Chapter 350 Two more

"Is there any relationship between awareness and awakening?" Zhuang Yijing continued to ask.

"Awakening is possible through awareness because awareness means it is a conscious act, our usual activity, some of it is unconscious, but if we become conscious in it then it becomes an awareness So, from ordinary unconscious activity to awakening, there is a gap that can be filled with awareness." Ning Youguang replied.

"So, awareness is a tool, a method, and a path towards awakening?" Zhuang Yijing.

"You can say that." Ning Youguang.

"So, what is the relationship between consciousness and awareness?" Zhuang Yijing.

"Awareness is a state, and awareness is a means toward awareness. If you start to become conscious of your actions, to become conscious of what is going on in your day-to-day, to become conscious of everything that surrounds you You have to be conscious, then you begin to be aware, and awareness comes as a natural consequence of consciousness." Ning Youguang.

"Can I train this means? Can I train awareness?" Zhuang Yijing.

"You can train this means, but you can't train awareness, you can only train your own consciousness." Ning Youguang.

"What is the method of training consciousness?" Zhuang Yijing.

"It's to make yourself conscious every minute and every second you are awake." Ning Youguang.

"It doesn't seem to be easy." Zhuang Yijing summed it up after careful consideration.

"If you don't force yourself to have a very high awareness in a very short period of time, it will not be difficult." Ning Youguang said, "Awareness is necessary and worth spending a lifetime to improve and practice, as long as you are willing to , you can practice watching your thoughts and thoughts every second you wake up, when you are alone, you can also when you are with many people, when your awareness improves, you can see the real You can better master and control your own brain.”

"I'll try." Zhuang Yijing picked up the liquid foundation and continued to wipe his face.

Then, she suddenly changed the subject, "I met a very interesting person recently."

"Then what?" Ning Youguang asked.

"Then..." Zhuang Yijing smiled embarrassedly, the expression on his face was a little girlish, "I feel like I like him."

"Oh~" Ning Youguang immediately became curious about this, "What kind of person is he, can you tell me?"

"There is nothing to say." Zhuang Yijing said frankly, "He is a very good-looking and gentle artist."

Ning Youguang laughed and teased, "When did you become interested in artists?"

"I'm not interested in artists." Zhuang Yijing, who only painted the base makeup, looks much softer than usual, "I'm just interested in him."

"It seems that we are really going to fall in love." Ning Youguang's face was full of joy, "Hurry up and tell me how you met."

Zhuang Yijing said with a smile, "Isn't my sister a brainless star-chasing party? In the past few months, she has been running around, often staying away from home, and spending a lot of money. I just want to see which star is so big. Charm, it's not enough to make her so crazy to spend money, and she's dizzy to follow the whole world. After checking, I found that the person who made her crazy to chase stars is not a celebrity singer or idol at all, but a violinist ,Then……"

"Violinist?" Ning Youguang guessed, "Is that the artist you like?"

"Yes." Zhuang Yijing nodded with a smile.

"Then you fell with your sister?" Ning Youguang laughed, "It seems that the artist's charm is really not that great."

"Xue Ting is really good." Zhuang Yijing's blushing didn't even need blush.

Ning Youguang was stunned by the name she blurted out, "Xue Ting? Gong Xueting?"

"You know him too?" Zhuang Yijing was surprised to see that she could call Xue Ting's full name.

Ning Youguang was speechless for a while before he asked incredulously, "So, the boy you like is Gong Xueting? That new idol in the classical music world who combines charming appearance, superb piano skills, gentleness and elegance, Violin Philharmonic. The latest 'dream lover' - Gong Xueting?"

"It's him." Zhuang Yijing said, "You know him, have you heard his concert?"

"I know him and I have heard his concerts." Ning Youguang stroked his forehead, feeling the wonder of fate.

"His violin is very nice, right?" Boss Zhuang, who grew up as a poor child, doesn't know how to appreciate and comment on the elegant art of classical music.

Therefore, even in the face of the youngest winner of the Tchaikovsky Violin Competition Gold Award in the international classical music scene, and the most outstanding soloist at the Huaguo Classical Music Festival, she can only give such a dry and simple compliment.

"Yes." Ning Youguang covered her pounding heart and asked Zhuang Yijing, "How far have you guys progressed now?"

"I made a few appointments with him alone and found that he is quite a nice person." Zhuang Yijing pretended to be generous, but the shyness in his eyes could not hide from Ning Youguang's eyes.

"So you fell in love with him?" Ning Youguang really didn't know what to say.

"Well." Zhuang Yijing's eyes dodged.

She firmly refused to admit that she fell in love with Gong Xueting at first sight, and then decided to invite him out for dinner.

If this is the case, doesn't it seem that she is a superficial person who is easy to get offended?

However, she misestimated Ning Youguang's sharpness and Ning Youguang's understanding of her and Gong Xueting.

Ning Youguang felt that with Xueting's delicate and handsome appearance, gentle and well-behaved personality, how could anyone who has been alone with him take many times to fall in love with him? !

"Are you sure it's not love at first sight?"

"?" Zhuang Yijing was stunned.

"Is it right?" Ning Youguang smiled smugly.

"How did you know?" After Zhuang Yijing cried out, he slammed his head on the dressing table with a face full of hopelessness, "Don't tell me you have mind-reading skills! I really want to block you temporarily! I tell you."

"I don't have the ability to read minds." Ning Youguang laughed out loud, "I just know how likable Xueting is."

"What do you mean?" Zhuang Yijing raised his head, "You know him?"

"Ah, no." She said incoherently, "Are you familiar with him?"

"Yes, I know him very well." Ning Youguang smiled.

"You know each other very well?" Zhuang Yijing was shocked, "Why have I never heard you talk about him, are you friends?"

"He is my good friend." Ning Youguang said, "The reason why I didn't tell you is because I didn't know you would know each other."

"???" Zhuang Yijing was dumbfounded. 1314

Boss Zhuang's official appointment is here

(end of this chapter)