Episode 32 - It's Back to the Way It Used to Be

"Hey Akito,you seem to be in a good mood lately, Did something good happen?"

Lunch break-

When I was eating A set meal in the dining room, Akira, who was eating curry rice in front of me, was strangely looking at my face.

I wasnt aware that was in a good mood, but I was aware that something was good.

Of course, I was getting along with Charlotte.

I was very happy when I had food cooked by charlotte this morning.

Also, I was very happy that Emma took a liking to me.

I'm sure I'll be treated like a lolicon for saying this to a young girl, but her cuteness was unbelievable.

She seems to be particularly fond of being carried, and smiled so adorably when you give her a hug.

She really is a very cute girl.

"Hey? Are you okay?"

When I remembered Emma's smile, Akira looked at me with anxiety.

What on earth are you worried about?

I was not sure, but I nodded for the time being.

"There's nothing special about it. As usual."

I went back a bit and cheated on what Akira had said.

I had decided to keep it a secret even if the other party is Akira, because it would bother herself if she was known.

And in the case of Akira, there was a possibility of getting angry with jealousy.

He did his best today to give Charlotte a skinship.

However, as I noticed for the first time today, when Akira and other boys talked to Charlotte, I felt that her smile was a little stronger.

When I recall, from the beginning, the smile that Charlotte had when he was spoken to by a boy seemed awkward.

Perhaps she has a weakness for boys.

However, it's also possible that this is just my imagination.

In fact, it's probably more likely.

Because if she wasnt good with boys, she won't come to my room or serve home cooking.

"Hmm ... By the way, did your parents contact you?"

Akira, who was looking at me suspiciously, asked me as if he remembered something.

I stop the chopsticks while holding the fried shrimp, which is the main part of the A set meal.

I just looked at Akira's face.

"Ah ... wow, bad ... It was a bad topic to touch ..."

When I meet my eyes, Akira apologizes as if in a hurry.

I slowly opened my mouth, looking away from Akira.

"It's not like they're going to call me. I don't think my parents would be worried about me, and I'm sure they'd be happy to see me gone."

In fact, when I said I was leaving home, they happily took care of me so that I could live alone.

I will never forget that profile of my parents.

I am grateful that they has paid enough money to make a living every month.

I tried not to touch the money as much as possible, but it was still difficult for high school students to make a living just by working part-time.

"Well, Don't worry about it. I invited you before, but you can really come to my house, you know? My parents are very welcoming, they even insist on having Akito there."

"Ah, thank you. I'm going to say hello to my aunts again, but I don't want to bother them and I'm not in trouble with my life."

I thanked Akira for worrying.

A long time ago, when I talked about leaving home as soon as I entered high school, Akira and Akira's parents invited me to come to the Saionji family.

But of course I couldn't bother him, so I declined the invitation.

Akira's parents still careed about me.

It doesn't feel strange to say that Akira's parents are much more parents than my parents.

That much, I have been abandoned by my parents.

――Well, is that natural?

After all, I'm not their real son.

I remembered my unpleasant past, and then silently ate food.

"Huh? Isn't the class noisier?"

When I finished our meal and returned to class with Akira, our class seemed to be in the hustle.

Since Charlotte has been studying abroad, people from other classes have gathered, so it's noisy every day, but it seems to be different today.

You can even hear yelling.

Akira and I look at each other and starte running to the class.

"--You guys should be sloppy! Because we were inviting you first!"

"You guys should be sloppy! You are persistent every day! Don't get sick because you're a senpai !"

When I returned to the class, several men split into two and argued with Charlotte in between.

Those days, the second and third graders appear every lunch break.

My classmates were keeping their distance from the upperclassmen and Charlotte, as if they were trying not to get involved.

Charlotte was in trouble-and was crying out with a frightened look to somehow stop them.


Akira, who understood the situation, tried to stop the senpai-but before that, my body moved unconsciously.

"--What are you doing ...?"

I grabbed the arms of the two representatives who started to grab my chest.

"" What are you doing! ?""

The two glared at my face, harmonizing their voices as if it was a lie in a quarrel.

However, when I put more effort into it, I changed my complexion and somehow started trying to pull off my arm.

I thought he was over reacting , but I let go of his arm.

The two with their arms released were rubbing their arms painfully, but I didn't care and looked at the senpai.

"What are you doing,senpai by scaring a girl ? What are you coming to school for?"

"" "--!" ""

The face of the senpais who saw my eyes changed.

"No, no, that's not it! It just got a little too hot! So don't stare at me like that !"

A man in the third grade who was grabbing each other said something with a tight smile.

"That's right! It was just a little noisy! It's a light joke!"

The guy on the second grade side also made excuses with a smile that was as tight as the third grader.

...... What is a joke?

If you're jokingly scaring Charlotte, I can't forgive you anymore.

"--Calm down, Akito. Return to yourself."

Along with that voice, I was struck in the head from behind.

I returned to myself.

"... I'm sorry, senpai. The lunch break is about to end, can you go back?"

Once I took a deep breath and let my anger calm down, I asked him to go back.

Looking at the situation of the senpai, it seemed that they were no longer willing to argue.

"Oh, oh, it was bad, we didnt mean to disturb you."

"Oh, we'll be back soon."

The senpai seemed to have understood, and they slunk away

I regretted a little while looking sideways at Charlotte.

As I looked at her, I felt a little regret.

I was angry when I saw how frightened Charlotte was, but it was obviously too much.

At least, that's not the way to treat a senpai.

I have to thank Akira for stopping me before I went too far. ......

"-Yeah ... You in a bad mood until you got back to what I used to be ... After all, i have to be careful not to talk about your parents in the future ..."

"Hmm, did you say something, Akira?"

"No, no, nothing? Yeah, nothing."

I felt that Akira said something, but apparently it was because of my mind.

"Oh, that, Aoyagi-kun. Thank you."

When I was about to return to my seat, Charlotte approached me and thanked me in a small voice.

I wondered why she was so fidgety and wouldn't make eye contact with me.

Could it be that she's scared of me ......?

--I was shocked and depressed by Charlotte's refusal to make eye contact with me.