Song Yi was unprepared. Gu Shaoyuan's serious appearance didn't seem to be joking. He didn't even think about the name of the child. It was a difficult question whether he was surnamed Gu or Shen or followed his surname song. "Uncle, you can make a decision after the baby is born."

Gu Shaoyuan looked relaxed and chuckled, "I know a geomantic master, and he can refer to it at that time."

"Thank you, uncle." Song Yi nodded.

Gu Shaoyuan took a sip of the water on the table and pondered for a moment. "Your aunt and I are very pleased that you and Xingchuan can make it to this point."

although Gu Shaoyuan is kind, he talks unconsciously with the coolness and decisiveness of the shopping mall negotiation. The atmosphere of a superior person makes Song Yi feel more stressed. "Thanks to the support of uncle and aunt."

Gu Shaoyuan put down his glass, relaxed, and looked at Song Yi with bright eyes. "I know what kind of child he is. Thank you for your tolerance and tolerance."

Song Yi didn't bear it. He used to hate each other. Gu Xingchuan didn't get angry with him.

Gu Shaoyuan was silent for a moment, "I'm not a qualified father. He sent him back to study at the age of 15. I was busy with business. When I saw him again, he was about to graduate. Or was it because your headmaster called me Gu Shaoyuan and called my classmates into the hospital. I had to be punished. I was angry and self reproached, and taught my children like this. Even though I was a successful businessman, I was destined to graduate A failed father. "

Song Yi listens carefully. Gu Shaoyuan doesn't look like a person who can talk about education. What do you want to say?

"He is so big that no one will listen to me. If I ask him to go east, he will go west. It's like heaven was born against me." Gu Shaoyuan grinned bitterly and gave birth to a born anti bony cub, who could only bear it by himself.

Song Yi's identity can't follow Gu Xingchuan, she can only be a perfect audience.

Gu Shaoyuan said: "until I met you for the first time in the star entertainment company, my first thought was" someone can manage him. "

Song Yi was stunned. The first time the star entertainment company met was just a few minutes. At that time, he and Gu Xingchuan didn't miss a word. Gu Shaoyuan's sense of smell was really sharp.

Gu Shaoyuan's mouth was smiling. He seemed to think of something. His eyes were soft. "When he was very young, I gave him a GAODA model as a birthday gift. He liked it very much. When he went to bed at night, he would sleep with him, and no one was allowed to touch him. Anyone who moved would fight with others."

he paused and looked at Song Yi: "I saw you for the first time in star entertainment. He looked at your eyes and his eyes He was as like as two peas when he first saw the model.

At that moment, Gu Shaoyuan clearly knew that the man who could control Gu Xingchuan finally appeared.

Song Yi pursed her lips, bowed her head and chuckled, "thank you for telling me this."

"You are a very good child, he is with you, I am very relieved." Gu Shaoyuan said earnestly that Gu Xingchuan had only one thing that did not violate his will, that is, he found Song Yi as a partner.

Song Yi is his ideal daughter-in-law. He is sensible and not worldly wise. What's rare is that he can do things in a special way. He can handle things freely and easily. How can he look at it.

Song Yi said sincerely: "uncle, you can trust me, I am very happy."

Gu Shaoyuan said with a smile, "I know it's not easy for you two to come to this day. No matter I or your aunt, including fourth master Shen, we are all elders. The future life is for you two to spend together. This is your two lives. No one has the right to interfere. I hope you can understand."

Song Yi nodded knowingly, whether he agreed or objected to it. Since he was determined to be with Gu Xingchuan, he did not want to break up. After all these years of ups and downs, he knew better than anyone else that life was his own, no matter what others said.

Whether Gu Xingchuan is suitable for him does not he know?

He doesn't need anyone to guide him how to live. He is professional in this field.

The next day, Gu Shaoyuan's birthday dinner party was filled with guests, dressed in fine clothes and drinking wine. Song Yi saw several rich businessmen who often appeared in international news to make friends with Gu Shaoyuan.

To be able to do Gu Shaoyuan's situation, personal relationship is the most basic thing.

Some people sent a large golden black turtle with a head of 100 kg,

put it into the water tank and looked at dujili. Some other people made an ingenious attempt to airlift two alpacas from South Africa and tied them to the front door of his family, whining. The children all went around to amuse the alpacas.

Song Yi carefully sandwiched a piece of dessert on the long table of the cold meal. As soon as she turned around, her aunt, who looked familiar to her family, came up and held a cup of transparent green apple juice in her tray. "The young master said you can't drink, so I have prepared juice for you."

Today's field is full of champagne and red wine, Song Yi can not dip a mouthful of, "trouble you."

The aunt looked left and right, and lowered her voice, "the young master asked you to wait for him on the terrace. There is something important to tell you."

It's quite mysterious. The huge terrace is facing the city of Seattle on the other bank. Song Yi is half lying on the white plaster railing. The lights are bright in the distance. It seems that the river bank is covered with gold and colorful.Gu Xingchuan didn't ask him to wait for long. A few minutes later, a hand was put on Song Yi's shoulder. He turned his head and froze for a second. Then he burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Gu Xingchuan frowned.

Song Yi looked up and down. Gu Xingchuan was wearing a well-designed suit. His hair was combed into a rigorous back. His nose was straight, and his eyebrows and eyes were handsome. He was several years older.

"How much hair gel have you had?" Song Yi can't help but feel it. Gu Xingchuan's hair is as hard as a hedgehog. It's really hard to comb it.

Gu Xingchuan held his wrist and didn't let him touch his head. He turned back and reclined on the railing, glancing lazily at Song Yi, "am I not handsome today?"

"Handsome." With a smile, Song Yi can see Gu Xingchuan in formal clothes.

Gu Xingchuan's head tilted and his face leaned over, "then kiss me."

There were only two of them on the terrace. Song Yifang opened his mouth and touched Gu Xingchuan's white and clear cheek. When he was about to recycle it, Gu Xingchuan pinched his jaw and gave it a domineering kiss. He tasted it inside and outside, and then let him go.

Song Yi adjusted her breath and touched her lips. There was no mirror, but she felt swollen. There was a small tooth mark on it. "Are you a dog?"

Gu Xingchuan licked the corner of his mouth and looked at him with evil spirit, "who let you seduce me? You can't help that man like you? "

Song Yi twisted her neck and gave him a look, teasing: "fortunately, you're a singer, you're going to be a lawyer, and all the rapists in the prison will be acquitted."

Gu Xingchuan hugged him from his back, his jaw against his shoulder, his hot and humid lips sticking to Song Yi's ear lobes, "it's strange that you are so charming that I like you so much."

Song Yi's ears were burning and she twisted her neck to avoid his warm breath. "I see. Don't make trouble with me"

"huh?" Gu Xingchuan stares at a small piece of white skin behind his ears and blows gently at him. "I'll take you to see my friends. They want to know you very much."

Song Yi couldn't help rubbing her ears. "I didn't prepare a gift. If only you had told me earlier."

"You don't have to prepare a gift for them. It's just a matter of face for you to see them." Gu Xingchuan snorted.

Song Yi thought that this way of interpersonal communication is too rough, "don't you have important things to discuss with me?"

Gu Xingchuan was stunned for a moment. His arm on Song Yi's waist tightened slightly, and his breath changed. Gu Xingchuan's whole body collapsed tightly. After a few seconds, Gu Xingchuan asked sternly, "do you want some cake?"


"Would you like some milk?"

"No, I'm not hungry." Song Yi looks at him strangely.

"Do you want to marry me?"


Song Yi is stunned for a moment. Gu Xingchuan's pupil shrinks and looks at him directly. His eyes are full of expectations. Is this his mother's proposal?

Is Gu Xingchuan proposing marriage? Song Yi is not sure, because it's not like a proposal scene at all.

Although Song Yi didn't ask for anything, she couldn't have nothing. She joked, "you're too shabby. Don't you have any rings?"

Gu Xingchuan put his hand into the pocket of his suit and spread out his palm. If he really found a ring, Cartier's rose gold ring, inlaid with broken diamonds, was the one song Yi had given Shen Li. As a result, Gu Xingchuan picked it up cheaply. "How about this ring?"

Song Yi glared at him, "this is what I want to give to others, I don't want it."

Gu Xingchuan frowned slightly, raised his hand and threw it at will. There was a golden arc in the air. The ring jumped down from the terrace, "since you don't want it, I lost it."

"What are you doing?" Song Yi lies on the terrace and looks down. The lawn is dark and there is no light. There is no sign of the ring at all. Although she doesn't want the ring, it was bought by 50000 real gold and silver. Now it's gone.

Gu Xingchuan looked at him and said, "you don't want it?"

"I don't want it, and you can't lose it." Song Yi loves her 50000 yuan.

Gu Xingchuan curled his mouth and looked down at the lawn under the terrace, "I'll bring it back for you."

Song Yi did not hold any hope, "can I see you?"

Gu Xingchuan put his injured hand on Song Yi's shoulder, reached down over the railing, touched it in the dark sky, held the palm of his hand and took it back, "I found it."

"Do you do magic?" Song Yi can see clearly that the ring falls on the lawn.

Gu Xingchuan gave a low smile, and his casual posture disappeared. He stood upright with his back straight and his eyes burning at Song Yi. His flexible and powerful hand opened slowly. A simple ring ring ring was lying in the palm of his palm. Although it was different from Cartier's gorgeous style and did not have any diamonds, the simple but not simple modeling can be used to guess the value Fei.

"I can't find it. I'll pay you for it."

The author has something to say: finally catch up with the baby before the birth of justice.——Thanks to the cherubs who cast the overlord vote or irrigate the nutrient solution for me ~

thank you for the cherubs who cast the [landmine]: 3 Suli; 1 leville Sith;

thank you for irrigating the [nutrient solution]:

30502114 10 bottles; Yusen 3 bottles; minevie, love of learning, Wanning 1 bottle;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! , the fastest update of the webnovel!