Chapter 249: Extremely candid and invincible

Chapter 249 Extremely frank and invincible

"I also gradually realized that the anger I felt at that time came from my envy, jealousy, and self-esteem for you, but I didn't want to admit that I was jealous of you. I was very jealous in front of you. I had a great inferiority complex, so I chose to stay away from you out of a conditioned reflex to protect myself, so that I could keep myself calm when facing you."

Ning Youguang actually analyzed the reason for Jiang Wei's alienation from herself a long time ago. She can see that she is largely because of low self-esteem, because she doesn't want to owe her anything.

A girl who came from a slightly inferior family and is particularly strong, more or less has some of these psychological characteristics, and behind the extreme pride hides the extreme inferiority.

Always fight for breath, don't want to take other people's things, don't want to owe others, in other words, this kind of psychology can also be called "poor people's style"

But the famous psychologist Hellinger once discussed a question:

[Why is it possible for an adult to give and receive at the same time, but not a mature child? ]

He said: "Giving is easier than receiving. When giving, I feel good about myself, as if I am above others, but when I receive, I seem to be below others and in a lower position."

So, the loving, humble receptive people we meet in life are truly great.

Because only with such an attitude can one be able to give.

The beginning of giving is correct acceptance. A mature relationship is where both parties can equally and freely accept what the other gives. Accepting what the other gives is the hardest part, because it is the deepest link, which means that both parties are in the same position. A desired location, which forms the bond.

And a person has the ability to receive only when he opens his heart. A truly open heart does not have any desire and desire for control.

When he was still in college, Jiang Wei, who was sensitive and inferior, even a little self-isolating, couldn't do it.

From the first time she saw her, she could see Jiang Wei's character clearly, so when she usually shared something with her, she basically gave her a share when everyone had it, or even didn't give it to her. Expensive things cause her both financial and psychological pressure.

People who don't want to owe others, whenever they take something from others, the first thought is not "I'm so happy, I have a gift to receive!", but "What should I give him back?".

So after living in the same dormitory for so long, whenever Jiang Wei gave her anything, she basically chose to accept it.

Ning Youguang's heart turned back and forth, but a shallow smile appeared on his fair and clean face:

"It seems that you're doing well now, so I'm welcome." She put the bank card into her bag generously.

Jiang Wei finally felt relieved when he saw that she accepted the bank card she gave.

"I'm really doing fine now." She said with a smile, "I'm looking at houses recently, and I'm going to settle down in Beijing."

"Congratulations." Ning Youguang was very happy to hear her good news, "It's really amazing that you can stand on your own in Beijing at such a young age."

Jiang Wei explained with a smile, "Our industry is equivalent to a sales industry. The more popular the artists we bring, the more we earn, and the more we earn. I am more fortunate. It's good, and I'll make more money."

"That's really good." Ning Youguang admired.

"Actually, it's not that good." Jiang Wei sighed again, "I could have collected the down payment to buy a house earlier."

"Oh?" Ning Youguang took a sip of tea from the cup.

"When I first entered the industry, my salary was very low, lower than the average white-collar worker, and my life was relatively tense. This state of affairs continued until I made more money in the first two years. It's just..." Jiang Wei A deep sense of tiredness appeared on the delicate face, "After earning a lot, suddenly there is a state of irrational consumption, that is, I can't help but want to buy something I like, I like to buy it very much. Big brands, but every time I come home and see those things at home after buying them, I will have a feeling that I am sick, and many of these things are actually unnecessary to buy.”

"Retaliation consumption?" Ning Youguang asked with a smile.

"Almost." Jiang Wei sipped the tea in the cup.

Ning Youguang continued it for her, "Is this situation getting better now?"

Jiang Wei said, "Yes, since last year, things have gotten better."

Ning Youguang asked curiously, "Can I ask what is the reason for your situation to improve?"

Jiang Wei thought about it and said, "I saw some big stars in the background, and I found that they were no different from ordinary people like us. Gradually, I was relieved a lot." 1314

(end of this chapter)