In the dream, I was very scared, afraid that my mother would sell me too.

If a girl's family enters a place like Hualou, her life will be over. Not only will she not be able to find a good husband, she will also not be able to have children in the future.

This was said by my cousin. In her eyes full of disdain, it was as if my eldest sister and I were also girls from the flower house.

I was very angry, and I resented Yingbao in my heart. I also hated my aunt’s cousin even more.

After that, my family bought a small courtyard in the county town, and my family of five lived in it.

Life in the county town was not good. My eldest sister and I took over all the household chores. I lamented more than once that it would be great if my third sister was here. All the laundry and other chores in winter should be hers.

The eldest sister didn’t say anything, but she didn’t refute either.

Later, the eldest sister got married and married the fisherman.

The fisherman was dark and thin, but he was very kind to my eldest sister. He would go to the city every few days just to deliver fish to our family. Therefore, my mother-in-law did not object to this marriage.

After the eldest sister got married, she followed the fishermen on the river, but every once in a while she would go to the city to deliver fish to her parents' family.

Aniang was naturally overjoyed, and sometimes sent the fish brought back by her eldest sister to her aunt's house.

Since my eldest sister got married, all the household chores fell on me. I was very depressed, but there was nothing I could do.

Later on, I got to know many little sisters, so I would often sneak out of the house early in the morning and not come back until noon.

Aniang scolded me at first, but she never hit me because the neighbors would hear it and she was afraid that it would be known to my father's teachers and friends.

A few years later, my father finally passed the examination as a scholar.

That day, the house was very lively, and neighbors came to congratulate me.

My father, who has been admitted as a scholar, plans to go to the county school to study, but the county school teachers must first examine the moral character of the students and their families. If anyone is found to have bad moral character, he will not be allowed to enter the county school as long as he is not three generations old.

After discussion, the parents spent eighty taels to redeem the third sister.

It is said that the price was paid because my father was a scholar and my uncle was a top official.

Aniang was very angry. After picking up her third sister, she kept pointing at her and scolding her, calling her a money loser, a disaster star, and a lowly whore.

Not to be outdone, the third sister also scolded him.

Aniang had never experienced such grievances, so she immediately beat her with a stick.

 But the third sister was already thirteen or fourteen years old. She was tall, beautiful and agile. She took the wooden stick from Aniang's hand and threw it against the courtyard wall.

Aniang was so angry that she sat on the ground and cried loudly.

Seeing this, Xu Bao rushed up and tried to beat the third sister, but was kicked over by the third sister, pinned to the ground and slapped several times in the mouth.

When I saw this, of course I couldn't just sit back and watch. I rushed to help, but I couldn't beat her. Instead, she pushed her to the ground and beat her.

A few days have passed, and no matter what methods we use, we can't take her out.

Grandma was so angry that she refused to eat. But while we were eating, she rushed in and snatched the wooden barrel of rice. She also poured all the vegetables into the wooden barrel, then climbed up to the roof and sat there eating the rice in one mouthful. Eat it all.

It was such a big bucket of rice and two plates of vegetables, and she ate it all by herself.

During that time, the family was often in turmoil, and my mother-in-law regretted bringing her back.

Finally, Aniang gave up and ignored her, but would assign her work.

I thought the third sister would quit, but she took the tub to the river without saying a word and didn't come back until the food was ready.

A Niang didn’t want to feed her, so she cooked quickly while she was out, and after cooking, she quietly brought it into the house. Unexpectedly, the third sister, as if she could foresee it, jumped in from the courtyard wall and kicked open the house. He opened the door, grabbed the food and ran away.

After a few times, my mother-in-law was afraid of spending more money to repair the door, so she had to give up the idea.

One time, a distinguished person came to the family and wanted to see the Hu Xuan dance. The parents somehow persuaded the third sister to let her dance.

The nobleman liked her very much and gave her a valuable jade pendant.

Aniang was so greedy that she asked Xu Bao and I to bring the jade pendant.

Of course the third sister refused. She had a fight with us and rushed to grandma’s house, split open grandma’s wooden box with an ax and snatched the jade pendant back.

Aniang was very angry and cried with her father.

However, her father asked her to calm down, saying that the noble man likes the third sister, and he would send her to Fucheng. He also asked A Niang to be nice to the third sister, and maybe he would ask for something from her in the future.

Later, the third sister was given sweat medicine by her mother-in-law and put on a ship to Fucheng.

I continue to dream.

In the dream, my father became a clerk in the Governor’s Office of Fucheng, so our family naturally followed him to Fucheng.

The Wei family is a wealthy family in the city and has some connections with the Chen family, so we are staying with the Wei family.

However, the person in charge of the Wei family's wedding was actually a concubine, which surprised me a little.

I later learned that the mother-in-law of the Wei family died of illness a few years ago, and her only son was taken to his uncle's family and did not return to the Wei family until he grew up.

Since the Wei family and the Xiao family of the Dudu Mansion are also related, I often see the seventh son of the Wei family going to the Dudu Mansion to find the young master of the Xiao family.

He was very proud and didn't pay much attention to me at first.

Later he found out that my father was working in the Governor's Mansion, and he looked at me seriously.

Once, I followed Wei Qi to the Governor's Mansion to find my father. I happened to see the third sister in a silk dress. She was so beautiful that it would be an exaggeration to say she was a fairy concubine. I almost didn't recognize her.

Wei Zhan also looked straight at her and walked over to talk to her.

At first, the third sister was polite to him, but when she saw me, she walked away with disdain.

On the way, she met several school officials from the Governor's Office. They greeted her and whistled at her, but the third sister ignored them and walked away.

I'm so surprised. Isn't the third sister a concubine of the Dudu Mansion? Why can she freely enter and leave the inner and outer courtyards, and still show off to those high-level military commanders? Those military commanders didn't seem to be angry at all, and kept watching her walk into the Moon Gate.

I know that inside that gate is where the governor lives. No one is allowed to enter. Even the Seventh Young Master of Wei has to go through a general pass before he can enter.

But the third sister just walked in without anyone around to guide her.

So I went home and told my parents about this.

Mother slapped the case and scolded angrily: "Since she is so favored, why don't you say a word for your father? After all, we raised her for a while, but she actually raised a white-eyed wolf. If I had known better, I wouldn't have sent her to the Governor's Mansion. It would be of no use at all. ”

Dad was silent for a long time, then suddenly said to me: "A Zhao, do you want to enter the Governor's Mansion?"

I was stunned.

Dad continued: "If you want to go, dad will help you."

I suddenly blushed when I thought of the heroic and heroic governor.

My mother also said: "Ah Zhao, you are not young. If I didn't want to find you a high-ranking family, I wouldn't have ignored you until now. The governor is of high status, not too old, and he doesn't have a wife yet. If you can win his favor and have a son and a half daughters, you will be the mistress of the Governor's Mansion."

My heart is moved.

A few days later, my mother-in-law invited a makeup girl to teach me how to apply makeup.

After I finished my makeup and put on a colorful dress, I took a look in the mirror and found that I was very similar to my third sister.

I don’t understand: “Why do you paint me like this?”

Aniang smiled and said: "It's more beautiful this way."

I admit this.

Because my face is shaped like my father, but my skin is like my mother’s, with a bit of black and yellow, not as fair and tender as my third sister’s. My eyes are also the same as my mother’s, narrow and long, not as dark and lively as my third sister’s.

The body shape is not the same, I have slender shoulders and a slim waist, but the third sister's body is upright, standing there like a green bamboo.

That evening, my father took me into the Governor's Mansion to attend a banquet. The main hall was full of military generals, as well as some staff and officials from the Dudu Mansion.

The governor was sitting at the top, holding a wine cup. He was stunned when he saw me.

The father hurriedly stepped forward and introduced that this was his second daughter and he wanted to present a song to the governor.

The governor agreed, but kept staring at me, and my hands shook when I looked at him.

Finally, I took out the xun and played the song "Palace of Immortality".

The governor asked me to come closer. He looked at me for a long time and then said, "Are you and Chen Ying sisters?"

I nodded.

“Want to come into my house?” he asked.

I nodded again.

The governor took a sip from the wine cup and said, "In that case, you can stay."

So I entered the back house of the Governor's Mansion.

That night, I served the governor.

At that time, he doted on me very much and often called me to see me, but every time he was done, he would have someone bring me a bowl of soup to drink.

I didn’t understand it at first and thought it was a tonic. Later I found out that it was a medicine to prevent pregnancy.

But even so, I thought I was very favored, so I had the courage to mention my father to him.

The governor was also very happy and immediately signed a letter of appointment, making my father the magistrate of a large county.

I was very proud and I was doing very well in the house, because the servants and maids all fawned over me.

I suddenly thought of my third sister, so I asked someone to call her over.

The third sister is here. She doesn’t have any makeup on her face and only wears a gauze skirt. She is as beautiful as a fairy.

In my heart, I was secretly jealous of her good looks, and she picked on the best of her parents.

But so what if she is as beautiful as a fairy? It’s not that she wasn’t favored by the governor, but for so many days, I didn’t see her enter the governor’s dormitory once.

"Come here and help me beat my back." I told her, leaning on the Arhat couch.

As expected, the third sister came over and sat across from me. While eating the fruit on the small table, she said, "Are you itchy?"

I got angry, sat up, knocked the fruit off her hand, and yelled angrily: "You really don't understand the rules, you just eat other people's food casually. Did I let you eat it?"

The third sister stood up and clapped her hands, which shocked me.

Unexpectedly, she didn’t hit me, she just smiled contemptuously, turned around and left.

I was so angry that I asked my maid to stop her, but she was too timid to step forward.

At night, when the governor summoned me again, I added some insults and told the governor about my third sister's rudeness, and even coquettishly asked him to punish her.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the governor immediately got off me and asked his maid to come in and take me out.

I was confused. I didn’t know where the governor was offended.

After that, the governor never called me again or gave me anything.

I was angry and curious about what was going on, so I ran to the third sister’s yard to find her and ask her.

Finally, I met the governor outside the courtyard. He was talking to the third sister and reached out to pull her.

The third sister slapped his hand away, turned back to the courtyard, and closed the door.

I was shocked and hurriedly hid behind a tree, fearing that the governor would be furious and I would be in trouble.

However, the governor stood at the door for a while, turned around and walked away. He walked to my big tree and glanced at it.

I didn't dare to express my anger. I waited until the governor was gone before I came out from behind the tree and ran back to my house quickly.

Two days later, another banquet was held in the Dudu Mansion, and all of us concubines were called to accompany the guests at the banquet.

After a few glasses of wine, the generals forgot about it, hugged us and laughed, but the governor didn't care at all and let everyone enjoy themselves.

Only then did I realize that the concubines in the Governor's Mansion did not only serve the Governor alone, they were also playthings for entertaining guests.

But where is the third sister?

I looked around and saw her sitting among a group of dancers, looking at everyone indifferently.

At this time, a military general said to the governor: "General, my subordinate wants to marry Miss Chen Ying."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the house fell silent.

Then everyone looked at the Grand Governor.

The governor smiled slightly and said, "I can't agree."

Immediately, a counselor next to him smiled and said: "The general is just a dancer who is proficient in Hu Xuan dance. General Feng, please don't embarrass the general."

Everyone laughed.

Someone else said: "We all want Miss Chen Ying, General Feng, you have to wait in line."

General Feng blushed, but he quickly hugged the concubine beside him and said, "Then let me ask the general for her."

The governor agreed and asked for ten bolts of silk and some gold and silver to be brought to the concubine.

Just when my mind changed, the general asked the third sister to dance again.

That’s when I saw my third sister dancing the Hu Xuan Dance for the first time.

She was shaped like a sparrow, and kept dancing to the beat of the drums. She kept dancing for a whole hour, and the governor didn't even ask to stop.

I saw that the third sister’s head and face were covered with sweat, and her clothes were stuck to her body.

Suddenly she fell down and seemed to have fainted.

While everyone was stunned, a young general rushed up, picked her up, and ran out of the hall to call the doctor.

The banquet was over just like that. Everyone had no intention of drinking and followed him out of the hall to see what was going on.

I took a look at the governor and found that his face was ugly. He was probably angry with his third sister.

For a long time, the Dudu Mansion did not hold a banquet. The banquet that usually would be held once a month was not held for four whole months.

I didn’t see the third sister either. It is said that she injured her foot and has been recovering.

In the past few months, the governor did not call for concubines, but he had more concubines.

One day, I finally saw my third sister. She seemed to have gained some weight, her skin was smooth and smooth, and she looked better.

She saw that I still had the same face and nose, which made me very angry.

On this day, Wei Qi came to the Governor's Mansion, and somehow he and the young master of the Xiao family ran to the courtyard where his concubine was, and happened to meet me.

I saw that the young master of the Xiao family was still playing with the leather whip in his hand, lashing the flowers and plants from time to time, and with a flick of his eyes, he led them to the third sister's yard.

Everyone in the house knows that this young master is very domineering and moody, and will whip people if they are not careful.

People with a donkey temper like Third Sister can easily attract dissatisfaction.

Let the young master of the Xiao family and Wei Qi take care of her. Even if the governor is unhappy, these two are his relatives, so he can help outsiders take care of his own family.

I watched Wei Qi and the young master of the Xiao family walk into the third sister's yard, listening to the sounds happily.