Of course, Yu Le would not go to the supermarket to buy groceries and cook just because of Yu Youzhi’s words. It was already so late when they got back and he was tired from the long day out, so he wouldn’t accompany the other to do such a thing for no reason.

However, the man who insisted on living in his house still enjoyed the first-class treatment of being Yu Le’s honoured guest—their dinner was the now-familiar leftover vegetable soup.

As he was rummaging in the refrigerator, Yu Youzhi, a grown man, followed behind, poking his head wherever he could. As he saw the pile of wilted green leaves, his expression grew indescribable, “Why do you need to prepare so many vegetables? You obviously don’t like eating them, so why keep them at home to go bad?”

Hadn’t someone else asked this question?

As Yu Le kept his hands busy, he vaguely recalled how he’d responded to Lele last time, but as he looked at the man behind him, almost a head taller than him and complaining about the food he was making, he immediately lost the idea of answering seriously and said perfunctorily, “Because I like it.”

Of course, Yu Youzhi didn’t stop, “You like eating vegetables? Or you like to buy vegetables and fill the fridge with them as you pretend to be a normal person?”

Yu Le couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

The vegetable soup was not delicious, it was in fact even worse than the last time he’d cooked it.

Before arriving, Yu Youzhi had insisted he wasn’t picky in the slightest, but when it came time to eat, he just took a few symbolic sips before stopping.

Yu Le ate a spoonful and asked, “Why aren’t you eating? Weren’t you hungry?”

“I can’t eat too much, I need to manage my body for my fans else they’ll be sad”

“Ohhh,” Yu Le drew it out, “I thought you just didn’t like my cooking.”

Yu Youzhi put his skills as an actor to use, “No,” he kept a straight face, “it’s delicious. I told you, I’m not picky.”

The famous star naturally didn’t have the consciousness to help wash the dishes after eating, so Yu Le could only carry the tableware into the kitchen without complaint. Once he had finished cleaning up, he found a set of clean pyjamas and threw them to the man lounging on the sofa.

“Do you want to shower first?”

As Yu Youzhi heard him, he tilted his head back to look at him, “Are you inviting me to bathe together with you?”

In response to such teasing words, Yu Le was completely indifferent. Turning around, he left to the bathroom, “Then I’ll wash first.”

The man sitting on the sofa pursed his lips in response.

A narrow single apartment, with two grown men squeezed in, seemed a bit crowded after all.

Normally, Yu Le felt that it was just right and disregarded thinking of the size of the space. But as the tall young man walked around in his familiar room, Yu Le felt the illusion that his territory was being taken over. Even though this person had helped him a lot recently, it still didn’t change this uncomfortable feeling.

Rather, it was precisely because of how the man had helped him so often that he couldn’t express his dissatisfaction towards his actions. This kind of owing favour type behaviour only aggravated his subtle dissatisfaction.

Yu Le suddenly wanted to ask Yu Youzhi, just what exactly did he want from him?

Thinking like this, he asked in the next second.

“I thought you would never ask,” the man blinked, spreading his hands as he made a gesture as if to open his heart, “Of course, I want to be your friend.” He seemed to hold a grudge, having not forgotten what had happened at the clinic earlier, “After we become friends we can further our relationship. The next step is to become lovers and start feeding dog food to my assistant.”

“Oh, I see.” Yu Le didn’t express any opinion, as if Yu Youzhi’s words were directed towards someone else entirely. He even encouraged him like a true friend, “Then I hope you succeed.”

Yu Le completely didn’t believe him, he thought Yu Youzhi was just trying to direct his attention away from him.

If he had replied that he wanted to sleep with him, or that he thought he was interesting, he would believe he was being sincere.

But saying that he wanted to be friends with him before developing into lovers…The word lovers being used here has an inexplicable feeling of nausea…It really made Yu Le feel that the other party was just being perfunctory with him.

Although he didn’t know what it felt like to be liked, he was sure it shouldn’t be like this.

It was tiring and boring to guess what Yu Youzhi was thinking, so after asking this question, he decided not to bother himself and responded with a flat “oh” instead.

When it was finally time to go to bed, Yu Youzhi climbed in with him consciously.

Yu Le frowned, kicking the edge of the bed, “What are you doing?”

The man lay on the bed domineeringly.

The pyjamas Yu Le gave him were a bit too small, so he had left them unbuttoned and his eight-pack abs were vaguely exposed under the cloth. He didn’t seem to realise that such an action was inappropriate, and answered matter of factly, “Going to bed.”

“But I specially prepared the sofa for you in the living room.”

“I don’t want to sleep on the sofa, I want to sleep on the bed. If I don’t get to sleep on the bed, neither will you!”

This rogue Yu Youzhi was very annoying.

He recalled his past meeting with this man. During each private contact they had had together, the most common thought that came up was just how unbearable he was.

He really couldn’t understand why this person insisted on sticking so closely to him.

But there was no way he could kick Yu Youzhi out of bed, so he pointed to the other side and said reluctantly, “Don’t cross the middle.”

The man was visibly surprised, raising his eyebrows, “I thought you would want to sleep on the sofa by yourself, didn’t you not want to sleep with me?”

“Why should I sleep on the sofa? This is my bed.”

If he had given up his bed to Yu Youzhi, wouldn’t he have lost? It gave him a sense of frustration, as if he had run away, so he ended up making the angry decision of not avoiding Yu Youzhi and just sleeping like this. This was his small resistance tonight.

What’s more, he was really tired today.

After going to the doctor, dealing with Yu Youzhi, making vegetable soup, clearing the dishes and making a bed out in the living room, he really didn’t want to waste his energy arguing with Yu Youzhi over where to sleep.

“I’m so tired,” he just wanted to go to sleep quickly. But thinking about it, he was a little curious and looked at Yu Youzhi who had just moved over to make a small space for him, “If I really went to sleep on the sofa, what would you do?”

The man lying beside him smiled, “Of course, I would go sleep on the sofa with you.”

Ah, that is something he would do.

Yu Le stopped talking.

Noticing his fatigue, Yu Youzhi also stopped harassing him.

Yu Le nodded in satisfaction.

Although he said he was tired, before falling asleep he still poured himself a glass of boiled water to take with two small white tablets—the doctor’s recommended dosage.

As he was about to swallow it all, the person he was treating as air couldn’t help but ask, “Do you have to do this?” His voice was full of disapproval.

Yu Le didn’t want to say anything more, “Well, I have to.”

He wanted to say a few more words, but in the end, Yu Youzhi didn’t press. He just said gently from the side, “Okay then, good night.”

At this time, Yu Le felt that although there were many annoying things about Yu Youzhi, there were still at least one or two things that he could appreciate. For example, his face pushed all the right buttons, just staring at it brought him pleasure. He was generous with his actions and never struggled with spending money. And even more importantly, even though he might not approve of his actions, he never interfered.

As he was thinking of this, the water had cooled enough and he swallowed the two pills without hesitation.

Yu Youzhi stared at him nervously, “How do you feel after eating?”

He felt it carefully, “…I just seem a little sleepy.”

“You were already sleepy.”

“That’s true.” After taking the medicine he pulled the quilt up and lay down, “This isn’t poison. The doctor also said that there would only be disadvantages when it’s taken for a long time or as a large amount. What kind of feeling can it have?”

That night, Yu Le had a nightmare for the first time in a long time.

He’d returned to the same small room as before. The dim blood-coloured sunlight penetrated the golden green ginkgo leaves like a sharp sword, projecting itself onto his face.

This time, it was him sitting at the desk.

The air blowing on his face was extremely hot and dry.

Sitting at the table, he waited quietly. The heavy air turned into a dense liquid, blocking his mouth as he tried to breathe.

He gasped desperately for air and his heavy breaths echoed in the suffocatingly quiet space. Restraining himself, he remained motionless, quietly waiting for him to arrive.

After what seemed to be centuries, there was finally a sound as the door behind him opened with a squeak.

He didn’t look back, still waiting.

Finally, a pair of big hands grabbed his neck, tightening their grip little by little. The pressure spread from his throat to his limbs, a suffocating type of pain. It felt as though his head would explode as the pressure built up inside.

It was time to fight back.

Thinking this, he turned his bloodshot eyes behind him but was stunned for a moment when he saw a familiar face.

The next second, he screamed in terror, “Yu Youzhi! Why the hell is it you?!”

Yu Le woke up the next second.

After waking up, he found that an arm had wrapped itself around his neck and its strong muscles blocked his mouth and nose. His waist was held down by the other man’s thigh and he was pressed tightly in his arms.

No wonder he was so hot, even waking up from the suffocation.

He frowned, struggling to break free, but the sleeping man subconsciously pulled him back, suppressing him like a disobedient pet.

“Hey, Yu Youzhi, wake up. Yu Youzhi! Hey!”

The man seemed to be disturbed by the noise. In his sleep, he frowned in displeasure, but even as his face crinkled and stirred, he showed no signs of listening to Yu Le’s complaints. The next second, he kicked Yu Le’s waist twice, even going so far as to bury his head in his lap to sleep.

“You damn…get up now!!” Finally, Yu Le couldn’t help but roar as he cursed this man’s existence. Having no choice but to crawl out of bed, Yu Youzhi stretched and slowly rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

The author has something to say:

Fake nightmare: Sub-personality!

The real nightmare: Yu Youzhi!