Chapter 235: little girl in tea

Chapter 235 The little girl with tea in the tea

Her voice was not too small, but Sun Yi could hear it clearly.

She had been curious about Shi Mochizuki's girlfriend for a long time, but she didn't find out a single bit of news about her even after inquiring.

I ran into it by chance at the bar this evening, but I didn't expect it to be a little girl who was dressed in ordinary clothes and spoke in a tea-like manner.

Although, this little girl's clean face is still amazing.

Shi Mochizuki's eyes completely fell on Ning Youguang, who was in his arms, "A client, I met by chance tonight."

Ning Youguang wrinkled her pretty face, and her voice was soft and glutinous, "Your company's customers are really casual, it's so cold tonight and wearing so little, I'm not afraid of the cold, I really envy her. ~ My body is also very good."

Sun Yi: "???"

Shi Mochizuki laughed until she was beating a drum in her heart, and she had to maintain a cold expression on her face, so she had to hug her and hurried out.

Ning Youguang stretched out his head and continued to look at Sun Yi, "Sister, it's very late, girls have to go back to rest early to have good skin, otherwise heavy makeup on the face for too long is not very good."

Sun Yi, whose face was already twisted with anger: "???"

went out of the bar, Ning Youguang struggled to get off Shi Mochizuki.

Shi Mochizuki hugged her tightly, buried her face on her shoulder, and laughed for a long time.

Then he said: "Let me continue to hold it."

"Didn't you drink too much? How can you hug so far?"

"I drank a little too much, but I still have the strength to hold you." Shi Mochizuki then said in a low voice, "Sister, I didn't let her touch me."

Teacher Ning spoke normally, "I believe in you."

Shi Mochizuki breathed a sigh of relief, "I feel so lucky to have the best girlfriend in the world."

The slightly hot gasp, mixed with the slightly drunken aroma of rum and caramel, slowly approached,

Ning Youguang looked at him tenderly and couldn't help laughing, "Then you have to work harder."

The child really has a pair of very beautiful eyes.

The pupils are watery, and the eyes that are lifted up are reddish from alcohol.

Being watched by him - makes it feel like she is his whole world.

"I will try my best to be the best boyfriend in the world." Shi Mochizuki swears seriously.

After thinking about it, he seemed to feel that he was not enough, "I have to work hard to be the best husband in the world."

His voice was soft, like the wind blowing through a feather, which made her heart ticklish.

This person even said that he drank a little too much.

still held her firmly in his arms in a princess-holding posture, the surrounding street lights flickered, and the road beside it was full of traffic.

Ning Youguang's hands tightly wrapped around his neck.

From her angle, he could just see his clearly curved lower jaw and high nose bridge.

Further up, is a pair of gentle and affectionate eyes.

In the next second, he suddenly lowered his head and glanced at her with a smile, and she couldn't help kissing the corner of his raised mouth warmly and softly.

It’s just that the two of them are still on the way to the parking lot, kissing while walking, it’s really easy to miss the target—

Ning Youguang's lips accidentally bumped into Shimochi's teeth.

...the tenderness and delicacy are gone.

Mouth hurts a bit.

She was also stunned!

When Mochizuki looked at her absent-minded look, she thought her sister was so cute!

couldn't help but want to laugh.

Ning Youguang glared at him, "My mouth hurts to death, making your teeth so hard."

Mochizuki laughed louder, "I'm sorry, but my teeth are too hard."

"Ahhh..." Ning Youguang was embarrassed to death, and buried his face in his hot chest again.

Don't fall in love.

It's so easy to lose your mind!

Shi Mochizuki continued to smile and said, "My girlfriend is the cutest in the world."

The world's first cutest girlfriend - at this moment, his mind was blank.

National University of Science and Technology, the conference room on the thirteenth floor of the Harmony Building.

Ning Youguang, wearing a well-tailored black suit, stood methodically on the podium in front of the big screen and made an opening speech:

"Dear leaders and comrades:

good morning guys!

Today, our "Institute of Health and Genetic Psychology" is here to hold the 2025 Annual Working Conference. The main task of the meeting is to convey and implement the spirit of the Academy's 2025 annual work conference, benchmark the two standard requirements of "state affairs" and "state responsibility", summarize the work in 2025, and study and deploy key tasks in 2026..."

There were nearly forty people sitting under the stage, all of whom were members of the leadership team and members of her institute.

In addition, since more than 190 other employees and postdoctoral fellows participated in the meeting online, the atmosphere of the meeting was a little serious.

At the meeting, in addition to the work report made by the members of the leadership team and the director of the key laboratory of the hospital, the list of advanced collectives and individuals for information publicity work of the "Institute of Health and Genetic Psychology" in 2025, and the list of outstanding trade union cadres in 2024 were also read out. And the list of outstanding employees in the 2024-2025 annual assessment.

Ning Youguang's research group and other 5 departments were awarded the title of "Advanced Group for Information Propaganda Work", and Ning Youguang, Chen Yifan and five other brothers and sisters were also awarded the title of "Advanced Individual in Information Propaganda Work".

10 people including Chen Yifan won the title of "Excellent Trade Union Cadre", and 68 people including Ning Youguang won the title of "Excellent Annual Assessment".

The awarding session is over.

Director Professor Yu Suyu took the stage and delivered an important speech, "In 2026, the Institute of Health and Genetic Psychology will conscientiously implement the spirit of the Institute's work conference, focus on the main responsibilities and the main business, and focus on "strengthening the foundation, tackling key problems, gathering talents, and promoting reforms" "As the focus, strengthen the national team in the field of psychology, promote the national mental health and promote the harmonious development of society..."

Professor Yu's speech won a round of applause.

After the applause subsided, she turned the microphone over to her disciple.

Ning Youguang took it and said calmly: "Leaders and comrades, all the agendas of today's meeting have been completed. Today's meeting..."

This annual work meeting was held for a total of one morning.

After the    meeting, Ning Youguang followed Professor Yu and walked out obediently.

Next to   , his comrades passed by one after another, and many of them were still old leaders.

The old leaders like to see young, capable and energetic juniors the most. When they saw the picture of the master and the apprentice walking together, they couldn’t help but smile and praise:

"Comrade Xiao Ning presided over today's meeting very well. He highly summarized and carefully refined the content of our meeting, and used a clever method to string it out, so that the people who listened to this meeting continued to have the desire to listen. "

"Thank you Secretary Liu for your compliment." Ning Youguang answered modestly.

Even if she was praised by so many old leaders, she did not have any pride or excitement on her face. In the eyes of everyone, she was this little comrade. Not only was she good at work, she was not arrogant or impetuous, she was stable and generous, and she had a good impression of her. Even more.

The old leaders nodded secretly, and after praising Ning Youguang, they continued to praise the professor.

"Yu comrades teach well."

There were also people who kept up with him and added a few beautiful words.

"It's good to preside over the work and let the young comrades in the institute come." 1314

(end of this chapter)