In another cabin, Xiao Chengjun lay on the mat with his eyes closed and began to dream again.

Like the previous two times, the dream was strange and bizarre, with many images intertwined together, making his mind confused.

However, there was one person who left a deep impression on him, and that was Chen Tiantian, who was currently working as a palace maid in the East Palace.

Because all his dreams were about her, he was crazy about her and banged against the wall for her, even if his liver and brain were bruised and his hands were stained with blood, he had no regrets.

But how is it possible? How could I do this for a woman? Unless you're crazy.

Xiao Chengjun resisted in his heart and tried his best to get rid of this strange dream, but he just couldn't get rid of it.


A thunder sounded.

Xiao Chengjun sat up suddenly, gasping for air.

Okay, okay, this is just a dream.

Calm down your mood and look out through the small window.

From time to time, one or two flashes of lightning flashed across the dark sky, accompanied by dull thunder.

The strong wind blew through the cabin and made a whining sound, and the hull began to shake.

Xiao Chengjun stood up, put on his coat and boots, and opened the hatch.

A strong wind blew and knocked him staggering.

The young man Nanzhu quickly pulled him back: "Sir, the wind is too strong and it's dangerous on the deck."

Xiao Chengjun had no choice but to retreat into the cabin and watch Nan Zhu close the cabin door.

Soon it started to rain outside.

Nanzhu looked out the window worriedly and muttered: "Why is it raining? Fortunately we didn't go sailing."

Xiao Chengjun lay back on the floor, closed his eyes and fell asleep, thinking about the dream all the time.

It’s really strange. In the dream, my wife’s name was also Jiang Yingbao.

Every time he tried to see what she looked like, he failed.

The wind and rain outside are getting stronger and stronger, and the ship's hull is swinging more and more.

The boy Nanzhu was so frightened that he could not close his eyes. He knelt down on the floor with his hands clasped together and kept chanting the blessings of Bodhisattva and the blessings of Sanqing Taoist Priest.

It was hard to survive until dawn, but the storm became even stronger, and the entire hull was swayed from side to side by the waves.

“It’s not good! The boat has capsized!”

Someone is shouting outside.

The boss of the boat and several boatmen hugged the pillars of the boat and looked at the river.

I saw a ship not far away that had rolled over and was slowly sinking.

"Hey! That's a merchant ship!" A boatman shouted: "Many people fell into the water!"

The boss of the boat's eyes lit up and he quickly ordered: "Go and rescue people quickly. Let's throw the float down and rescue them one by one!"

“Okay!” Two boatmen ran to the stern of the boat against the wind, untied a string of floats from the side, then ran to the bow of the boat and threw them out with all their strength.

Then the two of them climbed down along the edge of the boat, grabbed the float and climbed on top, and swam hard towards the person who fell into the water.

The two boats were not far apart, and some of the people splashing in the water knew how to swim, so they grabbed the float one after another.

On this side of the boat, the guards also came to the rescue and grabbed the rope tied to the float and pulled it back.

After a while, people and the float were dragged back to the boat.

When these people were dragged onto the boat one by one, everyone could see clearly. A total of eight people, four men, four women, were rescued.

Of these eight people, three are young girls, one is a middle-aged woman, and the other four are all young men.

The women did not sink into the river, thanks to the protection of these men who knew how to swim.

Now, several people were soaked through and crowded into a cabin, shivering with cold.

Especially a few women, even more naked.

However, everyone on the boat had no extra clothes for them.

The guards couldn't bear it, so one of them came forward and knocked on Yingbao's cabin door.

Chunniang opened the cabin door and asked: "What's the matter?"

"Madam, there is a boat capsized next to us. We have rescued a few women. They have no clothes. I would like to ask you to do a favor and lend them some clothes to cover their bodies." Chun Niang nodded quickly: "I will go look for it."

She turned around and rummaged through her baggage, took out two coats of her own and handed them over: "There are only two, take them."

The guard took the coat and frowned: "Madam, they have four women."

Chun Niang apologized: "I'm so sorry, I only have these two pairs of clothes. My daughter's clothes are too small, I guess they can't wear them."

The guard had no choice but to go back with two pairs of clothes and hand them to several women.

The strong wind outside gradually subsided, and the rain gradually weakened.

The capsized boat on the river was left with an upside-down bottom and scattered items floating around.

Several ships came forward to salvage, some returned the salvaged items to the survivors, and some ships directly drove away after collecting the items and cages.

The rescued survivors squatted on the shore and cried loudly, but there was nothing they could do.

At this time, the sky clears after the rain, and the sun shines on the earth.

Several women who had been staying in the cabin came to the deck.

When I saw that a small part of the capsized boat was exposed on the river, I couldn't help but hide my face and cry.

Their clothes, jewelry, and money were all gone.

The boat girl asked: "Where are you going? If you are on your way, come with our boat."

"We are going to the capital. I wonder where your ship is going?" the middle-aged woman said.

The boat girl clapped her hands: "Oh, what a coincidence, we just came out of the capital and are on our way to Luzhou."

"It's really unfortunate." The middle-aged woman looked disappointed and asked cautiously: "Can you send us back to Beijing first? Don't worry, we will definitely reward you heavily when we get to the capital."

The boat girl shook her head regretfully: "We can't decide this. Although this boat belongs to our family, the employer is going to Luzhou, so we must not be able to return."

The two people were talking, and the middle-aged woman’s eyes lit up when she saw the two people coming out of another cabin.

"Are you Xu Chunniang?" The middle-aged woman hurriedly walked over to say hello.

Chun Niang was also surprised when she saw the middle-aged woman: "Mrs. Wen San? Why are you here?"

Mrs. Wen San: "I took my daughter back to the capital to visit relatives. A heavy rain last night caused the boat to capsize. Alas, why are you here in the capital too?"

"My daughter went to Beijing to see a noble man, and she is preparing to return to her hometown." Chun Niang said.

"Is your daughter here too?" Mrs. Wen San couldn't help but glance next to her.

Chen Zhao knew Mrs. Wen San and quickly bowed to her.

Mrs. Wen San glanced at her without saying anything, and looked around.

Chunniang: "My daughter is still asleep."

My daughter did the magic for half a night last night and couldn't get up in the morning. She was sleeping soundly wrapped in a quilt, so I didn't call her.

"Oh." Mrs. Wen San suddenly changed her mind and decided not to return to Beijing.

Her brother failed in his errand last time and put his uncle in jail.

I came to Beijing this time because I wanted to plead with my father-in-law and ask him to help smoothen the relationship and get my natal uncle out of prison.

As a result, the boat he was on capsized when the weather was stormy.

Fortunately, some kindhearted people rescued her, mother and daughter, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Seeing that Mrs. Wen San was silent for a long time, Chun Niang whispered: "I'm going to wash up, excuse me."

Speaking, he walked straight to the bathroom.

Chen Zhao followed closely behind, walked in and closed the door.

This bathroom on the ship is also the guest room for the female family members, and the smell is a bit unpleasant.

Chunniang hurriedly cleaned up, took a bucket of water to flush the toilet, and then took Chen Zhao back to the cabin.

Seeing that my daughter was awake, she whispered, "I'll tell you something strange."

“What’s the matter?” Ying Bao asked curiously.

Chun Niang: "Mrs. Wen San brought her two daughters to Beijing, but the boat capsized last night. She was actually rescued by the crew of our boat. Her three daughters are also fine. Do you think it's strange?"