Chapter 338: What if I change my mind?

Chapter 338 What if I change my mind?

Shi Mochizuki frowned, "Why don't you look forward to the future?"

[Because I may not live to be thirty years old. ]

"Because life and death are impermanent."

"If you think so, don't I?" Shi Mochizuki still couldn't understand, but said deeply, "I don't know what my future will be like, but I know that without you, I have no future."

"Can you not live apart from me?" He took her hand and prayed, "I hope I can see you every day when I open my eyes, and every morning when I wake up and see you when I open my eyes, it's the best start of the day. ."

Ning Youguang slightly avoided his gaze, "Do you know how long I thought about agreeing to fall in love with you?"

Shi Mochizuki was stunned, "Why do you ask, isn't it a few months?"

Ning Youguang slowly shook his head, "It's ten years."

When Mochizuki froze, his breathing stopped.

After a long silence, he asked in a dry voice, "So, when I fell in love with you, you knew?"

"Yes." Ning Youguang nodded tenderly, "For so many years, I have been observing you and myself, and agreeing to associate with you is never something that is decided as soon as the brain becomes hot, but often for a long time. A decision is made only after observation and deliberation.”

"So, I never thought of thinking about others." She said, "You have to have confidence in yourself. After ten years of friendship, we can get to where we are today. In my heart, you are more important than anyone else. Solid."

"Sister." Shi Mochizuki's eyes turned red.

The sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy had just discovered that he liked a certain girl. Although his heart was already on fire, he only dared to blushed behind his back.

He was cautious, timid to express, and tried his best to hide his greed, for fear that this overly enthusiastic love would burn his precious lover.

But she didn't know that the girl had already seen through all this, standing alone for a long time, waiting for him to bring this fire out of his heart and bring it to her, splendid their ten years of dull fleeting years.

——He choked so much that he had a lot to say, but he didn't know where to start.

He always knew that although he was born humble, he was arrogant by nature. Relying on a fairly smart head, he worked hard and was good at scheming.

In this way, as long as he plans carefully, he is bound to get everything he wants.

Looking back on his life, he has indeed been moving in the direction of his plans and expectations.

But he didn't want to, until today he realized that his "get" actually included another person, who has always been tolerant and fulfilled.

He suddenly felt so shameless.

"Sister." Shi Wangyue closed her eyes and buried her head in Ning Youguang's gentle hands, "What should I do? I suddenly felt so despicable and ridiculous. , stupid like a fool, and still complacent... I... I... I am obviously covered in darkness, and I always want to show my light in front of you."

Ning Youguang lowered his head, his eyes fell gently on the child's furry head, "Don't say that about our children."

She lightly touched Mochizuki's smooth and delicate face, "The people I love are my carefully selected family members."

- Please never question and underestimate my love.

Shi Mochizuki's eyes were wet, "Well, then please let me dislike him for a while, okay?"

"How long?" Ning Youguang asked gently, "Is three minutes enough?"

Shi Mochizuki muttered, "Maybe not enough."

Ning Youguang said, "Oh, then I'll have to wait until you don't dislike him before hugging him."

Mochizuki felt like his heart was dying and wanted to jump out of his body.

At the same time, tears flowed from his eyes disobediently.

Ning Youguang didn't seem to feel the warmth of his palm, and still said softly, "Mochizuki, I've often had an idea recently, can I tell you something?"

"Okay." Mochizuki was gentle and well-behaved.

She said slowly, "I often can't help but think that whether people who love each other can be together is not something we decide in this life, but a fate that is destined for many lifetimes. Maybe, many lifetimes ago, we thought Well, we have to meet in this lifetime, so we can have so many opportunities to meet each other at first sight, fall in love at first sight, fall in love at first sight, and life at first sight..."

Just like that day, if she didn't suddenly see the symbol of his document in the car, she didn't know that he was the "noble person" in her previous life, she might not have such a deep understanding of it.

If it is said that in this life, their encounter is her intention, and their love is the reason why they are deeply tied to each other.

Then, what about the previous life?

When did he know about her in his last life?

How long has he known her?

How long have you been following her?

What was the purpose of approaching her?

Is it really just to see a doctor?

If she didn't die suddenly, what would their fate be like?

She didn't dare to think about it, but she couldn't help but think about it.

The karma in the middle, she felt, might be much deeper than what she knew.

Therefore, there are so many fates and so many surprises about fate.

Fate, what we can see?

By surprise, do you mean those we can't see?

she does not know.

But whether it was fate or unexpected, she felt that the mysterious and mysterious fate behind her should always be there.

Shi Mochizuki listened attentively. After a long time, he asked in a hoarse voice, "Why did you know that I love you so early, yet quietly supported me to go abroad?"

Ning Youguang smiled softly, "Because Mr. Yang Jiang said, 'The best relationship is that you don't have to linger every day, keep in touch at any time, I know you won't leave, you know I won't change, think about each other, and keep busy."

Shi Mochizuki looked up and looked at her deeply, "I want to hear from you."

Ning Youguang sighed lightly, "Well, because I hope you can go and see the world before you decide whether to continue to love me or not, at that time you were still too young, there were still a lot of people, and there were still a lot of people. The scenery is not seen, the world is so narrow that it is only us, how can I bear you to settle this life in such a narrow space? This is too hasty for you, and I am too cruel. "

She knew that he was a towering tree, how could she have the heart to tie him up because of his youthful Mu Ai, distort his life, and let him live like a vine clinging to her side?


After being silent for a long time, Mochizuki asked in a hoarse voice, "What if I change my mind?"

Although he knew he couldn't.

"Then I may be single until I get old." Ning Youguang was very calm about this.

Mochizuki hugged her tightly in his arms. 1314

(end of this chapter)