"What? What's the difference between giving it to me and giving it to him, why do you want to care about it like this?" Xiao Chengjun stared at Yingbao coldly.

Yingbao frowned.

Well, it’s really not that different, it’s just plain unpleasant.

And every time I think of the content in the storybook, I feel an indescribable resistance to this Xiao Chengjun.

But she was unhappy because she was not stupid enough to provoke the other party.

Yingbao: "I just want to ask him about Grandpa Li. Why are you so angry?"

Li Langzhong and his grandson didn't go back to their hometown together, so she naturally wanted to ask, so that she could have an excuse to go back and see his family.

Xiao Chengjun's expression froze, and he slowly calmed down his anger: "You ask me the same thing."

Yingbao frowned and waited for a long time. Seeing that he asked the boy to get another cup and continue drinking, but did not answer the question, she couldn't help but remind him: "Then you should tell me."

Xiao Chengjun ate the food slowly without raising his head and said, "You haven't asked yet."


Is there something wrong with this guy?

"I, I want to ask, why, Master Li, Master, didn't come!" Ying Bao said one word at a time.

“Now that I’m asking, please tell me quickly.”

After saying that, he narrowed his eyes and looked carefully at this young man with a childish face but strange behavior.

Xiao Chengjun picked up the wine glass and took a sip, then picked up the chopsticks to eat the food, and said slowly: "I don't know!"

Ying Bao’s face twitched.

This guy is not only sick, he is probably seriously ill.

If I hadn't been too young to beat him, I would have really wanted to step forward and kick him a few times, then lift him up and control the water in his head.

Ying Bao didn't want to waste time with a stupid person, so she turned around and went back to the cabin. Seeing that A Niang and Chen Zhao were still sleeping, she had to sit next to them and take out a book by Zhu Youke to read.

While reading, recite the meditation mantra silently: "If your heart is as clear as ice, you will not be shocked when the sky falls! You are still calm in all changes, and you will feel refreshed and calm. Don't be like a fool."

The first chapter you open is the Nine Chapters of the Laws and Orders, including the Heavenly Chapter, the Round Chapter, the Earth Chapter, the Square Chapter, the Law Chapter, the Order Chapter, the Nine Chapters, the Mouth Chapter and the Curse Chapter.

These nine chapters of the law are a necessary sacrificial instrument for officials and people, and also a code of conduct that binds them.

For example, the first chapter is the Heaven Chapter: The sky has nine levels and the earth has eight vertical levels. A gentleman should focus on the basics and a villain should focus on the bottom. They discuss the law and examine the facts to decide punishments and lawsuits...

Mrs. Wen had taught these before, and Ying Bao had also recited them, but I didn't pay much attention to them at the time.

Looking at it now, it makes a little more sense and I understand it more.

Because this is the opening line that the curse master must recite before drawing the talisman.

For example, if you want to draw a talisman to stop a child from crying at night, you should start by saying: The sky is round and the place is round, and there are nine chapters of laws and regulations. I am writing now, and all ghosts are hidden!

Then draw the talisman while reciting the mantra: The sun rises in the east, the yin and yang are majestic. This talisman is written to sweep away all bad luck. The fire of samadhi is uttered from the mouth, and the eyes are as bright as the sun. The canopy warrior is used to catch monsters, and the evil king is used to eliminate diseases and disasters. , subdue monsters and turn good luck into good luck! "

Recite the curse again: "Emperor of Heaven, Emperor of Earth, there is a man named Yelang in my family who specializes in catching ghosts that cry at night. His magic talisman controls the house and sleeps in the sky! I entrust the Supreme Lord, the divine soldiers, to rush as fast as the law! Photograph!"

The drawn talisman paper is pasted on the peach wood sword. The forbidden spell master has to make a set of hand techniques, then light the talisman paper and put it into the pottery bowl.

The burnt talismans left only paper ashes and the potion brought by the Forbidden Magic Master for the child to drink.

Ying Bao continued reading and suddenly realized that it was not easy to be a forbidden spell master.

Not only do you have to recite various incantations, but you also have to learn various hand techniques and steps, and use them to draw talismans.

In other words, to draw each spell, you not only need to recite the spell, but also make corresponding hand gestures and steps.

Moreover, each stroke has a different corresponding hand formula, and you have to step on the steps.

So when the spellcaster draws the talisman, he moves his steps back and forth, left and right, as if dancing.

At this moment, Ying Bao found a set of Gang Step pictures, so he stood up and tried following the steps in the album.

First, stand with both feet in the middle palace, squat down, and step forward with the left foot straight into the Qian Gua.

The right foot arcs to the left to step into the Dui Gua, and the left foot steps forward in a straight line to step into the Li Gua.

The right foot arcs to the left to step into the Zhen Gua, and the left foot steps straight forward to enter the Zhonggong... Not to mention, it is a bit like a boxing step, and it is not difficult to learn by yourself.

However, due to the small space in the cabin, some of them cannot be used.

Ying Bao thought for a while, then walked out of the cabin with the book and came to the deck.

Xiao Chengjun is no longer here, he probably went back to the cabin.

This is just right, she can practice Ta Gang Step Fighting here.

Lift your left foot first, one step at a time, one step forward and one back, one yin and one yang, the beginning and end are synchronized, and the feet are placed horizontally to form a T-shape.

The Forbidden Master uses this method to summon the gods.

But there are dozens of types of Yubu, and if you want to practice them all, it cannot be done overnight.

Yingbao first practiced one type of technique, and practiced it back and forth many times, and finally mastered it.

During this period, the boatman and the guards on the deck watched with great interest, and even whispered to each other and commented from time to time.

Yingbao didn't care about them, and started practicing the second Yu step by himself, and learned the hand pinching technique.

She didn't stop until Chun Niang and Chen Zhao walked out of the cabin.

“Yingbao, what are you doing?” Chen Zhao asked curiously.

“I’m learning the art of Zhu You.”

It was getting late at this time, and the boat girl started cooking at the stern of the boat.

Ying Bao then opened a box at home and took out a few mutton buns and three bamboo tubes filled with water.

Chunniang took the steamed bun and smelled it. She felt relieved when she saw that it was not rancid.

He gave Chen Zhao a portion of the steamed buns and water, and he and his daughter Chen Zhao sat on the deck to eat.

The boat girl came over and said with a smile: "Hey, I brought dry food myself. My family has cooked fish. Do you want to come over and have a taste?"

Chunniang quickly thanked her: "Thank you for your kindness, madam. We are full."

The boat lady did not force herself, and brought a pot of boiled fish on the deck, and a large pot of rice, and asked the guards to get their own bowls and chopsticks to eat.

Several boatmen docked the big boat near a pier, lowered the anchor, and came to eat.

Yingbao and the other three had enough to eat and drink, and walked around on the deck to take in the scenery.

As night falls, the sky is filled with stars, echoing the lights on several surrounding ships.

“It’s a bit cold.” Chen Zhao rubbed his arms and shrank his neck.

Chunniang quickly asked her daughter: "Bao'er, are you cold? Mommy will bring you some clothes to put on."

“Hmm.” It is now the end of July, and it is indeed a bit cold in the morning and evening.

The three of them returned to the cabin and simply did not go out. They sat on the floor and talked.

Of course, it was Chun Niang who told Chen Zhao that Ying Bao was practicing the hand pinching technique.

Pinch Jue is also called Grip Jue, Nian Jue, Nie Jue, Fa Jue, Hand Jue, Shen Jue, sometimes called Dou Jue, or simply Jue.

Change your fingers and arrange them according to the positions of the twenty-eight constellations and the eight trigrams. Each hand gesture corresponds to a spell.

 Chen Zhao saw it interestingly and followed suit. He also brought the oil lamp over and shone the shadow of the technique on the bulkhead.

“Haha! Rabbit, rabbit! Do I look like a rabbit?”

“Wow! Yingbao, you pinch like a wolf’s head, I want to imitate you too.”

In the end, the two girls locked hands, looked at each other's shadows, and attacked each other.

“Ouch! I’m going to eat you little rabbit!”

“If you can’t eat it, look at me turning into an eagle, pecking your eyes...”

Chunniang covered her mouth and laughed.

I saw two girls entangled in a ball, pecking each other with the shadows of their palms.