The police car stopped at the door of the hospital, and the doctors in the emergency room had prepared the surgical tools.

Song Yi sits on the chair at the door, looking forward to seeing the nurse bring out plates of gauze covered with blood. Her heart is aching. How painful is it?

He rubbed his face, took a few deep breaths, and forced himself to calm down and keep rational. He was educated to be kind to others and courteous to be a gentleman. He never blushed with others, let alone blood. It was a matter of another world for him.

How can Gu Xingchuan be so brave? What if there was something wrong with the knife, not the hand, but the chest?

Song Yi couldn't imagine how serious the consequences would be.

The operation went smoothly. Fortunately, the blade of the knife only hurt the skin, not the muscles and bones. The doctor simply bandaged it. He told him not to touch water or eat seafood. He went to the hospital to change the dressing and remove the stitches next week.

Song Yi dangling a heart steadily fell in the stomach, received a basket of messy medicine, oral external application, a lot of 7788.

On the way home, Gu Xingchuan sat in the back seat of the car, twiddling Song Yi's short hair with long fingers, "Song Yi, don't tell my parents about this."

"Aunts and uncles will know." Gu Shaoyuan is a man who knows everything here. No one can hide what he wants to know, and Song Yi can't deceive him.

Gu Xingchuan curled his lips and squinted at the policeman driving in front of him. He said carelessly, "I know how to tell him. Just don't tell them."

Song Yi looked at him and said angrily, "you still know that you love them. Your body is covered with hair. You should not do such things in the future."

Gu Xingchuan refused to comment. At that time, any bloody man couldn't help it, not to mention that he was a violent temper, "I'm not afraid of their worry, they are both used to it."

"Then why can't you tell them?" Song Yi asked the exit, and instantly thought of the answer. In her heart, she felt as if she had been pricked by a small needle, and said softly, "are you worried that my uncle and aunt will be angry with me?"

"Smart." Gu Xingchuan pinched his cheek like a reward.

Song Yi pursed her lips. They were still in love, so they tossed their son like this. They really gave the elder a bad impression, "I know, I won't tell my uncle and aunt."

The driver drove all the way to the police station and made a simple record, which is similar to what Song Yi guessed. This group of young people are habitual criminals. This generation has committed crimes and robbed Asian tourists. Unexpectedly, this time, he kicked the iron plate and folded himself in.

Song Yi sent a message in advance, asking the cook's aunt to cook a pot of white gourd and black chicken soup. When he got home at night, he just could drink it. He opened the soup pot, scooped up a small celadon bowl, and carefully brought it to the table. "Drink some soup, this soup can replenish blood."

"If you feed me, I'll drink it." Gu Xingchuan looked at him frivolously.

Song Yi was convinced that he could still be coquettish at this time. She took a stool and sat on Gu Xingchuan's side. She scooped a spoon of soup and blew it gently. "Drink it."

Gu Xingchuan's clear-cut jaw was on his shoulder. He drank the soup that Song Yi had personally fed. He was not so beautiful in his heart. He asked with pride, "are you a man?"

"Stupid and man." Song Yi smiles gently.

"What is a fool?"

"It's not stupid to pick up a blade with nothing?"

Gu Xingchuan snorted softly and leaned over to kiss Song Yi's earlobe. "I want to protect my wife and children."

Song Yi was stunned. Although she never needed protection, she had strong vitality like a wild grass. She could hear this sentence and feel the surging warm current in her heart.

He has speculated for many times whether Gu Xingchuan is a person worth trusting for life. After all, no matter how much passion and freshness will disappear in the long years, and the rest is the sense of responsibility and true love for each other.

At this moment, he was sure that Gu Xingchuan was a person worthy of his hand in hand for the rest of his life.

"What do you think?" Gu Xingchuan squinted at his handsome side face.

Song Yi smiles and shakes her head. In a moment, she has decided to spend the rest of her life, "nothing. Do you still drink?"

"No, I want to take a bath." Gu Xingchuan's hairy head is crooked and sleeps on Song Yi's shoulder.

Song Yi takes a look at him and remembers the past. When he meets again, he bumps into Gu Xingchuan. At that time, Gu Xingchuan doesn't stop calling him, "you won't let me take a bath for you again?"

Gu Xingchuan raised his hand wrapped with gauze, and only a few fingers were left outside to repair the beautiful white handbag. "Do you think I can wash it myself?"

Song Yi stares at his hand for a few seconds. She gets up in silence, puts water in the bathtub, reaches out to test the water temperature, and beckons Gu Xingchuan to come in for a bath.

"Don't move." Song Yi closed her eyes and felt the lace of her trousers pulled open. Fortunately, Gu Xingchuan wore casual clothes and didn't need to untie the belt buckle. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if she couldn't untie it for a while.

Gu Xingchuan leaned against the wall of the bathroom, pulled off his trouser, and chuckled softly, "you haven't seen it. What's the shyness?""Do you want a bath or a chat?" Song Yi was serious and serious. Although Dabao was seen every day, it was the first time that he personally undressed Gu Xingchuan.

Gu Xingchuan stepped into the bathtub with his straight and powerful long legs. He sat wildly with his legs diverged, and looked at Song Yi slowly with his head on his side.

Song Yi blew a layer of water mist on his glasses. He could not see clearly in front of him. He took off his glasses and put them on the washing table. He sat on the edge of the bathtub. "Hands can't touch water. Be careful."

"Well." Gu Xingchuan gently responded, his eyes unbridled in Song Yi's body.

Song Yi Li also ignored his eye harassment, squinting his blurred eyes into the shelf, looking for shampoo, "what shampoo do you want to use."


Song Yi reached for a bottle and turned her head. Gu Xingchuan was still looking at him. Her fair eyebrows and eyes were always proud. Her shallow and fluffy eyelashes were dyed pale yellow in the bright golden light of the bathroom. The lines of the jaw line were beautiful and beautiful.

Song Yi's heart beat slowed down a beat. In this situation, it was like a familiar acquaintance, "I thank the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

10 bottles of Yisheng; 6 bottles of viviwu; 5 bottles of little lion, Qi, Xi Xi Xi; 1 bottle of yingyueyue;

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