Song Yi was deeply impressed by the film. It was a 3D version of the film that was released in that year. As a memory of a generation, it set off a wave of nostalgia in China. All the young couples in the school went to see the film.

Song Yi was busy working, and wanted to break a penny into two flowers. Watching movies was destined to be a kind of entertainment.

"Why do you want to see this movie with me?" Song Yi squints at him.

Gu Xingchuan glanced at him, carelessly playing with the beer can, "boring about you to come out to tease you."

Song Yi chuckled a few times. Maybe he knew it. No wonder Gu Xingchuan didn't chase Shen Li well when he was in school. Most of his energy was on fighting against him, and he was always picking on things for him.

Song Yi thought that puberty hormones were restless and there was no place to vent their energy. Now it seems that He really misunderstood Gu Xingchuan.

He didn't know whether he was dull or Gu Xingchuan was dull, but now he found out that it was the right time.

Before Gu Xingchuan asked him to watch this kind of love movie, Song Yi had to have nightmares at night.

"What are you laughing at?" Gu Xingchuan reached out and patted him in the face.

Song Yi stopped laughing and coughed a few times. Her eyes were black and shining. "Nothing. Have a meal."

Gu Xingchuan could not hang on his face. He snorted with disdain, and took the dish with quick movements. "The meat should be boiled for a while to prevent Toxoplasma gondii."

Song Yi nodded and was glad to eat and put out her hand.

Song Yi spent a few days of profligacy. In addition to going to class, the rest was given to Gu Xingchuan. The driver and aunt are very eye-catching. They come to each other in the morning and evening. They don't talk much and don't watch much. They are very professional.

This greatly facilitated the happy time of Song Yi and Gu Xingchuan. Song Yi didn't know that such a simple thing could have so many patterns before. They had tried almost anywhere in their home. Gu Xingchuan was young and vigorous. In the end, Song Yi forgot all the words, which made him feel like an ancient faint monarch. Gu Xingchuan was the demon princess in the back palace It can eat him alive and squeeze him dry.

Next week is Gu Shaoyuan's birthday. I sent an invitation to Song Yi and Gu Xingchuan. Celebrities from all over Seattle will come to celebrate their birthday.

Song Yi is very nervous. This is the first time that he meets his future father-in-law and mother-in-law on a formal occasion. He prepares a suit of appropriate clothes in advance, then strolls in the Chinese street all day, and finally buys a Chinese painting named "group of immortals congratulating birthday". The fairy in Xiangyun's middle dress is determined to be floating, holding a peach in his hand and carrying a flower basket, singing and dancing smoothly. The artistic conception and implication are very auspicious.

Gu Shaoyuan's intention is very clear, to all kinds of media to show a state, tell the world that this is their daughter-in-law, after that they will care for the family.

Song Yi took the gift from the handicraft shop and went out at four o'clock in the afternoon. The sun was shining in the afternoon. The people in the square were scattered with golden light. A few gray pigeons were pecking at the crumbs on the ground.

He took a deep breath of fresh air, reached for his mobile phone from his pocket and sent a message to Gu Xingchuan, with his own coordinates.

Song Yi was waiting for someone while watching the news on his mobile phone. Within minutes, there was a lot of noise in the square. He looked up and saw three or four flowing Germanic people wearing duck caps and riding skateboards.

Song Yi glanced at them in a hurry and saw several tattooed arms. The whole chest of the leader was covered with black pressure, which was very frightening.

People in a foreign country, more than one thing is better than less. Song Yi stepped back a few steps, stood under the eaves, quietly looking at the mobile phone in her hand, eyes are clear.

The young skateboarder was laughing and galloping past him. Song Yi was relieved. The tone of the skateboard "Ho" was too high. Several Hula people stopped in front of Song Yi and looked at him unscrupulously.

There was silence for a few seconds.

"Borrow some money." The leader compared a gesture of counting money and said in broken Chinese.

Song Yi thought that it seemed that there was no shortage of Robbing Chinese people. He raised his head and shook his head. He looked dazed and pretended that he could not understand.

The leading youth took out the money from his pocket, waved it a few times, stared at Song Yi fiercely, and called out: "money!"

Song yizuo suddenly realized that she put out her hand to pick up the money in the youth's hand, with gratitude on her face, and repeatedly said, "Ali gado, Ali gado!"

The leader's head was so angry that he lost face. The younger brother in the back couldn't hold his breath. He took out a Swiss Army knife from his pocket, with a blade of about ten centimeters. It was bright and sharp. It looked like a dagger, and compared it to Song Yi's ferocious one.

Song Yi is shocked. Her heart is pounding. It's one thing for the other party to take out lethal weapons. He doesn't want to hurt himself for some money.

“money!” The leader raised his voice.

Song Yi looked around. She didn't even have a personal shadow. Several pigeon feeders had already run away when they saw these young people. The youth should be the local villains here.

The hero does not suffer from the immediate loss, and the strong dragon does not oppress the local villains. There is no need to show off his spirit. Song Yi touches his stomach and does simple ideological work for himself. He whispers, "I can give you money. Please don't hurt me."The leading young man looked up and down at his side, turned around his bulging stomach, licked his lips, and nodded.

Song Yi reaches out her wallet from her shopping bag and unfolds it in front of several people. It's no more than a thousand dollars.

The leading youth was about to receive the money when a red Porsche rushed across the square from the other end of the square. It started a flock of pigeons flying. The speed was fast and the car suddenly stopped in front of several people.

Song Yi's heart leaps, and fiercely takes back the wallet. Taking advantage of the fact that some gangsters don't react, she strides to the side of the car, opens the front passenger's door and gets into the car. She caresses her chest in shock and says, "drive! Let's go

Gu Xingchuan took a look at him, patted him on the back of his hand, put his elbow on the window, and looked at some gangsters outside the car, "what do you want to do?"

He has a face that is not easy to be provoked, and he is not the height and shape of ordinary Asian Americans. He can vaguely see even and powerful muscles in his T-shirt, which makes him a cruel man.

Several young people bullied and bullied the weak people with their racial advantages. When they saw Gu Xingchuan, they immediately became some bullies.

The leading youth spat on the ground and reached out to pick up his skateboard. Knowing that this was not going to happen, he glared at Song Yi through the window. Unable to swallow this tone, he murmured, "s ` Melly bitch!"

Song Yi didn't understand what the young man said with a little accent. In the joy of meeting life after the disaster, she reached out and poked Gu Xingchuan's arm. "It's too dangerous. Let's go."

When he finished this sentence, he felt that Gu Xingchuan was not right. He was cold all over his body. His cold eyes were staring at several people outside the car, as if he wanted to eat people.

Song Yi did not see him like this, some uneasy, pinched Gu Xingchuan's tight arm, "don't worry about them, they have knives, let's go."

Gu Xingchuan clenched his fist, the blue veins on his arm burst out, and he suppressed his anger that could not be released. "Don't get off the bus, I'll do something."

With this sentence, he pushed open the door of the driver's chair and stepped out of the car with long legs. Several thugs had intended to leave. When he got out of the car, he stopped and looked at each other.

Gu Xingchuan opened the trunk lock, reached out and took out a baseball bat. He walked over step by step, and without saying a word, he waved it to the leading youth's mouth.

No one thought that he would give such a cruel hand. One of the young people didn't hold back and fell on the ground. His two teeth rolled out of his bloody mouth and cried out in pain.

Gu Xingchuan crossed the baseball bat and took a look at the bloodstain on the top. Instead of paying attention to the other three people, Gu Xingchuan took a cold look at the rolling youth. "He can't speak. He'll talk to his mother for the rest of his life."

The leading youth had never suffered such a loss. He rolled on the ground for several times, and called several younger brothers in a vague voice, "what are you looking at! Kill him for me

Several younger brothers braved up and rushed towards Gu Xingchuan.

"Gu Xingchuan!"

Song Yi pasted it on the window, and his heart was about to jump out of his voice. He had been a good boy since childhood, let alone had never seen blood, let alone met such a thing.

Gu Xingchuan responded quickly, holding a baseball bat, he put down a young man, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

The other two looked at each other and took out the guy from his pocket, the shining Swiss Army knife.

Song Yi couldn't just sit and watch in the car. He quickly took out his mobile phone to call the police. Then he looked down and looked around. He remembered that there was a toolbox in the car. He pushed the driver's chair in a hurry, pulled out the toolbox behind him, picked a handy wrench, and jumped out of the car in a few steps.

He didn't fight with anyone, but he had enough brains. He strode to the back of the young man with a spanner. The young man staggered and almost fell on the ground. When he turned around, he saw him, gripping his teeth and waving a dagger, and rushed towards him.

Song Yi has a strong stomach, which is inconvenient to avoid. She simply blows her whole body strength into her feet. The young man did not expect that a pregnant Omega could have such great strength. She leaned back and sat on the ground.

After all, Song Yi didn't exercise for nothing a few years ago, but she had a lot of strength.

"Who let you off?" Gu Xingchuan held the arm of the young man with a knife in his hands and asked with a Fierce bite.

Song Yi didn't care to quarrel with him. Several people who were beaten on the ground got up one after another. They were beaten like this by a couple of young lovers. If they didn't steam steamed bread, they had to fight for their breath. They had to ask for a face to come back. Otherwise, they would have no face to mix up in the boundary.

The leading youth spat out a lot of blood, snatched the Swiss knife from his companion's hand, and rushed toward Gu Xingchuan with the handle of the knife. Gu Xingchuan pushed aside the stalemate youth and kicked him fiercely on the stomach of the leading youth. The leading youth stepped back a few steps with a grim and terrifying expression.

Gu Xingchuan lost his baseball bat, slowly moving his wrist, staring at him and asked, "trash, do you still play?"

The leading youth was inspired to be bloody. He wiped the blood on his face with his sleeve and rushed to the last time with a Swiss Army knife. This time, the target was changed.The sharp and bright dagger waved at Song Yi, and Song Yi stepped back reflexively. A young man pushed him from behind. Song Yi, whose gravity was out of balance, could not avoid it.

Between the electric light and flint, Gu Xingchuan rushes up, grabs the handle of the Swiss knife fiercely, and stabs his palm with any sharp knife edge, and the blood flows straight.

Song Yi was stunned for a second, and her head was blank for a moment.

The leading youth was stunned. Unexpectedly, someone would dare to grab the blade. Gu Xingchuan kicked his knee vigorously. The young man bent down with pain. Gu Xingchuan twisted his wrist. The young man gave up his hand in pain, and the Swiss knife fell to the ground.

Gu Xingchuan caught the dagger on the ground immediately. His eyes were fierce and his eyes were scarlet. Without hesitation, he stabbed the young man's thigh and a small cluster of blood rushed out.

"Ah, ah!" The scream was shrill, and the young man rolled on the ground with his thigh in his arms.

The sound of the siren is getting closer. Song Yi has never been so grateful for the sound in his life, which has made him return to the world from purgatory.

A few young people were in panic. They had not run a few steps. The police car stopped the way and all of them were pressed down to the ground like pigs.

Gu Xingchuan went to the front of the car, put his intact hand into the window, took a few napkins and wiped his bleeding palms.

"No tissue!" Song Yi is searching hard for medical knowledge from thunderbolt's brain. He takes half a bottle of residual mineral water from the car in a hurry. His hands tremble, "show me, first flush the wound with water."

Gu Xingchuan looked at him and squinted, "are you sure you want to see it?"

"Sure." Song Yi nods firmly.

Gu Xingchuan simply shook his head, quickly grabbed a large number of paper towels from the tissue box, pressed it on the terrible wound in the palm, hissed in pain, and said with a relaxed sneer: "the beauty of thinking, I don't want to show you."


Song Yi bit her lip, staring at the red blood on the paper towel, tears are about to come down, "do you hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt much." Gu Xingchuan said in a low voice.

The police car stopped in front of the two people, the police inquired about Gu Xingchuan's situation, opened the back seat of the police car, and two people sat on it.

Song Yi was terrified. She got on the car and broke Gu Xingchuan's arm with her hands. "Let me have a look. I can't rest assured until I see it."

Gu Xingchuan just didn't show it to him. He covered his back like a baby. Song Yi was afraid to hurt him, so he didn't dare to break it too hard. "Don't try to be brave!"

"You're the one who's trying to be brave." Song Leng is pregnant, and I dare to fight with you on the shoulder

Song Yi is afraid to think of it now. At that time, her brain was hot and she couldn't care about anything. She adjusted her breath, "I want to help you."

Gu Xingchuan smelled the familiar smell on his body, which belonged to Song Yi's breath. His fierce beating heart gradually subsided, "you are sacrificing your life to save your husband."

"And you've got to talk?" Song Yi turned her head and looked at his pale face because of blood loss. Gu Xingchuan was his killer. "What did that man say just now? Are you so angry? "

"Nothing." Song Chuang's nose is cool, don't care about me

Song Yi touched his face and asked softly, "is it really not painful?"

Gu Xingchuan raised his eyes and looked at his tense and concerned expression. His mouth was slightly hooked. "It's very painful. It's killing me."

"Police!" When Song Yi heard this, she raised her voice, and her eyes turned red. "How long do you still have to go to the hospital?"

"Ten minutes."

"Can you hurry up?" Song Yiji's mother tongue all came out, the driving police didn't understand and looked at him blankly.

Song Yi thought hard about how to spell this sentence. His sweaty palm was pinched gently. Gu Xingchuan approached him, looked at him closely, and said with a smile, "it doesn't hurt. Don't be afraid."

Song Yi looked at his face and couldn't see if it didn't hurt, but she thought about it with her knees. The more conceited Gu Xingchuan was, the more he wanted to cry, "it's all like this, you can still laugh."

Gu Xingchuan stared at him and said in a low voice, "don't cry! I'm more afraid of you crying than I'm afraid of pain. "

"I don't cry." Song Yi rubbed her face, bit her teeth and said, "you're my fucking enemy."

The author has something to say: random twenty red envelopes!
