Chapter 285 He Actually Has No Love

is also in the first stage, when the charm-type gaslight manipulation and the gentle romantic period intersect, making it difficult for the manipulated person to find the problem, or even realize that he has been manipulated.

She will only think that this is the contradiction that couples will have when they get along together.

After all, when people get along with each other, who can live without a little bit of conflict? !

For example, when her husband, who was getting worse and worse, gave Liang Yiyi a gift and made a surprise, she would tell herself, "He does love me very much, and the previous unhappiness was all because of a little conflict, as long as it is resolved. It's alright."

Because of this, Liang Yiyi's self-awareness is slowly being destroyed.

Some people who are manipulated will waste months, years, or even a lifetime in the unrealistic hope that the problem between the two will be solved.

But unfortunately, in the face of this kind of person who keeps giving you problems, the problems between the two cannot be solved.

"Sometimes I can find out what's wrong with me, and sometimes I can't find it. I often wonder why I used to do the same thing, it's okay to get along with others, but it's my husband's fault? Is there a problem?" Liang Yiyi said distressedly, "If I go to question him, he will say 'It's because of those people's connivance that you are so ignorant now', 'You don't even look at you' What did your parents do to you!'."

"He said I had no brains. I felt embarrassed and angry. I didn't want him to say that to me."

"Did you tell him that you don't like what he said about you?" Ning Youguang asked.

"Yes, I told him, but he said, 'Do you have a brain like this?', 'You are married, you should grow up, if you continue like this, I can't communicate with you anymore. !' He would even ask me to be separated from me for a few days, so that I can reflect on it." Liang Yiyi was out of breath when she said this, "I am very afraid of being separated from him. Separation, I firmly do not accept it, I think there is a problem between husband and wife, quarrel is OK, but separation is not allowed, but he does not accept it, so I can only constantly reflect on my own problems."

"Does he have this attitude every time a problem arises?" Ning Youguang asked.

"It's basically like this." Liang Yiyi said, "I used to ask him, 'Why is it my fault every time a problem occurs? Are you right?', he firmly said 'no', I said 'Why do you think so firmly that you don't have one?', he said 'by the vast majority of what I know'..."

"In the end, he will also turn out some of the wrong things I did before. Sometimes when we lie in bed at night, I originally wanted to communicate with him to solve the problem, but in the end it became my problem. , became my endless trial!"

"I'm so tired! I often cry in the middle of the night."

"How did he react when he saw you crying?" Ning Youguang asked.

"He just said 'I have to let you see your problems, or you'll be like this, and you'll never get better!' Go to the room."

is too suffocating.

"Doesn't this often make people crazy?" Ning Youguang said.

"I feel like I'm going crazy too!" Liang Yiyi glanced at her daughter, "I often can't figure it out, sometimes I even think it's okay to jump on the roof and die, but I can't, because I have fun Le, I can't leave her without a mother."

After a long while, she added, "But we don't just get along like this, it's only when there is a problem, when there is no problem, or as long as I continue to recognize and agree with his point of view, we still get along very well, He will buy me gifts, take good care of my body, and take me out to relax, and he is very considerate a lot of the time."

Ning Youguang asked Liang Yiyi, "Have you ever thought about the motive behind his thoughtfulness and tenderness?"

"Of course it's because he loves me." Liang Yiyi said.

"Maybe so." Ning Youguang said, "But maybe there are other reasons?"

Liang Yiyi lowered her head, "What's the reason? Isn't it because we get along very well?"

Ning Youguang looked at Liang Yiyi seriously, "In order for you not to criticize his faults and make you doubt your own thoughts."

Liang Yiyi fell silent.

Ning Youguang continued to ask, "When you are with your husband, sometimes you think his views are wrong, but after a long time, you will think he is right, because as long as you think he is right , he will recognize you, you can't deny him at all, once you deny him, there will be conflicts between you?"

Liang Yiyi nodded, "Yes, as long as I obey him, we will not quarrel between us."

"Can I ask you a few questions?"

"go ahead."

"Your husband often acts cold and violent to you?"

"If you're not happy, you will."

"Does he get angry often or periodically?"

"He really has a big temper, I feel very scared."

"Are you afraid to go to some places?"

"It used to be, but it's much better now."

"which places?"

"Social occasions, but I don't like going out now, so I won't..."

The more Liang Yiyi said, the clearer his thoughts became, "It doesn't seem to be more than that. In life, such as eating, dressing, talking, etc., as long as I touch the places he doesn't like and doesn't accept, he will show a very cold and scary side. , I generally dare not touch his minefield now."

"Does he constantly threaten you that he will leave you if you upset him? Or has he hinted at leaving?"

"Yes, he often said 'If you do this again, we may not be able to continue living together.' And sometimes he said 'We divorced!'"

"Will he laugh at you?"

"Just kidding, okay?"

"Of course, some ridicule, whether joking or not, as long as he says it, it means he thinks so."

"Yes, many times."

"Have you been afraid of anything after being with him?"

"Yes, I am afraid that we will divorce, I am afraid that he will think that I am not the woman he likes, and I am afraid that he will like someone else, I often have nightmares, and I can't help but feel scared when I think about it, I often dream Some scenes of his derailment, I went crazy in my dreams, and I couldn't recover for a long time after waking up."

The two asked and answered each other, and the atmosphere in the hotel room gradually became solemn.

Ning Youguang looked at Liang Yiyi's gradually calming eyes, and asked her, "Did you know that your husband is mentally controlling you?"

Liang Yiyi was completely motionless, as if sunk into stiffness.

After a long time, she turned to look at her daughter, and found that there were tears in her eyes, and her tears flowed out.

"Lele has done a lot of homework for me before coming here." She looked at her daughter and said, "Also showed me a lot of relevant information."

"Otherwise I wouldn't come." She didn't cry, but tears kept flowing.

At the same time, a strong stubbornness appeared in his eyes.

She wiped the tears from her face with her hands, slipped and wiped, slipped and wiped...

"I feel lonely at home."

She said, "Before I came here this time, I had gastritis and the stomach pain was unbearable. I told my husband not to go on business. I begged him to accompany me to the hospital, but he pulled the suitcase away without looking back. He said that I should go to the hospital and go to the doctor because of gastritis. He also said that my stomach was ruined by eating indiscriminately. This is my own problem. Take it for granted."

"I was lying on the bed, watching his leaving back, I suddenly calmed down, I thought, 'Is it possible that when I die, he will also say so indifferently, this is my problem?'".

There was a kind of numbness on her face, "I'm too embarrassed to tell my friends, I'm afraid they will laugh at me if I say it."

She asked Ning Youguang, "Doctor Ning, do you know what else he said?"

Ning Youguang shook his head.

Liang Yiyi showed a sarcastic smile, "He said I shouldn't tell him this early in the morning. He knew he was going on a business trip, but telling him this would hurt his mood!"

"I suddenly found out that he actually has no love." Liang Yiyi said, "I was wrong, I don't want it anymore, I don't want to love anymore, and I don't want to look forward to it anymore!"

"I've been looking forward to it for more than ten years..." She said in a hoarse voice, "I expect him to understand me and tolerate me, but the fact is that I am constantly compromising and tolerant of him."

"I can't find myself." Her emotions were completely broken.

Liang Yiyi buried her head in her knees, curled up like a baby, trembling from crying, "I don't remember what I used to be."

"I don't even dare to look in the mirror or look at my face now."

"I feel like a ghost at home, like a ghost, like a puppet, just not like a human..."

She slowly raised her head, "I used to think, why did I become like this? Why did my life become like this, I always felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't find the reason."

——"Until the New Year, Lele put a book on my bedside." She said, "When I finished reading the book, I didn't realize that I had been manipulated by him like a puppet for so many years."

Ning Youguang quietly watched Liang Yiyi's crying subside, and then asked softly, "Have you been mentally preparing for the past few months?"

Many times, people who come to a counselor have the answer in mind before they walk into the counselor's office.

They came just to find an expert or authority to confirm that their decision was right.

Liang Yule has talked with her during the Spring Festival, and has often reported her mother's status to her later, and will also share some things about her mother.

So, this time, after learning that Liang Yiyi came to the capital, she had guessed that she probably knew her situation. 1314

(end of this chapter)