Chapter 48 "How to Treat a Little Girl"

"Let's go then"


While holding Emma so as not to drop her, I called out to Charlotte beside me, and for some reason she was fidgeting as she nodded.

So now, the three of us were going to the zoo at the request of Emma.

It was a long way from here, but if we switched the trains, we wouldn't have to walk too much..

There was one of the largest zoos in our prefecture, and it had penguins and many other popular animals.

I was sure Emma would be overjoyed if I took her there.

However, if we went there, we may run into an acquaintance.

Well, that can be said for the zoos that we were going to visit too, but the probability of running into an acquaintance there was low compared to the zoo in our prefecture.

On the other hand, 

I was surpriseed Charlotte allowed us to go out of the town.

Emma didn't have to pay for the train because she's young, but Charlotte’s train fare would be quite expensive.

She didn’t seem to be working part-time, perhaps she was getting a lot of pocket money?

“ By the way, I haven't met Charlotte's parents yet.” I thought.

I had never heard of them because there was never a good time to bring it up, but I always felt a little uncomfortable about it.

Usually, Charlotte and Emma were in my room until late at night.

Even in the morning, since yesterday, they have been coming to my room to cook breakfast and eat it together with me.

If her parents were home, not only would she eat at home, but they also wouldn't have allowed her to stay in my room so late every night.

( Perhaps Charlotte and Emma live alone? )

( ...... It must be something else.

She’s from England, and she has never originally lived in Japan before.

It wasn’t possible for parents to send money, and also they would never let her live alone with a young child like Emma.

There must be some reason. )

...... I had been with them a lot since I met them, but I still didn’t know much about them ...

"Onii-chan, hurry up”

When I was thinking, Emma in my arms pulled my clothes and asked me to hurry.

It looked like she couldn’t wait anymore.

"Sorry, let's go"

"Yup! ――Neko-chan ♪ neko-chan ♪”

As we started walking , Emma shook her body and started calling for cats.

Apparently Emma wanted to go to the zoo to see cats.

( But Emma-there isn’t any cat in the zoo …)

I apologized to Emma only in my heart when I realized that a cruel future was waiting for Emma.

I didn't have the courage to tell this child right away.

(...... I wonder if I should switch the destination to a pet shop...?

Or maybe the Iriomote cat would be there in the zoo...

But It's an endangered species, and I don't think it's there … )

Seeing Emma, ​​who was looking forward to cats, I hoped that there would be at least a small feline.

"Onii-chan, Onii-chan! The train! It's so fast!”

When we got on the train to go to the zoo, Emma started to get excited.

She should have ridden it when she came to our city, but after all such a vehicle was rare for her.

Fortunately today was a Sunday morning.

Only three of us were in this vehicle right now, and no one else.

So no matter how loud Emma was, it wouldn't bother other passengers.

"Emma already! Please sit quietly!”

――But as a relative, Charlotte can't overlook it.

Luckily, there were no passengers at the moment, but there were usually other passengers on the train.

Charlotte was careful to teach her not to talk loudly now, because it would be a problem if there were other passengers on the train.

"Muu ..."

And naturally, Emma, ​​who was warned, swelled her cheeks and stared at Charlotte with dissatisfaction.

It would be difficult for such a young child to care about the surroundings.

However, it was also important to teach that bad things are bad.

These warnings would only benefit Emma in the future.

......But honestly, I would have liked to see more of Emma's frolicking.

"Emma-chan, wanna eat this?”

I took out the chocolate I had prepared for Emma from the shoulder bag and offered it to Emma.

"Wow! Yeah, Emma, I’ll ​​eat a little!”

Emma's earlier grumpiness disappeared as she took the bait as expected.

It was a cunning move but if I wanted to keep her quiet, it was better to distract her than to scold her.

However, I didn't mean to give it away here.

"Hey, Emma-chan. If you want chocolate, why don't you make a promise with me?”


Emma who leans her neck cutely to my words.

It seems that I will hand over chocolate involuntarily just with that expression.

"Yes, a promise. I'll give you chocolate, but you have to avoid making noise on the train or in a crowded place like this, okay?”

This was the real purpose of my chocolate extraction.

I didn't know if Emma would keep the promise in the future.

However, it should have some effect.

"Yup! Emma ​​will be quiet! So give me”

Well, of course, Emma promised with a big smile.

"Thank you, here’s your chocolate. ”


Immediately after receiving the chocolate, Emma opened the chocolate seal and started eating.

She looked like a cute squirrel as she gobbled up the chocolate .

( I hope I she doesn’t choke her throat …)

"... Aoyagi-kun, got so good at handling Emma before long... You’re awesome after all... ”


What's wrong with Charlotte?

When I felt her gaze and looked next to me, Charlotte was staring at my face.

However, as soon as our eyes met, She turned her face away, so I was not sure what it was.

( Did she say something ...? )

――Until the train arrived at the transfer station, I kept thinking about Charlotte while dealing with Emma sitting on my lap.