Chapter 234: Meet Miss Sun at the bar

Chapter 234 Meeting Miss Sun at the Bar

When Ning Youguang arrived at his father's house, Ning Youyu was playing the cello in the living room.

Ming Jinxin sat on the sofa and drank coffee and said, "How many times are you going to pull?"

Ning Youyu said, "Aren't you annoyed if you listen to too much of a song?"

Ming Jinxin said, "How is it possible? I'll never get bored, I love listening to it!"

Ning Youyu got up and put the cello aside, "I'll be annoying."

is also very disrespectful to his mother~

Ming Jinxin had no choice but to look at her daughter who had just entered the door, "Baby, are male creatures naturally angry?"

Ning Youguang pursed his lips and smiled.

Ning Youyu ran to her side, "Sister, why didn't you come to see me last week?"

Ning Youguang hugged him and said softly, "Because my sister wants to go to see the decoration with brother Mochizuki."

"Renovation?" Ning Youyu asked curiously, "Is it my sister's house?"

"No, it's Mochizuki brother's house."

"Is Mochizuki brother's new house nice?"

"I think it's pretty cool, I'll take you to see it when I have time."

Ning Youyu jumped up happily, "That's great, sister."

He turned to share with his mother, "Mom, my sister is going to take me to visit brother Yue's new house."

Ming Jinxin smiled, "I see."

Ning Youyu shared with Ning Youguang, "Sister, do you know what I did this morning?"

Ning Youguang pretended to be curious and asked, "What did you do?"

"I made breakfast for my mother this morning!" Ning Youyu said proudly.

"Wow!" Ning Youguang applauded, "Our little fish will make breakfast for mother, which is great too!"

Ning Youyu earnestly said, "Yes, I am very good."

Ning Youguang held his little brother's cute little face, "mua~"

Ning Youyu also followed her example, holding her face and kissing her on the cheek.

Brother is so cute and soft, Ning Youguang's heart is a complete mess.

Ming Jinxin couldn't help but laugh when she saw it.

"What breakfast did you make for mom this morning?" Ning Youguang led Ning Youyu and sat down beside Ming Jinxin.

"Toast." Ning Youyu said.

Ming Jinxin added with a smile, "It's also decorated with a few slices of oil-soaked truffles that I don't know where I found it. It's so creative."

"Happy weekend breakfast." Ning Youguang looked at her with a smile.

Ming Jinxin is naturally a happy expression.

"Renovation is a very troublesome thing." Ming Jinxin said to Ning Youguang, "You and Hou have worked hard."

"I'm tired, but it's quite rewarding to see my new home turn into a look I like." Ning Youguang took a sip of coffee.

"Who said it wasn't?" Ming Jinxin sighed, "When this house was renovated, a friend invited me to her house for a drink and a cup of Geisha. I saw her house's glittering stairs and the incomparably exquisite sewer cover. Having been tortured to the point of dying by the decoration, I was instantly inspired again!"

——"So, don't blame yourself for paying too much attention to details. There is always someone more serious than you, more patient than you, and more perfect than you."

Ning Youguang pursed his lips and smiled, "That's it."

"It would be nice if there were other people to help." Ming Jin looked at Ning Youguang with a fixed gaze, "It's not easy for this child when I was young, I have to deal with everything by myself."

Ning Youguang looked at Ming Jin's soft smile while holding the coffee, she knew that there was something in her aunt's words.

"He's not alone, he has me."

Ming Jinxin sighed softly, "Baby, you know that's not what I said."

Ning Youguang smiled and said, "Last time my mother had a SPA with me, and I talked a lot with me. Thank you and Dad for your concern."

Ming Jinxin carefully observed her and saw that she was really not unhappy, so she said earnestly:

"When your daughter is older, it's normal to fall in love and get married, but as a parent, you can't help but be reluctant. Daughter said that we are self-righteous and make her unhappy..."

Ning Youguang smiled and shook his head. After putting down the coffee, he walked to her side and hugged her gently, "How come, I am too late to thank you for your love, how could I think you are too busy?"

Ming Jin hugged her with relief, "With your words, my father and I will be relieved."

Ning Youyu, who was on the side, saw her sister and mother hugging each other, and ran over to hug them both.

The three smiled and hugged each other for a while.

After the separation, Ming Jinxin said again, "I'm usually busy with work. If you two need help in your life, don't take it too hard. There is no one in his family who can help him, but we have them in our family. Know that we are all willing to help you."

Ning Youguang smiled softly, "Auntie, I know."

"It's best to know." Ming Jinxin said, "We're afraid you don't know."

"I don't know why you have such an assumption about the company's future vision when you clearly introduced yourself that you know a lot about the home education industry."

Since Shi Mochizuki returned to China, he quickly became famous in the industry.

I was invited to a show "Winning in the Times" today. Entrepreneurs came to show their projects. Several investment bosses were judges. Whoever liked direct investment.

The project of the entrepreneur who is standing in front of all the big investors is about family education.

Shi Wangyue and the other judges raised doubts, the entrepreneur was very unconvinced, so he vented his emotions on the person who looked the youngest and least like a boss-Shi Wangyue, "None of you have done this before. Family education, why should we question the problems of our majors?"

Shi Mochizuki looked at him very sincerely, "I'm sorry, my wife is a psychology professor at the National University of Science and Technology."

As soon as he said this, the entrepreneur shut up.

The other investment bosses sitting next to him laughed.

After a long while, one of the investment bosses said to the entrepreneur, "I'm sorry, I have a suggestion for you, that is, in the future, before looking for investors, you should have a background understanding of the target person, okay? Thank you. "

Eleven o'clock at night.

A stranger called Ning Youguang using Shi Mochizuki's cell phone, and asked her to pick up Shi at the bar.

Ning Youguang had to get up from the bed, put on a thick and long down jacket, put on a hat, wrapped himself into a bear, and drove to the bar address sent by the other party.

The bar at this time is a lively time.

Compared with the cold wind outside, the bar is air-conditioned, very popular, very lively, and very hot.

Under the blurred and ambiguous lights, many men and women dress like summer.

Ladies mostly wear delicate makeup and dress fashionably and sexy, and men also take off very thin clothes.

As soon as she went to the bar, she saw from a distance that there seemed to be a person standing in front of Mochizuki's table when she was only wearing a white shirt.

A woman.

A woman with a hot body, wearing a suspender skirt.

She walked towards them with no change in her expression.

When he got closer, he saw the expressionless face of his own child.

——She knows how good her children are, and on such occasions, there will be no shortage of women who approach him.

So, when you get to a similar position, you won't continue to approach.

She found an empty table nearby, sat down quietly, and looked at his table with her head tilted.

After a while, the woman changed her posture, leaned down, put her hands on the table, and was half-bent, her plump **** were almost half exposed, and her round buttocks were pouted.

Mochizuki turned his head in disgust, not wanting to look at her.

But seeing that the woman still had a tendency to lean on him, she got up quickly.

I don't know if I plan to leave or stay away from women.

When    got up, his eyes fell on him, and he soon saw Ning Youguang who was sitting alone at the table with his small head tilted and looking at him smiling.

He came over angrily and funny, pinched her clean and pink cheeks, "Seeing how happy your husband is to be coveted?"

The woman's face was ugly.

Especially after seeing Mochizuki being so intimate with Ning Youguang, she walked over with displeased eyes.

"Mr. Shi, didn't you say that there is a girlfriend waiting at home? Why did you hook up with a little girl so quickly?"

This woman would rather Youguang not know, but Shi Mochizuki was familiar with it - it was Sun Yi.

He appeared here tonight to drink with a few investors who were on the show together during the day. I didn't expect to meet Miss Sun by chance.

is really disappointing.

The woman who was approached by the child was called "Little Girl", Ning Youguang was obviously very happy, smiling with a frown.

Shi Wangyue didn't even look at Sun Yi, but her eyes fell gently on Ning Youguang's exquisite face, her voice doting and helplessly saying, "I'm sorry, this little girl I hooked up with is waiting for me at home. My girlfriend, I didn't expect her to come and pick me up when she heard from her friend that I was drinking too much."

Sun Yi gritted his teeth.

glanced at Ning Youguang angrily, and wanted to ignore her directly.

She pointed her finger at Ning Youguang, her hand painted with big red nails felt a little weird under the light.

"Isn't Shi Zong drunk?"

Ning Youguang's smile faded.

It is one thing for her not to be afraid of the child being hooked up, but it is another thing for this woman to ignore her when she knows she is his girlfriend.

So he stretched his arms around Shi Mochizuki's lean waist, buried his face in his arms, and said delicately, "Who is this woman, she's so fierce, I'm a little scared."

Shi Mochizuki was silent for two seconds, hugged her gently and comforted, "Don't be afraid, baby, let's go home."

After saying that, he immediately picked up the princess and walked out of the bar.

was actually completely ignoring Miss Sun who was chasing after him.

Sun Yi gritted his teeth angrily behind, "A person who looks so smart actually likes a green tea."

The music just stopped in the bar, and Sun Yi's words were heard by the two who hadn't gone far.

Ning Youguang paused and said softly, "Turn around."

Mochizuki turned around obediently.

She raised her head from his arms and said aggrievedly, "Who is this sister, why is it so rude to speak." 1314

(end of this chapter)