Stall Market (3)

Zheng Wan, the country bumpkin, looked all around her.

Unlike the mortals’ market, the stall owners here did not hawk their wares loudly. Most of them sat reservedly at their stalls, and would only answer if an interested cultivator had some questions.

Their attitude was not cold, but it wasn’t enthusiastic either.

Although there were many cultivators in the entire market, it wasn’t noisy.

Of course, Zheng Wan was not wearing the white dress that Cui Wang had given her last night.

Although she couldn’t tell what the grade of that dress was, she could see that the white dress was way better than the disciple uniform from the sect, which was a low-grade magical artefact.

There was only a total of two small formations embroidered on her disciple uniform— one was a dust-removal formation, and the other, she still couldn’t recognise— but the white dress had a grand total of eighty-one small formations embroidered on it. She had counted carefully when she was practising the Soul Consciousness Arts last night; there would be no mistake.

Although Zheng Wan had a wilful nature, she understood the principle that one should not reveal one’s wealth. There were too many dubious characters in the stall market, and she really liked how beautiful the white dress was, so she didn’t want any accident to happen to it——

Wasn’t that what the plays often said? That the way to make a fortune without others knowing was to pretend to be a pig so you can eat the tiger.

Therefore, when she appeared in the stall market, apart from a handful of cultivators nearby who gave her a few more looks because of her beauty, she was still rather inconspicuous.

Because of that, she was also able to look around quietly, gaining a lot of knowledge in the process.

There were all sorts of junk in the stalls, and every manner of items related to elixirs, talismans, weapons, and formation arrays. There was everything one could imagine, and then more. However, from the reactions of the other cultivators, elixirs and pills were the most popular items.

In less than fifteen minutes, Zheng Wan had to admit regrettably that things like randomly stumbling upon an overlooked treasure only happened to the protagonists of adventure novels. With her current perception, she could forget about it.

However, it wasn’t entirely fruitless.

During this time, she bought three thick volumes that cost ten Yuan beads, fifteen Yuan beads, and one low-grade Yuan stone respectively.

There was “The Complete Volume of Culture and Customs”, which was about the distribution of power and exotic customs of the Heavenly Realms, and the “Thousand Treasures Manual”, which was about the top 1000 treasures in the cultivation world— Zheng Wan planned to read it thoroughly and take note of what they were, so she wouldn’t be utterly ignorant when she went on expeditions in the future.

The last and most expensive book was “The Complete Collection of Talismans”. It was probably discarded by some cultivator— the pages were all curled up and it was a tattered thing. However, compared to a brand new one that cost three low-grade Yuan stones, Zheng Wan felt that the difference of two low-grade Yuan stones was enough for her to rein her imagination in, such as things like spittle…

Anyway, she could just use the cleansing arts to clean it up.

It’s just that after this, one of her twelve low-grade Yuan stones was gone, and her Yuan beads were also almost all used up. With the remaining eleven low-grade Yuan stones, she couldn’t even afford to buy one talisman brush.

“How much is this?”

She finally saw yellow paper, talisman brushes, and cinnabar pigment at one of the stalls.

The stall owner was a thin, middle-aged cultivator in the Centring stage. When he saw her shabby attire, he lifted his brows.

“Yellow paper is five hundred Yuan beads a ream, the talisman brushes are made from the hairs of Rank 3 grey squirrels, it’s one hundred low-grade Yuan stones each. This cinnabar pigment is made from the blood of Western Long-haired Beasts and liquid gold, it’s five low-grade Yuan stones for one box.”


Zheng Wan put the talisman paper back silently.

Just as she was about to get up, the middle-aged cultivator suddenly stretched out a hand, “Five hundred Yuan beads.”

“I’m not buying.”

Zheng Wan looked at the uneven edges of the yellow paper. At five hundred Yuan beads, she would be better off buying it from the shop assistant at the Seven Treasures Pavilion— at least, the quality there was superior.

“You’ve dirtied them, how am I supposed to sell it?”

The middle-aged cultivator picked up the talisman paper, and there was indeed a grey mark on the first piece. He held on to Zheng Wan, not letting her leave, and started to force her into making the purchase.

The owners of the neighbouring stalls crowded around unanimously.

“Hey, what’s going on?! No fighting allowed!”

The city guard came over.

“Sir, it’s not that I want to fight, but this woman is really insensible— she dirtied my talisman paper, yet refused to buy it. We’re just stopping her from running away,” the middle-aged man bowed unctuously.

“Alright. Don’t go too far.”

The city guard glanced at Zheng Wan, but as he received favours from these people often, he minded his own business and went away.