Chapter 333: The big guy is on fire!

Chapter 333 The big guy exploded!

"A gentleman walks according to his position, and he is unwilling to do anything outside it. If he is rich and noble, he behaves in wealth and honor, if he is poor and humble, he behaves in poverty and lowly.

When the evening sun shines through the branches of the tree.

Ning Youguang felt that it was tougher than the noonday light.

With these times, people are indifferent, silent, and temperate.

She and Shi Mochizuki walked slowly by the school's lake.

"Real spiritual power, beyond the likes and dislikes of material." Shi Mochizuki's soft voice is like the evening wind by the lake.

Ning Youguang turned his head and saw that he was looking at him, with a white face, long eyelashes, a white shirt on his body, and fluffy black hair that shimmered faintly in the evening sun.

"You look good today." She praised unabashedly.

"Then can a good-looking person like me lead another good-looking person home?" Shi Mochizuki burst out laughing, "I'm hungry and want to eat meat."

Ning Youguang was stunned for a moment and then turned his head, "I've been so busy lately, I don't have time to buy vegetables, and there's no meat in the refrigerator."

The flame danced in Shi Mochiyue's deep eyes, passing over his handsome eyebrows, he lifted the end of his eyes and glanced at her meaningfully.

"It's okay, I accept the replacement."

Beijing, at dusk.

In a mansion decorated and furnished in a very Chinese and elegant style.

A well-dressed family of three is having dinner under the service of the workers. The white and clean teenager who is in high school at home is rushing to do his homework. already."

The hostess only ate a small half of the rice in her bowl. When she saw it, she called out to the workers, "Lao Liu, you will bring a plate of fruit to the young master in half an hour. He didn't eat much for dinner today."

"Okay, ma'am." The middle-aged aunt in uniform came out of the kitchen.

"I'm done eating, you eat slowly." At this moment, the male host of the house also put down the tableware and stood up from the seat.

The hostess raised her head in surprise, "Why did you eat so little tonight?"

"It's time to talk about gold." The host moved to the living room and sat down on the sofa.

Then, he picked up the TV remote control on the coffee table and tuned to Beijing TV.

"I really don't know what's so good about such a boring show." The hostess shook her head and continued to eat.

But she didn't expect that, as soon as she finished speaking, she heard the workers at home exclaim, "Sir, today's rich guy is so good-looking, he is also in your circle?"

Workers have worked in the master's house for many years, and know the hobbies of several masters at home well.

Her husband must watch Beijing TV's "Talking about Gold" program every Tuesday.

According to her follow-up every week, she summed up a summary of the core content of this show——

"It's just that some rich guys were invited by TV stations to go on TV and tell audiences across the country about their family history."

To be honest, even if she watched this kind of show every week, she still couldn’t understand a lot.

But it didn't prevent her from having a different opinion than the hostess, "The rich man's family history is a treasure, even if she doesn't understand it, she should read it!"

Therefore, every Tuesday, when her husband is watching TV, she will take advantage of the hygiene in the living room.

This makes it convenient for her to watch TV while working.

In the past, even if she liked to watch it, she would watch it silently.

But today is different, this rich guy is too young and so good-looking! ! !

She shouted out what was in her heart for a while in surprise, forgetting that she was fishing.

She shouted these words very loudly, immediately attracting the attention of the hostess and the hostess.

"He is in our circle, this young man is amazing!" The host answered her doubts immediately, "Isn't your son also majoring in finance? You can usually ask him to search for his information on the Internet. Look, it's a good example."

The male host usually doesn’t talk much at home, let alone with the workers.

This abnormal reaction made the hostess who had not finished eating very surprised and curious.

She put down the tableware gently, walked behind her husband and watched TV.

At a glance, I saw the young man sitting upright like a pine tree on the TV, with an unsurpassed appearance.

At the same time, in the upper right corner of the TV, the program team marked him as "mm Investment Fund" & Mr. Shi, the senior management of "Starlight Investment Fund".

After seeing this, she couldn't take her eyes off the TV anymore.

Where do you remember to eat?

"...We might as well look at him to see what we ordinary people can learn from. Seeing Xian Siqi, maybe we can learn from his successful experience..."

until the end of the show.

After the handsome young man gracefully exited the stage, only the host was left on the screen after speaking a monologue——

The hostess finally couldn't help but chatted with her husband beside her both excitedly and suspiciously:

"Lao Yu, he's really so powerful, isn't it because some people put gold on the faces of the juniors at home?"

"More than that." However, the expression on her husband's face tonight was unexpectedly rich, including admiration, admiration, envy, and melancholy... Anyway, it's very complicated, "In our profession, most of them have superior Native background, this..."

The most beautiful time when the ginkgo leaves are yellow in the streets and alleys of Beijing.

Shi Mochizuki was interviewed by the program group "Talking about Stocks and Gold" in the office, and it was broadcast on the prime time of Jingcheng Finance and Economics TV.

The audience of "Talking about Stocks" are generally professionals in the business and financial fields.

But after this episode of the program was broadcast, in a very short period of time, as the staff of the program group expected, it quickly went out of the circle, and instantly aroused heated discussions among netizens:

[This big guy is really born just right, a little more or a little less is not him. ]

[The facial bones are sharp and angular, the eyebrows and facial features are meticulously crafted, and the domestic bigwig is finally rolled up. ]

[There is no harm without comparison. I thought it was okay when I saw other big guys before, but now I look at it... I'm sorry, I compromised! ]

[I like it so much, it fits all my imagination perfectly. ]

[You can't describe him simply as good-looking, because everything about him is shocking. ]

[Things that come from birth are the hardest things to catch up with, such as talents, such as the family of origin. ]

[Not everyone can become a boss, but everyone can become a better person, and behind every good person, their characteristics have more or less similarities, and these similarities are just Can be our methodology for transfer learning. Stones from other hills, can learn. ]

[What kind of fairy is he, how can he be so beautiful? ]

[Tangtang, please allow me to change the wall briefly! ]

[Fortunately, this big guy doesn't like slashes, otherwise he would come to the entertainment circle to insert a bar, and my idol might not have a meal! ]

[The fairy in my head has a face since then! ]


(end of this chapter)