About chili peppers, about Xu Chenghao's secrets, about some unbelievable things... Jing Yicheng endured for two months, and finally waited for the agreed time to ask questions openly.

Xu Chenghao hesitated for a while, then tentatively asked, "Are you full?"

Jing Yicheng: "Yeah."

"How are you feeling now?"


"Oh..." That is because the risk factor is not high, Xu Chenghao felt a little relieved, and told her aunt to leave work first, lock the door after everyone left, sit on the sofa in the living room, and clear her throat: "Then I said?"

Jing Yicheng sat beside him with a serious face: "Tell me."

[Ding - Warning, don't tell the characters in the book that this is the world in the book! 】

The system's sudden warning made Xu Chenghao, who opened his mouth in fright, coughed repeatedly, and laughed dryly against Jing Yicheng's suddenly narrowed eyes, "A little excited..."

System, are you trying to scare me to death! ! !

There was silence in his mind, and the other party obviously did not want to pay attention to him.

Xu Chenghao was so angry that his chest hurt, and he decided to take back his previous feelings. After deliberating in his heart, he finally beautified and said, "Have you ever heard of the soul piercing? It is to pass from your own body to another person's body."

Jing Yicheng straightened up immediately: "You?"

"Well, that's how I am." Xu Chenghao admitted: "I'm actually not the real Xu Chenghao. He died when his head was injured. I just happened to be killed in a car accident and crossed over to him... At that time, there was a system that told me to grow peppers. I can go back to the second before my accident, I have been working hard to grow peppers..."

Seeing Jing Yicheng's face sinking a little bit, Xu Chenghao quickly grabbed his hand and said, "I'm not with you yet!"

"But you're still planting with me." Jing Yicheng said coolly, "I'm still planting when I see my parents!"

"That's because I wanted to stay later. The system said that I could unbind from him after completing the last mission, and I could stay completely, so I was in a coma for the past few days... It's probably something like unbinding, and I won't do it in the future. worried."

Jing Yicheng frowned, "Give me some time."

Xu Chenghao nodded in understanding, after all, this kind of thing is too bizarre, it is normal to need time to buffer understanding.

Ten minutes later, Jing Yicheng successfully digested everything and connected it with the previous one, and quickly seized Xu Chenghao's loophole: "The last task must not be so simple, right? Otherwise, why are you so nervous the last time? Is it possible to stay after completing it? , will there be punishment for not completing it?"

Xu Chenghao choked, lowered his head and said, "It's not punishment..."

Jing Yicheng asked, "What is it?"

Xu Chenghao deliberately said vaguely, "It's just a bet with his own life."

Jing Yicheng raised his voice instantly: "Say it again!"

Xu Chenghao shrank his neck and forced loudly, "It's just a bet with his own life!"

Jing Yicheng clenched his fist almost immediately, so frightened that Xu Chenghao hurriedly pulled over the pillow to block in front of him: "You, you, you can't beat me!"

Jing Yicheng sneered: "If I don't beat you, you won't have a long memory!"

As he said that, he carried Xu Chenghao over. Xu Chenghao did not dare to resist and hugged his neck, buried his head in his shoulder and acted like a spoiled child: "Brother Cheng~~"

The raised hand stopped for a moment, Jing Yicheng tried several times on his butt, but he was not willing to start, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "You are treating me!"

Xu Chenghao did not dare to say a word.

Jing Yicheng: "Keep talking!"

"It's over."

"This is an abbreviated version, I want to hear the whole process in detail!"


"If you dare to hide it, I will be really beaten!"


Xu Chenghao felt that he was doomed, but forced to speak out due to someone's rising anger, he changed the character from transmigration to transmigration and revealed it all.

Then... Xu Chenghao was really beaten in the **** QAQ

What made Jing Yicheng angry was not the chili peppers or anything else, but that Xu Chenghao didn't take care of his own life, so he casually risked his bets with others. He hadn't thought about what to do if the system contained evil intentions? He hadn't thought about what would happen if the number of peppers in one day and man-made disasters was not enough and he failed? He never thought about what he would do if he failed and left himself alone?

While angry, Jing Yicheng was more afraid. Before Xu Chenghao was in a coma for a week, he was worried and fearful all day long. This news was the last straw that broke him. Jing Yicheng was anxious, angry and afraid, and wished that he would be beaten so hard that he would have a long memory.

But the reality is... Xu Chenghao wrapped his arms around his neck obediently, and Jing Yicheng's raised hand couldn't go down.

He softened again.

Jing Yicheng rubbed his brows with a headache, suddenly grabbed Xu Chenghao's waist and directly lifted him up, strode to the bedroom - he had to find a way to make him remember if he didn't want to beat him!

Xu Chenghao: "!!!"


Today is the fourth day that Mr. Xu lost contact. Li Nian sat in the office with his head supported and looked at his mobile phone, and his heart began to run fast. What was going on?

Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng have both lost news since they finished the phone call four days ago about Chili's disappearance. Could it be that Xu Chenghao was beaten and heartbroken, and Jing Yicheng was comforting him? According to Xu Chenghao's emphasis on chili peppers, it is not impossible.

But under normal circumstances, Jing Yicheng knew that in order to appease Xu Chenghao, the murderer would definitely be found. Why didn't Jing Yicheng make any movement? He wouldn't really believe Xu Chenghao's confused "I know", would he? Impossible, such a shrewd person as Jing Yicheng...

Li Nian was puzzled and sent messages to his assistant every day to ask: Does your boss have any news?

The assistant replied, "No, does Mr. Xu have any news?"

Li Nian replied, "No."

Two people: "..."

Is this disconnected? ? ?

Li Nian finally couldn't hold it anymore, he exited the chat page and dialed Xu Chenghao. After a long beeping sound - the call was hung up!

Li Nian: "???"

What the **** is going on here?

Li Nian continued to fight without believing in evil. After the third time, the other party finally picked up. Without waiting for Li Nian to question, he asked directly, "Are you okay?!"

This impatient tone, this icy tone, this... This is not Jing Yicheng and who is it!

Li Nian coughed twice, pressed all the questions back into his throat, and pretended to be serious: "I'm just a little worried about President Xu. After all, the Chili incident has hit him a lot. Is he okay now? Is his mental state okay?"

Hearing that he was here to care about Xu Chenghao, Jing Yicheng calmed down his anger and said lightly: "It's good, don't worry about the pepper thing, we all know what's going on, it's okay to hang up."

Li Nian: "..."

Li Nian: "???"

How do you feel that Jing Yicheng was infected by Xu Chenghao's stupidity? How did they know they didn't do anything? !

While Li Nian was roaring silently in the office, Jing Yicheng on the other side had already dropped his phone and leaned over to place a hickey on the shoulder of the person in his arms, and asked, "Do you have a long memory?"

The man in his arms hummed into his arms, and said aggrievedly in a hoarse voice: "It's grown longer."

Jing Yicheng hugged him, bit his ear and said, "If you don't dare not love yourself in the future, I'll let you taste the feeling of being weeded."


Xu Chenghao was really afraid of him, and I don't know where he got so much thought to study these useless things. The tossing and tossing over the past few days can almost kill half of his life, and successfully left Xu Chenghao with an indelible dark history. Cowardly and ashamed!

However, what Jing Yicheng wanted was this effect - after all, this was the only thing he wanted to cry.

After the fifth day, Xu Chenghao was finally released from the house to breathe fresh air. He was wearing a white shirt and the collar could not block the hickey at all. If you look closely, you can find that he not only has a hickey behind his ears, but also his wrists and ankles. All covered with traces of petals.

However, because of Jing Yicheng's dismay, no one dared to look at Xu Chenghao carefully, so this full of dog food was all Li Nian's, which made him almost turn his face on the spot - if it wasn't for the sake of the sea view room! It's not that he almost turned his face, hum!

Speaking of which, Xu Chenghao was relieved, why hasn't Jing Yicheng moved... Didn't he plan to propose?

Li Nian looked at Jing Yicheng quietly, but he didn't expect that he happened to be looking at each other, so scared that he quickly retracted his gaze and was honest.

A few seconds later, his phone vibrated to receive a message, which belonged to Jing Yicheng.

Jing Yicheng: "I propose this afternoon, you go and help Li set up the scene."

Li Nian: "...Okay."

Li Nian silently exited the office, Xu Chenghao didn't see their communication, so he nestled in the office chair and said coquettishly, "Brother Cheng, my back hurts."

Jing Yicheng immediately stepped forward without hesitation: "You rest, I will handle it."

Xu Chenghao was very satisfied. He ran to the sofa to lie down and rested. He happily held his tablet to browse the news on the web. He watched as he suddenly found the male protagonist's name in a kind of entertainment circle. After that, he quickly recovered his strength from the tug of war and thwarted his opponents. Although he couldn't catch up with Xu's group, it was also the second-best group in the circle.

Xu Chenghao knew for a long time that the male protagonist was very good at business, but he didn't expect that the other party would be able to solve the crisis so quickly and take the Ruan Group to a firm footing again... Really amazing.

However, this time he was in the news not because of the development of the Ruan Group, but because of his suspected relationship with a certain Xiaohua at a dinner party and was photographed.

Xu Chenghao looked at the title of the president of Ruan's Group who served him with tenderness, and looked at Ruan Chenxuan's expressionless face in the picture and his arms that were obviously bent back after the vegetables.

This is too exaggerated. However, some people really believed it under the news. Some people shouted, "Another female star has married into a wealthy family." "You can do whatever you want with money." Xiaohua is directly a stepmother, is it really so important to marry into a wealthy family? ' 'This man has a child and is married for a second time, so he's not worthy of my little flower! ’

Xu Chenghao was amazed at the comments on the Internet. After reading Ruan Chenxuan's embarrassing incident, he felt that he had to inform the PR department so that he would appear less in the entertainment gossip section in the future, but he never expected that he would be sent to the headlines by Jing Yicheng that night!