Chapter 3: approved the medicine

Chapter 3 Recognized Medicine

I became a four-year-old child again, and chose to live in my grandfather's house. Youguang quickly adjusted his condition.

However, she relaxed, and the elders in the family did not.

Xie Haitang spent a few days interviewing babysitters with her family after privately speaking with her sister-in-law on the phone.

"This auntie is so noisy that I can't concentrate." Once again, he politely sent off a nanny, Xiao Youguang poked the milk bottle, and spoke to Xia Ronghe, who were sitting on the sofa in rows and heard her express their opinions. Xie Haitang said.

"Children's attention is very important, so this is not acceptable." Xia Rong said with a serious face.

"?" Xie Haitang frowned, "This is already the sixth."

Because of the previous incident of Aunt Huang, it was rare for Xia Youqing to tell his father and sister-in-law this time to be careful about hiring a nanny for their daughter, and to listen more.

When Xia Rong and Xie Haitang chose a babysitter for their children, they didn't need Xia Yuqing to say, they knew they had to be careful, but they didn't know why Xia Youqing entrusted the decision to choose a babysitter to a child, but it didn't prevent them from being willing to Respect your child's opinion.

"Okay, then I..." Xie Haitang just wanted to say I'll look for it again, but was interrupted by Xiao Youguang halfway through her speech.

"Can I not have a babysitter?"

"What if you don't need a babysitter? There's no one at home to accompany you."

"I don't need anyone to accompany me." Yuguang threw the empty bottle in his hand into the trash.

"How about that?"

"How do you know if you don't try it?"

"..." Xie Haitang looked at the father in embarrassment.

In this matter, she can't be the master.

"Then don't need a babysitter." Xia Rong thought for a while and said, "It's going to be New Year's Eve soon. I pushed the activities a few years ago, and I spent extra time at home with me. After the year, the children go to school, and I spend time with Dai every day. It's okay to be together without a babysitter."

"Then I will also push the activities that can be pushed, and the extra time will be used to accompany the baby. However, I will be relatively busy during this period of years ago, and I will have to work harder then Dad."

Later, Xia Rong and Xie Haitang discovered that they were really overthinking some things, and they also figured out some rules for getting along with bright children.

not only that.

As the child spends more time at home, they find that the child speaks very little, to the extent that he does not speak unnecessarily.

She is quiet every day. If no one is looking for her, she can bask in the sun in the yard by herself, or watch flowers, fish, and trees in the garden.

The weather in Jincheng in winter is cold and humid with cold winds.

The four- and five-year-olds don’t make a fuss about going out to play. They often build a cashmere blanket and sit obediently by the window watching the snow and listening to the rain. A face carved in pink and jade is so calm that it is shocking.

She is so quiet, so quiet that she is a world of her own, so that people around her sometimes want to talk to her, and they are afraid that they will startle or disturb her.

Ruan Qiulan, after observing her little niece for a while, couldn't help but whisper to others, "Is this child prone to depression and autism?"

As soon as her question came out, the adults in the family became even more nervous.

However, they also found that this child, in addition to preferring to be quiet and talk less, is not incapable of communicating with others.

Every time she eats when it is time to eat, she sleeps when she sleeps, her work and rest are as stable as that of the elderly, and she is more worry-free than many adults.

You say, is this a psychological problem, or is there no psychological problem?

I only hate that there are so many doctors at home, but there is no psychiatrist.

The two women in the family are even more anxious about the child's future family education, and don't know how to give this child a happier childhood.

After silently observing his granddaughter for a period of time, Xia Rong calmed down and made a conclusion to his son and daughter-in-law: "Jing gives birth to Ding, Ding gives birth to Wisdom, this child's wisdom will not be much worse in the future. You, don't worry too much, Give the child more space and respect the child's subjective consciousness. In addition, if the child has any needs, try to satisfy it as much as possible. This is an unusual child."

The old man has spoken, finally making the uncle and second uncle and his wife stop acting like headless flies and don't know how to treat this child.

These days, smart phones have not yet become popular, and people don’t surf the Internet very much, and all communication is by phone.

Xia Youqing went out to film, and it took a month or two after he left, and it seemed like he was lost when he went out.

After her daughter was placed in her parents' house, she was more at ease with her own affairs.

What's more, she already knew that her daughter was not an ordinary child, so she simply treated her like an adult.

On the contrary, the elders of the Xia family found that the bright children would take the initiative to call their mothers every week to care about each other's lives.

For the father, this child is the same, maintains the same frequency of once a week, and is self-disciplined just like her schedule, unshakable.

However, there are some differences for unreliable parents.

Ning Yi sometimes misses her daughter, so she will take the initiative to call the Xia family to chat with her.

Xia Youqing is not.

Since the daughter took the initiative to call her, everyone has never seen the eldest lady call her home again.

Just, outrageous!

Xia Rong called her daughter angrily and strongly demanded that she must care more about her granddaughter and call her child more.

Xia Youqing told him that her daughter was not an ordinary child, and she did not need to say anything more.

But Xia Rong doesn't think so.

Then Xia Youqing started chatting awkwardly with her daughter, and soon, Youguang took the initiative to master the way to chat with Xia Youqing, and learned a lot about her.

is a windfall.

The New Year is approaching, this day is a rare good weather.

The medicinal herbs at home were getting a little damp, and Xia Rong was busy moving the herbal medicines in the medicine cabinet to the yard to dry in the early morning.

In the yard, the workers have already laid out tools for drying medicine.

Xia Rong spread the medicinal herbs on top to dry in the same way. A little girl with a pink and jade-like appearance in a white velvet jacket and trousers helped to gently spread the medicinal herbs poured out by the workers and spread it evenly. show.

"Don't touch those with thorns, be careful not to stab them." Xia Rong told his granddaughter.

"I'll be careful." Youguang nodded obediently, not hurriedly, but very agile.

"Miss Youguang is so capable, she even gives grandpa the medicine." Aunt Li next to her praised.

"That's not true. In the past, Miss Quen and Master Toi also helped the master to dry the medicine, and the lost ones were like scattered flowers, but they were not as uniform and so good as Miss Guang." Aunt Zhang carried a box of medicines and left. come over.

"Just bring the medicine and put it on the side, don't worry about the rest." Xia Rong also felt that his granddaughter was too smart. Hearing the worker praise the child, he didn't say anything, but the corners of his eyes and brows fluttered.

There are two or three thousand kinds of Chinese herbal medicines in China. The Xia family is a family of doctors, and their ancestors are a family of traditional Chinese medicine. The family has never broken the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

Chinese herbal medicine has never been lacking in the Xia family, and there are four or five hundred kinds of Chinese herbal medicine collected in the Xia mansion. In the past, every time Xia Rong was drying the medicine, Xia Rong called a few workers together, and the sooner he was busy, the better.

Today, Xia Rong just wants to take the medicine a little slower.

Aunt Zhang and Aunt Li stopped touching the medicine in the yard after hearing the order, but went to the house together to move out the ones that had not been moved out.

"Yes, yes, do you want to learn how to recognize medicinal materials with grandpa?" After the two workers left, Xia Rong asked his little granddaughter.

He asked casually, but he didn't know what Xiao Youguang was in the middle of.

"Okay." He was a Chinese medicine practitioner in his previous life, and Youguang naturally knew the Chinese herbal medicines in front of him.

So, just now, the worker praised her for the good drying of the herbs, but she didn't feel anything, and even thought, how can she change her name to let her family know that she understands this?

Grandpa's proposal is really timely.

The corners of the light mouth gently evoked a pleasant smile.

That night, the entire Xia family arrived, waiting for dinner.

The uncle watched the worker put a bottle of home-brewed ginseng Lingzhi wine on the table, and asked with some interest: "What good things happened at home today, all the wine is on it?"

As a family of doctors, the Xia family pays great attention to health preservation and generally does not drink alcohol at home.

"I want what I want, I am very happy today."

"Oh?" Everyone who couldn't help but pricked up their ears.

Soon, everyone in the Xia family was stunned to find out that the bright children learned about 200 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines a day today.

"You know them all?!" Second Uncle snapped.

"Yes, I know all of them. Today I taught 200 kinds of them."

Xia Rong's unfinished words, the child may still remember more.

"My God." Xia Xiqing walked to the sofa with stiff limbs. Although it seemed calm, in fact, he was embarrassed beside the dying little niece. He slowly touched her little head and sighed: "What the **** did you go for? Luck, will let some baby fall into our house."

"Who said no?" Everyone.

Later, the bright child began to not shy away from reading books. What kind of books did she read?

There are Xie Haitang's child psychology, uncle's quantum mechanics, and grandpa's collection of metaphysics, and so on.

But the Xia family was stunned.

At first, the family thought she was reading casually, but later found out that she was really reading and knew all the words.

The crowd asked her, "How did you know so many words?"

Youguang: "Grandma Huang reads to me every day, so I got to know each other."

Hu Shu, it would be good for Aunt Huang not to show her a dog blood series every day, but also to read to her?

It's beautiful!

The second uncle picked up the little niece, which was rare.

"I have a baby, is it because God is biased and gave you the IQ that originally belonged to your mother. She, a student who failed the exam since childhood, can only rely on her face to go to the entertainment circle to make a living, otherwise her IQ, It's really worrying."

Grandpa Xia was able to nod his head in agreement with the second son's words at first, but when he heard the old face behind him, his face turned red.

Xie Haitang and Xia Duqing watched and couldn't help laughing.

Ruan Qiulan glanced at her husband: "What nonsense are you talking about, some people are smart, and Qingqing is not as bad as you said." 1314

Today is Versailles and there are children

(end of this chapter)