Chapter 109 Two more

"Hello, Teacher Ning."

"Good morning."

"Mr. Ning, good morning."


The green plants on the campus of UCAS rustled in the wind.

Ning Youguang was walking to the classroom with an umbrella and felt the coolness from the wind.

Surrounded by students rushing to class.

The time was very short, but they did not forget to say hello to her.

After hurriedly saying hello, they ran to the classroom in the rain. On the wet concrete floor, it was the sound of their brisk steps and the small splashes of water.

The sound of their annoyed conversation could be vaguely heard in the wind:

"Damn it, why didn't anyone remind Mr. Ning that he had a class this morning?"

"Who reminded you, you're high enough to play games by yourself, they want you not to go?!"

"We can't get a seat in the goddess' class, who wants another competitor?!"

"Hurry up and see if you can squeeze in in the classroom."


Ning Youguang laughed and followed them to the classroom unhurriedly.

School of Humanities, National University of Science and Technology, in the public multimedia classroom.

The classroom that could accommodate more than 100 people is now filled with hundreds of people.

In the classroom, there are not only the chairs under the stage, but also the steps of the classroom, the empty space on both sides, the back of the classroom and the corridor outside the door are either standing or full of students.

It’s just that the way they listen in this class is different from that of ordinary teachers.

There are many students secretly recording and taking pictures with their mobile phones underneath.

"Okay, let's analyze the psychology of the characters in the movie clip just now. Adult men and women take their peers as emotional sustenance objects, and are no longer suffering from Oedipus complex or Electra complex. However, there are some people who can't get rid of it for life. , but will create something on the basis of psychological complex..."

The rather boring psychology professional course was told in a vivid way by the exquisite young female teacher on the stage, which made it even more fascinating.

Although the students in the audience were taking pictures and videos, they did not fail to listen to the class.

They are both taking pictures and taking notes.

This is a new skill developed by the students of the School of Humanities of UCAS since Sister Ning became their substitute teacher.

Soon, the school bell rang.

Ning Youguang just said that the get out of class was over, and there were many students who came to ask questions around him.

"Mr. Ning, what you just talked about was a concept put forward by late analysis theorists..."

"Mr. Ning, does Japanese director Takeshi Kitano also have such psychological characteristics?"

"Mr. Ning, Oedipus complex..."

These students all crowded around Teacher Ning, but they knew how to approach her and kept a certain distance from her.

These situations in front of me are what Ning Youguang has encountered every time he has been in class since his class.

After patiently answering a few questions from the students, she successfully left the multimedia classroom with the students’ farewell.

walked out of the teaching building with a smile on his face, the rain outside had stopped.

National University of Science and Technology is the most desirable institution for many students who are obsessed with learning. It has sent many elite scientific research talents to the country in recent years, and the learning atmosphere on campus is strong.

Ning Youguang walked on the campus, and the experience in this school in the past few years appeared in his mind. The picture was clear and made people feel happy.

The transparent umbrella was held in her hands, and the textbook was held in her arms.

The cool breeze is gentle, and the air can smell fresh, moist earth.

is a unique breath of spring. 1314

(end of this chapter)