room and sat down, comforting: "Dine right away."

Xu Chenghao was blocked by the two and couldn't say anything, so he could only sit in the dining room and wait for the meal to start.

Fortunately, the aunt acted quickly and did not let him wait long before serving the food. Xu Chenghao drank two bowls of porridge in a row before slowing down. After barely eating some chicken, he immediately put down his chopsticks: "I'm full."

Jing Yicheng was sitting next to him to help him skimming the chicken soup. Hearing this, he was surprised: "I was hungry just now, so why not eat this much now?"

Xu Chenghao gestured his neck with his hand: "It's already here, I might vomit if I eat it again."

Jing Yicheng was immediately serious: "Uncomfortable?"

"That's not true, maybe it's because I haven't eaten for a long time." Xu Chenghao rubbed his stomach, and in order to reassure Jing Yicheng, he took a few sips of the chicken soup: " shouldn't have eaten, hurry up. eat!"

Jing Yicheng was not at ease: "It's really not uncomfortable? Don't hold on."

"Really." Xu Chenghao said with a serious face: "I told you earlier that I'm going to be uncomfortable, you can eat it if it's okay."

Jing Yicheng stared at his face for a few seconds, determined that it was really all right, and then lowered his head to eat.

Xu Chenghao was drinking chicken soup with him, and was about to say something to chat when he heard a burst of music, the phone on the table suddenly lit up, and it was Li Nian who called.

Xu Chenghao connected: "Hello?"

Li Nian's voice was very serious, and he said, "Mr. Xu, I have bad news to tell you, you must hold on!"

Xu Chenghao didn't know what to say: "You said."

Li Nian: "Just now, the electrician of the pepper base came to news that the base was out of power. In just three seconds, when the call came again, all the peppers in the base warehouse disappeared!"


Xu Chenghao was stunned at first when he heard the news, but he immediately called the system in his mind: Did you do it right? is that you!

[Ding——The harvest is successful, there is no reward. 】

Xu Chenghao: Are you perfunctory me?

The system is silent.

Xu Chenghao: The system has changed! You are no longer a tirade!

The system doesn't care about him.

Xu Chenghao tentatively asked: Why did you take away the peppers now, and... I always wanted to ask you what's the use of taking away the peppers?

[Ding - I only took it now because No. 2333 has been with you for the first few days. As for the function of taking the peppers...] The system said that there was an obvious pause here, and said lightly [In the time and space where No. 2333 existed, crops It is a very precious prehistoric civilization, which can be exchanged for a large amount of ** to make 2333 pay the fine. 】

Probably because the information is not universal, when mentioning things about their time and space, there is a mosaic that automatically erases the sound, so Xu Chenghao didn't hear it really, but focused on the back: why do you pay the fine.

When the system heard the words, it stopped being official, and responded with a cold snort: What do you think?

These words echoed in his mind, causing Xu Chenghao to think of the boy with silver-gray eyes, and tentatively asked: Is it a violation of the management of your transcribing system?

The system is silent.

In Xu Chenghao's opinion, this is the default, and he immediately said guilty: I'm sorry, the system, I will never call you Zhou Pipi again!


Xu Chenghao said: If I had known you were for me, I would have worked hard to grow peppers.

The system sneered silently, if it stood in front of Xu Chenghao, it would definitely be full of disdain.

Xu Chenghao continued: By the way, are you unbound from me now?

[Ding - no, you can unbind and leave after the upgrade of No. 2333 is over. 】

Xu Chenghao: How long at the latest?

[Ding - two months at the latest. 】

Xu Chenghao sighed and said again: Then remember to tell me when you leave, don't leave without saying a word.

The system was silent for a while, and responded.

Xu Chenghao felt inexplicably reluctant to part with the system, but he was too embarrassed to say it. He was hesitating and suddenly heard the faint voice of Li Nian in his ear. He suddenly recovered and said blankly, "What did you just say?"

When Li Nian heard this, he felt overwhelmed. Seeing that Xu Chenghao was shocked by the news, he immediately said seriously, "I'd better call Mr. Jing, calm down first..."

"I'm fine." Xu Chenghao was afraid that he would hang up the phone, so he quickly said: "I already know the ins and outs of this matter, you don't need to worry about it."

Li Nian was very skeptical: "Mr. Xu, are you mentally alright now? Is it hot when you touch your forehead?"

Xu Chenghao: "..."


"Okay." Li Nian quickly hung up the phone and got out, and then sent a message to Jing Yicheng, asking him to persuade Xu Chenghao, who was suspected to be mentally ill.

After reading the text message, Jing Yicheng put down his chopsticks silently: "Haohao, should we talk?"