Chapter 332: Defeat hypocrisy with truth

Chapter 332 Defeat hypocrisy with truth

"How can it be that simple?" Xiaotian sobbed while wiping away tears.

"It's really difficult." Ning Youguang said, "As human beings, we are all fighting against desire in our life, either taming desire or being tamed by desire, so don't be in a hurry and want to give this thing to desire. It has been tamed, but once you become enlightened and want to be the one who tames the desires, who wants to be the one who takes back the sovereignty of his own life and lives his freedom, you have to work hard.”

Xiaotian said, "I work so hard to be free in the future."

Ning Youguang smiled, "Your way of reaching 'freedom' is pushed by capitalism, and in the end, apart from satisfying the consumerism they boast, you won't get the results you want at all."

Xiaotian is like a marionette being led away by the rope of consumerism, yet he still feels free.

"I know consumerism." Xiaotian said anxiously.

She knows better than anyone the dangers of over-consumption.

Those countless restless nights due to lack of money to pay off credit cards and flower chants, those countless days and nights when they were afraid of being chased by loan sharks like lost dogs and needed to hide...

Will she not be clear about the anxiety and fear, pain and suffering caused by excessive consumption?

But, no way, she just couldn't control herself.

Ning Youguang saw that Xiaotian wanted to escape again.

One of her principles of seeing a doctor is that if the client is not ready to heal and change himself, she will not force him to face his own problems and give the other person a strong method.

Because she knows that she will never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, nor can she help anyone who is unwilling to face her own problems.

She usually chooses to click on them.

She waited for the opportunity to see when they fell and hurt their heads because of the same problem in real life. The pain was so unbearable that she came to the door again and strongly asked her for help, and then she would give them the method.

A fast horse does not need a whip, and a drum does not need a heavy hammer.

She smiled, "Being liked by many people, you should be very happy."

"There are many people who like me." Xiaotian said reflexively.

After saying that, she couldn't help lowering her head.

Recently, she was stripped because of her real identity, and she was badly attacked. Those who liked her didn't like her anymore.

"I have a strategy that can help you 'clean up', do you want to hear it?"

Xiaotian raised his head happily, "Yes! What is it?!"

"Defeat hypocrisy with truth." Ning Youguang said with a smile, "Being seen through the disguise is a failure, but tearing off the disguise yourself is a victory."

"How should this be done?"

"Accept the fact that you will be liked and hated, and allow yourself to be a beautiful fashion blogger or an independent woman who doesn't rely on her face to eat."

"Then what's going on? Isn't all internet celebrities so showy and dazzling?"

"But these can't make others really like you, on the contrary, they will be envied and hated, because while you are saying that your life is very good, others hear that you are saying that he is low, not only you are tired, but also make others It's frustrating because they also need a presence."

Xiaotian frowned and said, "I can try and consider using the method you suggested to whitewash it, but I still want to show off afterward, and I can't help but want to buy a famous brand?"

"If you still can't help but want to show off in the future, then always tell yourself 'I'm important, I'm worthy of being loved, and I'm worthy of the best!'" Ning Youguang said, "I can't help but want to buy Famous brand, you can try to pay off the Huabei and credit card first, then turn it off. After that, you can stop overdrafting Huabei and credit card before thinking about buying expensive but unaffordable things, but save money first, save enough buy again."

Ning Youguang said, "At that time, you will find a lot of things that you felt desperately wanted at the time. When you save enough money, you don't want to buy them anymore."

Miss Wang came back and took Xiaotian away.

Ning Youguang took out his phone and sent a Weibo——

[An ordinary person: attachment and desire are the same as creating a prison for oneself. ]

After posting on Weibo, she quickly flipped through a question in the comment area to answer a question——

[An ordinary person: People who are better than you basically have no time to scold you. Good luck! @I don't like eating apples: Teacher, how can I avoid being scolded by others? ]

Send friends and cousins ​​back.

The first thing Jiang Wei did when he got home was to call Ning Youguang, and the first thing he said was an apology:

"Sorry, I didn't expect her cousin to have such an attitude."

"It's okay." Ning Youguang smiled, "She's still a little bit unprepared. I chatted with her today, and we'll see how she changes later."

"On the way back, my friend kept asking how her cousin's treatment was going, but her cousin didn't say anything." Jiang Wei added.

"Xiaotian still has a lot of knots in his heart that have not been opened, so he needs to take it slow." Ning Youguang said with a smile, "You should ask Miss Wang not to worry too much. People who have not received orthodox psychology training will see others in pain. , it is easy to reform them and help them out of their predicament in the name of 'help' and 'for your own good', but in fact it is very difficult to do."

"Okay." Jiang Wei listened carefully, "I will tell her well."

"Whether we want to give advice or help to others, including family members, relatives and friends, we must respond to the situation. People grow up in different environments and have different educations, so the behavior habits they develop will be different." Ning Youguang added, "You can tell Miss Wang that if she really wants to help Xiaotian, she must first establish trust with the other party, and then slowly guide her. The behavior and habits of the other party, what the other party feels in their hearts is not true love and concern, but rejection and denial, which will hurt very much."

"Hmm, okay." Jiang Wei agreed, "It's really hard for you today."

"It's not hard work." Ning Youguang smiled, "Don't feel as if you're bothering me. The reason why I'm willing to take Xiaotian's case is because I saw a relatively prominent social phenomenon in her, and I want to dig into her. To give something valuable to such girls in the society. So, today I am not only helping Xiaotian, but also learning.”

Jiang Wei couldn't help laughing, "I feel at ease when you say that."

Ning Youguang smiled softly, "Don't think too much about you, as a psychiatrist I have seen so many wonderful cases, Xiaotian can only be regarded as a drizzle, this psychological quality is not at all, psychological counseling I don't even think about taking this rice bowl, Master."

Jiang Wei was really relieved. 1314

(end of this chapter)