After a while, a miserable howl came from the yard.

I was so excited that I quickly ran to the door to check.

This sight frightened me. I saw the third sister grabbing the young master of the Xiao family by his ears and dragging him outside.

Wei Qize followed them silently, seeming a little frustrated.

I didn’t understand why, so I scolded loudly: “How can you pull the young master’s ears?”

The third sister ignored me and kept carrying the young master of the Xiao family out of the hospital before saying, "If you dare to do this again, I will knock your legs off!"

Wei Qi and the young master of the Xiao family lowered their heads and ran away quickly.

I was a little confused, and then I saw my third sister coming towards me. I was so frightened that I turned around and ran away.

Later I found out that the third sister was taking a bath when the young master of the Xiao family and Wei Qi broke in.

I thought this matter had been revealed, but unexpectedly the governor found out.

On this day, the concubines watched the young master Xiao being whipped ten times.

Until then, I was shocked to realize that the governor was so indulgent towards the third sister.

I consider myself someone who has been through this before, so I know that this man may have other intentions.

The third sister has a separate courtyard. She can enter and exit the inner and outer courtyards freely, but she cannot go out of the gate of the Governor's Mansion because the gate is guarded by soldiers and no one is allowed to pass.

Her food and clothing expenses are also different from others. We only have three dishes per meal, but she has four dishes, two of which are meat.

Also, every time she had a banquet, she would not accompany the generals, but only stay with a group of actors.

But those actors all live in large courtyards, which are noisy and dirty, and the food is very poor. They are not even as good as us concubines.

I'm a little scared. I have so many conflicts with her. Will she take revenge one day?

So, I stayed quietly in the Governor's Mansion for more than a year. During this period, many of my concubines were given away by the Governor, and then new ones were brought in.

At this time, I am already an old man in the house. As long as I don't go to places guarded by guards, I can move around like the third sister.

On this day, my mother-in-law came to me suddenly and said that my younger brother Xu Bao also wanted to be an official and asked me to have a good relationship with the governor.

I shook my head and said that the governor was not easy to talk to.

Actually, the governor hasn’t seen me for a long time.

But he often went to see his third sister, and sometimes even ate at her place.

Aniang was a little unhappy and asked me if my wings were stiff, so I refused to help.

I feel sorry for myself, but I don’t want to be looked down upon by my parents, so I just want to give it a try.

At noon, I was sure that the governor would not come at this time, so I quietly entered the third sister's yard.

The third sister’s yard is very large, with few flowers and plants. Instead, there is a high pavilion. Standing on the pavilion, one can see the scene outside the Governor’s Mansion.

I looked around and saw my third sister sitting on the pavilion, looking outside silently.

Hold up the hem of her skirt and go up to the high platform. Following the sight of the third sister, she saw a group of young military attachés standing there, all with heroic looks.

My heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the third sister fell in love with some general?

At this time, the third sister turned her head and asked, "What are you doing here?"

I smiled and sat down on the stone bench, "Mom asked me to take more care of you. When she has time, I will make a cotton dress and send it to you."

Three sisters sneered, turned away and said nothing.

I said: "Third sister, I want you to mention it to the governor and find a job for your brother Xu Bao."

Sanmei: “No time.”

I was a little angry: "The governor has been so kind to you, why don't you say something? My brother has become an official, don't you have a good face?"

Third sister: "Get out! Don't bother me with your family's troubles."

I got angry, pointed at her and said, "No wonder my mother said you are a white-eyed wolf. It is true. Now you are shaking and you don't even recognize your mother's family?"

The third sister looked at me coldly, and I was so shocked that I had no choice but to storm off the platform in anger.

A few days later, several dancers suddenly lived in the third sister's yard, and a gatekeeper was posted at the door.

I wanted to go in, but was stopped by the doorkeeper. She said, "If I want to go in, I have to report back to the girl first."

I can’t, I have to come back.

In the second year, many flowers from the Western Regions were planted in the garden of the mansion. These flowers were so beautiful that everyone would occasionally pick them and wear them on their heads.

One day, I saw a young general taking out a handful of loquats from his arms and giving it to his third sister. The third sister took it and smiled sweetly at him.

I was overjoyed and wanted to get closer to see what the general looked like, but he left quickly.

From then on, I began to pay attention to the actions of my third sister.

So I discovered that she looked cold when she saw me, but she was very enthusiastic towards those young and handsome generals, and she often greeted them with a smile.

I saw no less than three young generals who were obsessed with her and sent her things from time to time. She accepted them all without rejecting them.

But she disliked Wei Qi very much, because when Wei Qi saw her receiving things from those generals, he would sneer and speak very sharply.

Every time at this time, I would step forward to help and make the third sister angry.

Later, those young generals no longer appeared. The governor moved his office to the outer courtyard and ordered that no female family members were allowed to go to the outer courtyard.

But one time, I saw my third sister climbing out of the courtyard wall, and I was curious about where she was going and how she was going to come back.

By coincidence, the governor happened to come in from the outer courtyard, and I hurriedly told him about the third sister climbing over the wall.

I saw the governor's face changed drastically. I quickly ran into Third Sister's yard to confirm, and then checked which wall she climbed out of. Then I shouted to the guards to go out and arrest her.

I have never seen the governor look so panicked, and I can't help but feel disgusted.

An hour later, the third sister was brought back. One of her hands was caught by the governor, and she was eating a bunch of candied haws in the other hand.

I quietly took a look at the governor's face and found that he had a straight face, but he didn't look angry.

After that, there were several more maids in the third sister's yard, following her every step of the way.

The original servants and maids never appeared again.

Even several dancers in the same courtyard with her were punished with whips.

Another autumn, the governor was ordered to go out to suppress bandits and stayed away for several months.

We, the concubines, were bored in our free time, so we played leaf cards in the house.

The maids and women in the house also began to stay lazy. The cats were warming themselves by the fire in the house and refused to go out to guard the door.

No one knows that the third sister escaped from the Governor's Mansion at some point and never came back.

When the maids discovered that they were missing, the entire governor's house was shocked.

I was puzzled, the Governor's Mansion was not living a good life, but she insisted on escaping. It was really out of her mind.

A month later, the governor returned to the mansion.

He was wearing armor, with a scowl on his face, and his beard had been cut off, making him look very ferocious.

The steward of the mansion was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and reported the story of the little dancer's escape.

The governor closed his eyes and meditated for a while, then waved the steward to go outside to receive the punishment. Then he got up and went to the third sister's yard, staying there for a long time before coming out.

When he came out, he took a letter, stared at me for a long time, and ordered me to be dragged down and tortured.

I was inexplicably beaten fifty times until I passed out and was dragged down to give me medicine.

After that I was sent out of the Governor's Mansion.

Fortunately, my father also made a friend in the Dudu Mansion. He sent me to the hospital for treatment and sent someone to notify my parents.

My parents and younger brother came to see me soon. When they saw me, they didn’t ask me about my injury. Instead, they blamed me for offending the governor, which caused him to be reprimanded by the governor.

He also asked me where my third sister had gone.

How do I know where she goes?

Within a year, my father was dismissed from his job on charges of accepting bribes and embezzling taxes and money. Fortunately, the amount of money my father embezzled was not large, and he made up for the shortfall in time. Otherwise, he would not be dismissed, but exiled or beheaded.

My parents were very angry and blamed the third sister for the dismissal. They also said that if she had not escaped privately, their family would not be so unlucky.

Now that I have lost my official position, my life is over.

They angrily looked around for someone, but couldn't find them anywhere.

A year passed like this. One day, the eldest sister came to visit her parents and told them that she had seen the third sister in Qinchuan County.

She also said that she was living a prosperous life in the county town with her two sons from her adoptive father's adoptive mother's house, and she was very happy.

My parents were furious and immediately rushed to Qinchuan County with a few servants.

The eldest sister took them all the way to the third sister's small courtyard. She watched her parents take the people in while she stood outside and watched quietly.

Not long after, the parents came out and went to the county government office to report that their daughter had committed suicide by hanging from a beam.

Cases like this, especially those involving parents beating and killing their children, are not uncommon. The county magistrate only asked the widower to check it out, then classified it as a family dispute and did not file a case.

I felt bad, so I asked my eldest sister why she watched her father and mother kill the third sister, even if she just beat her, there was no need to do this.

The eldest sister only said coldly: "A person like her disrespects her parents and has no regard for human ethics. She doesn't deserve to live."

I looked at the gentle and gentle eldest sister, but she said the most heartless words, and the hair on my hair stood up.

Later, on the recommendation of my uncle, my father joined King Cheng and became an aide in the palace of the city king.

At this time, my second cousin had become a concubine in Prince Cheng's palace.

Later, King Cheng rebelled, but was suppressed by the governor's troops.

As soon as King Cheng fell, all his followers were captured and thrown into prison to await execution by his queen.

My family was interrogated alone by the governor.

The governor sat behind the desk and asked my parents why they killed my third sister.

My mother was lying on the ground and didn't dare to answer, and my father couldn't even speak.

The governor asked again, and my mother trembled and made up an excuse, to the effect that she was trying to vent his anger on the governor.

I saw the governor smile, and with a wave of his hand, someone brought the eldest sister in.

The governor told A Niang that as long as she strangled the eldest sister on the spot, she would survive.

Aniang agreed without thinking, took off her belt and went to strangle the eldest sister.

The eldest sister struggled desperately, but her hands and feet were pinned down and she couldn't escape at all.

Aniang tightened her belt while crying, but the eldest sister never died.

I looked at this scene in horror. My whole body was paralyzed on the ground, unable to move at all.

I don’t know how long it took, but the eldest sister was finally strangled to death by her mother-in-law.

The governor laughed and looked at me again with cold eyes.

I burst into tears and my teeth chattered.

The younger brother was so frightened that he peed his pants and started talking nonsense and swearing incoherently.

I don’t know where I got the strength to hug him and cover his mouth.

After Aniang strangled her eldest sister to death, she felt a little dazed.

The governor did let her go, and he let me go, but he didn’t let my father and brother go.

We, mother and daughter, were taken to the human traffickers' market to be sold. Finally, I was bought by a businessman from other places, and my mother was bought by a bustard.

Several years later, I occasionally heard that the governor had become the regent, with one person under his command and above ten thousand people.

Some people say that the regent loved to watch the Hu Xuan dance the most, and all his favorite concubines were Hu Xuan dancers.

But he had no children in his life, and he did not have a princess.

The scene in the dream ended abruptly.

I woke up suddenly from my dream, my heart still beating rapidly.

I looked at the gauze curtain above my head and pinched myself hard.

Okay, okay, that was all a dream. I am not a concubine, but an upright married man and a real wife.

The younger brother is also fine and was not beheaded.

As for dad, luckily he is alive too.

I turned over and got off the bed, waking my husband up. "It's still dark, what are you doing out so early?"

I looked at him and said warmly: "Just going out for a walk."

The husband immediately sat up and put on his coat: "I will accompany you."

So the two of us went outside the yard and looked around.

Today's streets are very wide, and street lights are hung at the entrances of the inns, which are bright and dim.

I thought about the scene in the dream, and when I look at it now, I feel a sense of unreality.

“It’s cold outside, let’s go back.” My husband took off his coat and put it on me.

I nodded: "Okay."

Hand in hand with my husband, he and I returned home.

The following days were dull and comfortable.

My grandparents lived to be ninety-nine years old and died without any illness.

Dad also lived for more than eighty years. Before he left, he grabbed his younger brother's hand and called grandma's name.

I know that although my mother-in-law has a bad temper and often beats and scolds her children, she is very good to her father. She gives all her love to him and only has a little conscience left for her children.

When her conscience is gone, she can kill any child without mercy.

And my father is a heartless person, selfish, dark and incompetent. Even for his own son, he doesn't have much love.

He and A Niang are a perfect match.

I watched my father take his last breath, still holding my brother's sleeve tightly in his hand.

“Change your clothes as soon as possible, it won’t be easy to change later.” the undertaker urged.

I handed him a set of shrouds that I had prepared a long time ago and turned around and left the house.

When I came to the sacred tree, I knelt down and silently prayed that my father would find my mother-in-law in the underworld and that we would be together forever.

Several years later, when I was lying on the bed dying, I saw my third sister Yingbao again.

She is still so young, like a girl, but I am already old. Even after taking the Beauty Pill, my mortal body is still decaying.

I took Yingbao's hand and said, "Third sister, don't hate your parents, and don't hate your eldest sister. They have already been punished."

I want to tell her what happened in the dream, but I don’t know how to do it.

Ying Bao looked at me with pity and gave me a red pill: "Take this pill and you can extend your life by fifty years."

I shook my head, but still took the pill. I wanted to give it to my husband.

In this life, he has been with me the longest, giving me more than my parents have given me.

I have nothing to repay him, I can only borrow flowers and offer them to the Buddha.

Yingbao didn't say anything. She waved her hand and performed the Changchun Jue on me.

I feel a lot better, but I also know that mortal life is limited and my end has come.