Episode 33 "Nope, its a secret ...!"

--What should I do…….

What should I do ...?

By the time it was late at night, I was confused.

The cause was that a pretty girl sat next to me at a distance where our shoulders were sticked.

The pretty girl was staring at me, instead of  looking at the manga she had in hand.

But-when I looked back at her, she quickly turned away.

So I tried to turn my attention back to the manga, but she was staring at me again.

It had been like this ever since Emma fell asleep.

Honestly, if she kept acting like this, there was no way I could concentrate on the manga.

But even if I wanted to call out to her, it would be difficult to do so when she turned her head away.

What should I do ...

Is Charlotte\"s attitude like this because she was scared by me ?

But then she wouldn\"t have invited me to read the manga together ...

I felt like I was lost in a labyrinth where I couldn\"t find the answer, with similar thoughts running around in my head.

...... For the time being, I can\"t tell the truth.

Do you want me to call out?

I thought that this silent exchange would continue endlessly until Charlotte returned home, so I decided to break through this situation.

Even if it goes wrong, it may be better than this awkward atmosphere ...

"Hey Charlotte, are you okay?"

"Yes ! What is it !?"

Suspicious Behavior-

When I saw her reaction when I called out, the four kanji characters came to my mind.

I she glancing up at my face and never tried to make eye contact.

...... It\"s completely setteled.

She is ---- completely scared ...!

"I\"m sorry ..."

"Eh? Eh? Why are you apologizing?"

When I apologized, Charlotte looked at my face astonishingly.

I feel like I met our eyes for the first time by today morning.

I was glad when I just met her eyes, maybe I\"m a very simple man.

But now I should apologize to her more properly.

"Today\"s lunch break, I showed you a scary face. I\"m really sorry to scare you."


When I turned around and bowed deeply to Charlotte, she shut up.

I couldn\"t see her face, but I was tell from the atmosphere that I was beimg stared.

I didnt know what she was thinking now.

But I just wanted her to know that I wasn\"t the kind of person who would hurt her.



As I waited for her reply, she suddenly tapped my head with a weak force along with a cute shout.

I could’nt hide my confusion in the sudden event and stared at Charlotte\"s face.

Then, for some reason, Charlotte, whose cheeks were dyed red, was swelling her cheeks.

Looking at her face made me feel more confused.

Why is she sulking so much...

"Sha, Charlotte ...?"

"Aoyagi-kun is a misunderstanding ...! I\"m not afraid of Aoyagi-kun...!"

"Huh? Is that so……?"

"Isn\"t it natural ...! Why would I be afraid of someone who helped me ...!"

"But then why do you turn your face away so that we couldn’t make eye contact?"

If she was not scared, I didn’t know why she’s trying not to make eye contact.

"Well, that is--"

When I asked that question, Charlotte turned away again.

I was not sure why she was avoiding eye contact.

I was not sure if she\"s trying to say something that is not comfortable to say.

I am not sure, but she only looked scared ...

I thought so when I saw Charlotte, but I decided to wait for her words for the time being.


"Well, it\"s a secret ...!"

She turned away from me with a pouty look and deceived me.

I thought, "Why are you cheating ......?" but Charlotte\"s sulky look was too cute for me to pursue her.