Chapter 4 Going to Kindergarten

The school starts after the new year, it is a sunny and good weather.

Rainbow Bilingual Kindergarten teachers and security guards arrived at the school early to maintain order and wait for the children to enter the kindergarten.

This is the most famous private kindergarten in Jincheng. Just after 7 o’clock, many luxury cars were parked in front of the Rainbow Kindergarten. Children neatly dressed in Rainbow Bilingual Kindergarten dresses got out of the cars and were led by wealthy and decent parents. Go to kindergarten.

On the first day of school after   , many parents send their children to school in person.

is also the top one in Jincheng. There are quite a few parents who know each other. Xie Haitang and Ruan Qiulan sent two children to school together, and when they got out of the car, they saw several familiar ones.

Two wives one held a little boy, the other held a little girl, the little boy and the little girl held hands.

Familiar people can't help but come up to greet him.

Today, these people obviously didn't mean to drink, and their eyes fell on the little girl among them unconsciously.

Without him, that child is too dazzling.

It was a little girl doll carved in pink and jade, with porcelain-white skin, delicate facial features like a jade human being, and her jet-black hair was neatly groomed, just touching her shoulders.

A pair of clear and bright eyes, black and shiny, when he looked at the people around him, his pink mouth raised a smile, he looked cute, soft, cute and cute, it could melt people's hearts.

This is the result of the bright children eating, drinking and sleeping at grandpa's house in the past few months.

"Where did Mrs. Xia bring such a cute baby?" The straight-faced asked directly.

"My family."

Xie Haitang smiled gently, but her words were vague.

"Hahaha, the eldest wife is so humorous, I remember your daughter is not eight years old this year."

"The children of relatives at home, now I take them with me."

"The eldest wife is kind-hearted. She has two children herself, and she is willing to help relatives to raise them." No matter how cute a child is, it is still a child. How difficult it is to take care of it.

This is the idea of ​​some people.

There are also many people thinking about:

"How can there be such a beautiful and lovely child, if you give it to me, I will also have it."

After chatting a few words, everyone saw that Xie Haitang did not intend to reveal more information about the child, and they all dispersed sensibly.

turned away, and some people couldn't help but secretly guess the identity of the little girl who was sent to school by the eldest wife and second wife of the Xia family.

Mr. Luo, as the head teacher of the first class, waited at the door of the classroom early to welcome the children who came one after another.

She had been the head teacher of Xia Chen's classmate for three years before, so when Xie Haitang brought the extraordinarily beautiful little girl over, she recognized at a glance that this was a new classmate who needed her to take care of her today.

"Mother Xia Chen, Happy New Year."

"Mr. Luo, Happy New Year."

"Student Ning Youguang, right? I'm your head teacher, Mr. Luo." Mrs. Luo bent down and squatted in front of the little girl with a kind smile.

"Mr. Luo, Happy New Year, I'm Ning Youguang."

"The new classmates are so good." Mrs. Luo rarely sees the little girl who just entered the kindergarten without crying or making trouble, and greets the teacher with a big smile, she is very happy, "Welcome to Class 1 of Rainbow Bilingual Kindergarten, pick up In the coming year, you will follow our classmates to complete this year's teaching content. Well, we are going to have breakfast soon. Parents cannot enter the classroom. Ning Youguang will give the schoolbag to the teacher and say goodbye to auntie Bar."

The students in Class 1 of Middle School were curious when they saw Teacher Luo bringing in a child they didn't know.

Youguang really doesn’t want to go to kindergarten, but Huaguo Primary School has an age limit for admission. In order to successfully enter the primary school in the future, she has to go to kindergarten obediently.

The cute and innocent children in front of me are the ones I will spend the most time with in the next two years.

Youguang was very helpless at the bottom of his heart, but he still smiled at the little classmates on his face.

Seeing the new classmates smiling at me, many of the children also laughed, and a few boldly asked Teacher Luo:

"Teacher, is this our new classmate?"

"Teacher, what's the name of the new classmate?"

"The new classmate is Ning Youguang, do you remember?"

"Remember." Some children nodded with a smile.

"The classmates eat first, I'll take the new classmates to wash their hands and get the meal."

Mr. Luo knew that the child went to kindergarten before, but he was not very clear about the level of the child’s cognition.

took Xiao Youguang to the sink, she asked patiently:

"Student Youguang, in school, all the students have to wash their hands and eat by themselves. Did your parents teach your baby how to wash your hands?"

Ning Youguang finished washing his hands neatly and proved himself with practical actions.

Rainbow Kindergarten's breakfast is matched strictly according to the nutritional indicators. With the company of Teacher Luo, Ning Youguang quickly picked up the meal.

When I came to the restaurant again, the children in the restaurant were all eating breakfast, in groups of three and groups of four, it was very lively.

Many children have unstable hands and are not so focused on eating. While eating, they laugh and play with the children next to them. The food falls on them, the ground, the table, and the scene is messy.

There is only one corner in the last row, which is quiet and out of tune with the surroundings. 1314

Who is in the last row? Guess

(end of this chapter)