Chapter 250 Two more

Then, Jiang Wei told Ning Youguang some specific examples.

Listening to her self-analysis quietly, Ning Youguang felt a deep sense of joy in his heart.

She thought of a sentence she had read in a book: "When a person is extremely honest, she is invincible."

"I'm really glad you were willing to tell me this."

Jiang Wei also felt very relaxed.

At the same time, there was an embarrassed expression on his face, "I'm sorry, I also thought that Professor Yu was partial to you and made you stay in school, and I was jealous of you for a long time, thinking that she was too unfair!"

After a long while, she said with relief, "Actually, I should feel lucky to be your roommate. After all, when I was in college, my family's situation was really difficult. Without your help, I don't know if I would be able to. After finishing university with peace of mind, it is impossible to have now.”

She said, "I have never told anyone about my family's situation because I am afraid that others will look down on me. My father was poor when he was young and could not afford a wife. He married my mother when he was nearly 40 and gave birth to our sisters after marriage. two people.

My mother is disabled, and my grandmother's family is pretty good.

But she and the rest of the family never looked down on my mother, and they looked down on our family.

In my memory, we seldom went to my grandmother’s house.

Occasionally go there and hide in the corner with my sister timidly, watching the well-dressed cousins ​​and sisters play.

They also curiously asked their grandmother who these two children were.

You may not even believe it. Once I was a guest at my grandmother's house, my sister and I finished eating pickled rice, and my sister sensible returned the bowl to the cupboard.

Later, on the way home, she told me that my grandmother's cupboard was full of big fish and meat.

And when I was more than 4 years old, I took my sister to my grandmother's house. My grandmother showed mercy that day and gave each of us a mangosteen.

My sister and I have never eaten mangosteen before, so we don’t know how to eat it.

Grandma looked at us both at a loss and laughed, saying that these two little fools can't even eat mangosteen.

That sarcastic look makes my sister and I feel particularly uncomfortable when we think about it.

We grew up in such a difficult and humiliating way.

Because I have been looked down upon since I was a child, I fought hard and vowed to become better and make a lot of money.

So, I studied hard, in order to be admitted to a good university, in order to become promising, and in order to make the people of my grandmother's family regret that they once looked down on my mother and us.

My sister's grades were not very good, so she dropped out of school very early to work, subsidizing the family and subsidizing me to go to school.

After I was admitted to the university, the tuition fees and living expenses were too high. Even if my father and my sister worked hard, they could not afford it.

When I was a freshman, my dad was working on the construction site. He fell off the overhead and broke his leg. He couldn’t work even if he needed medical treatment.

My mother is blind. She has to take care of him and cook. Once, my mother burned the kitchen of our house because she could not see clearly.

At that time, our family was very miserable. My dad didn’t even have enough money for medical treatment. Where would I have money to go to school?

But the school urged me to ask for it again. I was anxious and weak, and often hid under the quilt and cried. "

After roughly talking about the situation at home, Jiang Wei asked, "Did you find out that I didn't have the money to pay the tuition at that time?"

Ning Youguang said, "I heard you cry several times, and then I overheard you tell the head teacher about the financial difficulties of your family, so you know it."

Jiang Wei said, "I was so afraid that others would know that my family was so poor that I couldn't even pay the tuition, so I only dared to hide under the quilt and cry in the middle of the night."

She sighed softly, "Fortunately, everything is over."

Ning Youguang said, "Everyone has a sad time, it's good to pass, and it's difficult when they can't."

Jiang Wei said, "Yeah, I encountered so many difficulties in the past. At that time, I felt like the sky was falling down. Now that I think about it, it doesn't seem like it's a big deal."

Ning Youguang smiled and said, "It's also because you've become stronger."

Jiang Wei's face showed pride, "Yes, these years, every time I go home for the New Year, I drive my sister to play with her boyfriend, and whenever I come across a motorcade of my uncles returning to my grandmother's house, they will surround me and ask questions. , and also asked me how my life in Beijing is, do I need to borrow money to buy a house? If I have no money, I can go to their house to get it! My sister’s boyfriend said that your relatives are really nice, and my sister and I looked at each other and smiled.”

"When we get home in the evening, we will say, who wants to borrow their money. Before our family was so difficult, they didn't borrow it. Now that we are better, they pretend to lend us money. Who is disgusting?"

This kind of feeling of humiliation and inferiority about money is better than having light.

She could only think: "She must have been very difficult at the time, fortunately she was by her side."

"How is your sister now?" she asked.

"Very good, my sister does handicrafts and opened a shop online. Last year, she bought a house by herself and talked with her boyfriend for a few years. She is emotionally stable and plans to get married this year." Jiang Wei looked satisfied.

"Congratulations." Ning Youguang was also very happy for their sisters.

Seeing her full of joy, Jiang Wei said with emotion, "I actually like you very much, and I envy you very much, because you have everything I want to have in you. When I was in school, many people envied me and said that I was lucky enough to be you. The only roommate in the four years of college. But what they don't know is that I often dare not approach you, and I feel uncontrollably inferior when I approach you, and it's hard not to be jealous of you."

- She laughed at herself, "Because, I know I can't be you in my life."

Jiang Wei looked at Ning Youguang across from him in a trance. A face without makeup was no different from that in college.

But her temperament is very quiet, elegant and generous.

Before she could not understand, she only knew that her family had money.

Now she understands, this is a face that has never been worried about life, the kind of nobleness that only a girl from a wealthy and well-educated family can have.

What is even more rare is that she has so many proud conditions, and she is still peaceful and gentle like the wind.

Treat people consistently.

Fate is not fair at all.

Someone has tried everything to go to Rome to see it.

Someone was born in Rome.

"Why are you still willing to get close to me after I was away from you in my junior year?" She asked a little awkwardly.

"Because I allow misunderstanding, acceptance and dislike in my life." Ning Youguang smiled softly, "Also, thank you for being able to tell me that you like me very much." 1314

(end of this chapter)