Stall Market (4)

Zheng Wan was still debating between putting on the tiger skin of her master, or the tiger skin of Cui Wang, when she heard a cry of surprise from behind her, “Eh? Little Junior Brother’s fiancée? What are you doing here?”

She turned to see a male cultivator who she didn’t know approach while fanning himself lightly. He was dressed in light pink long robes, had rosy lips, handsome features, and an amorous air.

“You… are?”

Zheng Wan tried to make out this person’s cultivation, but couldn’t tell what it was. However, based on the pressure that was approaching, it was at least at the Accomplisher stage.

“Yu Qing Zhenjun!”

That middle-aged cultivator clearly knew who he was, and upon hearing what he’d said, he was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. Wasn’t this person’s Little Junior Brother that… At this thought, he turned hurriedly and bowed, “We were blind to not have recognised who you are. I beg for Zhenren to be magnanimous and forgive us for offending you.”

Zheng Wan was baffled. She didn’t know who this person’s Little Junior Brother was, but that didn’t keep her from understanding the situation. Looking at how frightened this man was, that Little Junior Brother must be a devious force.

Turning up her nose at others and being haughty was what she was best at.

“After being a bully, you want to leave like this?”

The middle-aged cultivator wiped his forehead. When he looked up and saw that the pink-robed cultivator was waiting calmly by the side, he could only surrender to his bad luck and said, “Zhenren, you can take the yellow paper that caught your eye. Take it as a token of friendship.”

Zheng Wan lowered her head and helped herself to the yellow paper, taking the talisman brush and cinnabar power as well. Under the man’s grief-filled gaze, she counted out five low-grade Yuan stones from the cloth pouch she had with her and handed them to him.

“Here. My master, Zixiu Daojun taught me that I shouldn’t take other people’s things casually, lest I bring down the prestige of the school—” In the face of the middle-aged cultivator’s increasingly wilted expression, Zheng Wan said, “...I’ll give three low-grade Yuan stones for the talisman brush, and two low-grade Yuan stones for the cinnabar pigment. The yellow paper will be a free gift. In this way, your wish is fulfilled, and my master also won’t come specially to look for you in the future because I took one ream of yellow paper from you.”

“Zhen— Zhenren is also a disciple of Zixiu Daojun?”

The middle-aged cultivator’s face was ashen.

Zheng Wan nodded seriously.


After thinking about it, she took out a few of the scant number of Yuan beads she had left and generously gave one to each of the cultivators who had surrounded her.

Just as the middle-aged cultivator turned to leave, her voice rang out again, “By the way, that storage pouch at your waist looks really nice—”

The middle-aged cultivator’s face turned green. He was as good as a wild goose whose feathers were free for the plucking. He turned around bitterly.

“Zhenren, what you mean is…”

If he hadn’t wanted to offend this person on account of Li Wei Zhenjun’s reputation earlier, now that he heard her say that she was Zixiu Daojun’s disciple, he didn’t even have the slightest inclination to put up a resistance.

If he offended the former, that person might just treat him like he were just a fart and simply release him, but if he offended the latter, even if he hid in the far ends of the earth, that person would make sure to hunt him down.

Moreover, everyone in Fengwu City knew that Zixiu Daojun just accepted a disciple with an innate Dao core who was extremely charming and beautiful. This person did also fit that description.

He could only blame himself for having been blind— as one who “hunted geese” all year long, he was now being pecked in return.

“I’ll buy it from you for two Yuan stones, how about it?” said Zheng Wan smilingly.

In the end, she watched the middle-aged cultivator leave dejectedly, not even having the desire to do business anymore. Zheng Wan happily became the new owner of the interdimensional pouch and filled it with the remaining five Yuan stones as well as the yellow paper, talisman brush, and cinnabar pigment.

Clap clap clap——

Li Siyi, who had been watching from the side for a long time, couldn’t keep from applauding. “Little cultivator, what a quick mind you have!”

She had seized the moment when he was exerting pressure, then took advantage of the situation to suppress others. But…

“Are you Little Junior Brother’s fiancée?”

He didn’t think what Zheng Wan did was wrong. The bigger the loss this man made this time, the more he would think twice before extorting money from others in the future. It’s just that this female cultivator’s quick reaction and ability to advantage of the situation really impressed him.

Zheng Wan looked up with a smile. Her bountiful harvest put her in a good mood, so this pink-robed person also looked pleasing to the eye. She had also realised who this person was just now— “the amorous sword who roams amidst thousands of flowers, yet never lets a single leaf stick on him”1, Li Siyi.

Although she can’t remember many things very clearly, this person’s conduct left a deep impression on her memory.

“The Little Junior Brother Zhenjun is referring to is…”

“Li Wei Zhenjun.”

“I used to be.” Zheng Wan gave a small curtsey. “Thank you for your help, Zhenjun.”

The thing Li Siyi couldn’t bear the most was to see a beautiful girl being wronged. It was also for this reason that he interceded just now. Currently, seeing Zheng Wan’s smile, charm, and grace, he couldn’t help but be swayed.

“Just call me Yu Qing.”


This playboy.


1 “roams amidst thousands of flowers, yet never lets a single leaf stick on him”: a Chinese euphemistic phrase that is often used to describe a man who indulges in romantic affairs, but will never leave any hope or fantasy for any woman, and never let himself belong to any one person— in short, a playboy who plays wisely.