Chapter 49 "Luck brought by misfortune ?"

-I was naive.

How foolish of me...

When we got off at Okayama station to change trains, I regretted it.


"--Look, that girl"

"What? ---That's sick... the level is too high ...Its the first time I saw such a beautiful girl..."

"What’s that silver-haired beauty !? Is she a model !?"

"Wow ......, she's really beautiful ....... But she looks like a foreigner, maybe she's on vacation or something."

"Hey, let's talk to her."

"No, impossible! We have no chances with her”

--Charlotte, who was walking next to me, was attracting a lot of attention.

Even though it was still early in the day and there was not much of a crowd on the street, many people stopped to look at Charlotte.

But none of them paid any attention to me, who was walking next to her.

Either they don't think of me as a companion because of the difference in standard of our appearance , or they were so fascinated by Charlotte that they don't even notice my presence.

We go out far enough, So we’re unlikely to run into anyone we know, so no problem?

I want to complain fiercely to myself who was thinking like that.

Because of my naive thinking, Charlotte, who was attracting a lot of attention, was looking very uncomfortable.

She even seemed to be frightened by the stares.

It was a natural reaction if she gets so much attention.

I'd like to block the stares somehow, but that wasn’t possible because she was being seen from all directions.

(...... I should have thought a little more about the station we were getting off at and the zoo we were going to.

I could have found a less densely crowded station or a zoo elsewhere. )

One lucky thing that happened was that Emma was asleep.

Emma, ​​who ate chocolate, fell asleep due to the comfortable shaking of the train, probably because she got up early in the morning.

Now she was sleeping with her face pressed against my chest.

The cuteness of hee would also have attracted attention, but if they couldn't see her face, I didn’t have to worry about it.

I also hid her silver hair with my arms so that it wouldn’t stand out.

This made it a little difficult for me to hold her in my arms, but it was better than making Emma suffer.

If she was awake, It could have planted a trauma in her .

So I was really glad that she slept.

The question right now was how to help Charlotte -and unfortunately, I couldn't come up with any good idea.

( ...... It can't be helped …)

"Charlotte-san, let's go back home"

I felt very sorry, but I asked Charlotte to return .

It was better to return back home than to make her feel any more uncomfortable.

Emma would cry, but I thought to put her in a good mood some other way.

“……………… don’t wanna……”

――But surprisingly, Charlotte refused to go back.

To be honest, I thought she wanted to go back home but...

"I was really looking forward to today ... I definitely don't want to cancel the plans because of this ..."


"It's okay, no problem .... just-let me spoil you a little ..."

Charlotte interrupted my words and clinged onto my arm.

And buried her face in my arm as if to hide it.

"" "" --- !? "" ""

The unexpected action took me and the other bystanders by surprise.

I was so nervous that I could not speak and could only move my mouth.

On the other hand, the people around me seemed to be in an uproar, as if there had been a fire or an accident.

――While I was happy to be hugged by Charlotte, I thought that I should have returned to the commotion that wraps around the platform of the station.

--I was happy to be hugged by Charlotte, but at the same time, I thought that after all, I should have gone back home because of the commotion that enveloped the platform.