Chapter 5 Mochizuki

A little boy was lowering his head and feeding the lean corn porridge into his mouth one bite at a time. He was very focused on what he ate, and he never raised his head to look around. The table was clean and there was no residue left.

Yuguang was thinking about where to sit.

The children in this room are very cute. She doesn't hate it, but she doesn't want to be interrupted by the children next to her when she is eating and attending class.

Seeing this quiet boy in the corner, her mind moved, and she looked up at Teacher Luo.

"Teacher, can I sit there?"

"Yes, yes...but..." Teacher Luo was stunned when she saw the direction she was pointing.

"But what?"

"Shi Mochizuki doesn't like to talk, can you accept it?" The reason is far more complicated than this. That's all Teacher Luo can say to a five-year-old.

Coincidentally, she also doesn't like to talk.

"Yes, I like quiet."

The new classmates have to find a seat to sit down to eat after receiving their meal. Five-year-olds still know this.

There were vacancies around for a while, and several of them wanted to invite this very beautiful new classmate to sit next to them, but they didn't want them to speak, and saw the new classmate walking to the back corner of the classroom.

"Ah!" The little classmates exclaimed with wide-eyed eyes.

The new classmate quickly walked over to her newly chosen seat, "Hello, classmate, may I sit with you?"

When   's soft but very clear voice sounded in his ears, Shi Mochizuki shuddered.

He slowly raised his head and saw a smiling face as beautiful as a doll and a pair of eyes as bright as starlight. He was a new classmate who just arrived.

She was looking at him and asked if she could sit with him?

She wants to sit with herself?

Mochizuki was stunned.

Ning Youguang was also stunned when the new tablemate looked up.

He had been eating with his head down before, and the teacher also said that he didn't like talking. She also speculated whether the child had any flaws or something, but she didn't expect this child to be so good-looking, with delicate facial features and extremely superior bones.

Especially the pair of standard Ruifeng eyes, long and beautiful, with dark pupils, pure white eyes, and slightly upturned ends of the eyes. When they look at themselves, even if they are silent, they seem to be able to **** people in.

When he gets bigger, those eyes will be more attractive.

It's just that the child is still young, with no expression on his face, he is very thin, his skin is pale, and he is not as cute and lovable as those grinning fat children.

But based on her experience of seeing countless beauties in her previous life for decades, this child is definitely very, very beautiful when she grows up.

"Can I sit? If you can, you nod your head, if not, I'll find another place. But if you allow me to sit here, I'll be happy to be your tablemate."

Yuguang thought about the boy's situation that the teacher said, and asked again carefully.

When her words fell, the little boy Yi looked at her silently, without any extra movement.

Seeing this, the surrounding children scrambled to speak:

"Student Youguang, don't sit with him, he's not fun at all, just sit with me."

"Yes, he doesn't like to talk like a mute. I have a seat here, you can sit here."

"Sit with me, sit with me, I'd rather have light."

"Come on, come on."

Children of this age can say whatever they want, and have no idea what hurting people is.

One of them was a little fat, and the boy who was tall in the class even stood up directly, walked to Youguang's side and said:

"Ning Youguang, he's sick, don't play with him. I'll play with you, and I'll be your friend."

Yuguang saw the little boy who was looking at him in silence, he slowly lowered his head, his eyes were angry and hurt.

Then, little by little, he moved his small stool to the side and gave up his seat.

Yuguang immediately sat down in the seat he gave up.

"Thank you, classmate Shi Mochizuki, we will be at the same table from now on." Then, she turned to the other students in the class and said softly, "Thank you for your invitation, classmate Shi Mochizuki allows me to sit next to him, then I will sit. Here it is."

After Yuguang sat down, the little boy who said Mochizuki was sick glared at him fiercely.

Maliciousness is obvious.

Ning Youguang suppressed the smile on his face, "This classmate, I'm sorry, I have to eat."

Mr. Luo, as an onlooker, came over at the right time.

"Shi Tongyang, the new classmate has chosen a seat, it's time for you to return to your seat to eat."

When the sun is open, when the moon is full, when the...

Youguang opened his eyes wide and turned to look at the little boy beside him, staring at his pale little face without blinking, sketching in his mind what he would look like when he grew up, and then gradually getting along with him. A face in his own memory merged.


As if a little aura poured into his mind directly from the top of his head, a little ripple appeared, until this layer of ripples completely dispersed, clearly showing the shadow in the mirror.

Yuguang breathed for a while, and quickly looked down at the little boy's legs.

It's good.

When she heard the name of the little roommate, she couldn't help thinking, Shi Mochizuki? Looking ahead? Shi Wangyue? …

I don't know what the name of this new tablemate is, how is it so similar to the name of a person she knew in her previous life?

Now hearing a name that she had heard in her previous life, she was finally sure that the little boy beside her was the Mochizuki she knew.

After all, apart from him, Jincheng would never have a second person named Shi Wangyue, and a cousin named Shi Tongyang.

She knew these two brothers in her previous life, but they didn't know each other very well.

To be precise, she and Xiaotong have known each other for a shorter period of time. They met in the year of her death, as doctors and patients.

She is the doctor, he is the patient.

He was dragged to the studio by a friend.

His friend happened to have a good relationship with her good friend, which made them intersect.

At that time, when he was in his early thirties, he squeezed into the Huaguo capital circle with an unrivaled attitude and became a member of the Huaguo capital bosses, an investment genius that Huaguo was gaining a reputation for.

Previously, Haders Capital, which he and his friends founded when they were studying in Europe and the United States, quickly became the capital that held the most and most profitable Internet companies in China at that time in just over a dozen years.

That is a person who has nothing but money in his eyes.

But, no matter what the identity of the boss was outside at that time, in front of her, he was just a poor man with severe insomnia, mutilated legs, anorexia and refusal to see a doctor.

If it wasn't for the torment that he could barely survive, he wouldn't be dragged by his friends to find him for treatment.

Thinking of this, Ning Youguang couldn't help sighing deeply. She died in a hurry in her last life, and she didn't know what happened to this big guy later...

As for Shi Tongyang, it's funny.

He was her high school alumnus, an alumnus who chased after her in high school and was known to annoy her.

Ning Youguang, who was fifteen years old in his last life, was cold and stubborn, because he witnessed the broken marriage of his parents since he was a child, and participated in several on-off relationships between Xia Youqing and Ning Yi. He was really tired of love or the relationship between men and women. through.

But I didn't expect that when I just entered the teenage period of spring, I ran into a bunch of peach blossoms. The love of young people is simple and pure. Originally, as long as she ignored it, it would not be in the way.

But with Shi Tongyang, a ruthless and unfulfilled existence, she can only give herself a quieter environment by staying far away from him.

It's not that I'm afraid of him, but that I'm very annoyed by this extremely egoistic, extremely narcissistic and careless person.

So, after Diyin went to school for one semester, she transferred schools, and hoped that she would never see this person again in the future.

After leaving Diyin School, she went abroad, and she did not see him for many years later.

It wasn't until she finished university, master's degree, Ph.D.... After returning to China, by chance, she heard some news about him, and heard that the young master Shi, who was popular in the entire Diyin School in high school, is not very good now. Sample.

He and his cousin Shi Mochizuki are the most distinct control group among the children of Jincheng's wealthy families. 1314

Mochizuki is a poor little now

(end of this chapter)