Chapter 351: She really wants them locked up soon

Chapter 351 She really hopes they will be locked up as soon as possible

Hearing Ning Youguang say that he and Gong Xueting are good friends, Zhuang Yijing's desire to talk instantly burst.

Palapala told her about the understanding of Xueting, the subsequent contacts, and future plans, and finally concluded——

"If I'm going to take care of him, do you think it's okay?"

"..." Ning Youguang almost choked on the water he just drank, "Xue Ting is not short of money."

And let’s be honest, how can you, a little guinea pig who has only been in love for a month or two, get green with such lofty ambitions?

Besides, do you know Xueting's worth? Do you know how much money he makes for a gig? Do you know that his family is a typical artistic family?

Don't think that people are small and can't see, so you think you can buy the back half of people with money!

Zhuang Yijing scratched his head, "He's not short of money, and he's definitely not as rich as me."

She said, "How hard it is for him to perform every time he goes out. It's inconvenient to run around. If I take care of him, he doesn't have to run around. As long as he plays the piano for me alone, he can make more money than before, isn't it? ?"

"You calm down!" Ning Youguang was really frightened.

I never thought that my friends in my two lifetimes would be so fierce. "Although Xue Ting has a good temper, he is also very proud. Don't be fooled."

"I just saw him as pitiful and wanted to take good care of him." The distress on Zhuang Yijing's face was very real.

Ning Youguang felt that she really had a crush on Xue Ting.

Then you can't fool around.

"It's good that you want to take care of him." Ning Youguang tried to soften his voice, but his tone was firm, "If Xueting chooses a partner, it must be because of love, not because he needs someone to take care of him, feel sorry for him, pity him, he is not pitiful ."

Gong Xueting is really not pitiful, right? !

Although he has been blind since childhood, he has an amazing artistic talent since he was a child.

What's more, his original family is harmonious and happy, his parents are loving and loving, and they have given him enough love since he was a child. The most important thing is that their family has been engaged in art for several generations, so the family is both in terms of quality and economy. In terms of strength, they are very rich, and their family is well-off.

Xue Ting, who came from such a family, does not need to run around for money and material things, but if he is willing to do it, it must be because he really likes it.

Therefore, even though Xueting is blind and looks delicate and fragile on the surface, he is a person who really lacks everything and is proud in his heart.

He doesn't need the pity of others at all.

"He's not pitiful." Zhuang Yijing bit his lip, "But I can't help but feel sorry for him and want to take care of him, what should I do for him?"

"Then love him with your sincerity, instead of clearly loving him, but only throwing money at him." Ning Youguang said, "Money is innocent, but if it is not used properly, it will become the original sin. "

Zhuang Yijing's face was full of distress, "But don't others say that to love someone is to give him money?"

The twins love that she loves them with money.

Every time you give them money, they don't know how happy they are.

Is there anyone who doesn’t like money?

Zhuang Ba always doesn’t understand.

"Everyone else is like this, must it be right? The chemical reaction between two people in love and the way they get along are unique in this world, and there is no similarity at all. Using other people's methods to set them on each other will only The use of them is stumbling, nondescript, and they are not harmonious and unpleasant to get along with each other."

"'If you drink water, you know your warmth and coldness.' I know this, but I just think that there should be no one in this world who doesn't like money." Zhuang Yijing said, "If there are people who don't like it, it must be because the money is not enough. "

[You can do it! ]

"It's true that no one doesn't like money, but the way to express love can't be just money." Ning Youguang took a deep breath to maintain a calm tone, "Dear, don't let the wrong way of love drive away. the one you love the most."

Zhuang Yijing was silent for a long time, then smiled, "The problem is that he is not my favorite person yet."

Ning Youguang asked, "Didn't you say that you like him very much, want to confess to him, want to be with him, why don't you love him anymore?"

"I like him very much." Zhuang Yijing tapped his face with an eyeliner, "I also want to be with him, but I never thought about being with him all the time."

So is it okay to spend some money to buy happiness? !

Ning Youguang didn't know that Boss Zhuang just wanted to spend some money to buy happiness, she was really thinking about the feasibility of the two of them together.

So he asked, "Why didn't you think about being with him all the time?"

How good is Xueting?

In the past life, these two people just wandered around for a long time and haven't been together for a long time, but they loved each other deeply, and she was anxious to see her beside them.

In this life, these two have known each other so early and had such a good start. She really hoped that they would be locked up as soon as possible!

Don't be so foolish as to make a lot of misunderstandings between each other, and the relationship is not going well.

Going around, it's really not easy to meet and love someone in two lifetimes.

Zhuang Yijing closed his eyes to the camera and said to Ning Youguang, "I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell him or let him know."

Ning Youguang raised his hand and solemnly swore, "I promise to keep it a secret! You can always trust me."

"Because I think the artist, even if he looks good now, can't believe that he will always be good, or as good as he has shown to me and the outside world, so I can always appreciate his art, and even appreciate his art. His flamboyant language and delicate and beautiful appearance, but if I want to treat him as someone who will spend my whole life together in the future, it won't work, who knows if he is a beast in the background?" Zhuang Yijing said, "Artists are more or less the same. It's a little unreliable, especially emotionally."

Ning has a bald head with black lines, "Have you been to Xue Ting's house? Have you seen how his parents get along?"

"Of course not." Zhuang Yijing shook his head, "We don't even count as boyfriends and girlfriends. At most, we are single men and women who have dated a few times. How could we possibly see our parents."

Besides, she no longer intends to be responsible to the other party, why should she go to his house to see his parents? !

She's fine if she eats too much, isn't it bad to make more money?

Do you have a lot of leisure time to find trouble for yourself? Are you sick? !

"There are many artists whose personal morals are unreliable, but you don't believe in Xue Ting because of this. He must be at a loss." Ning Youguang had an indescribable helplessness in his heart.

So did these two people take so many detours in their past lives because of these prejudices and doubts? !

"People play their own piano well and live their own lives. You doubt him so much and say you like him." Ning Youguang's voice could no longer be gentle. "Do you like him by doubting him?" 1314

(end of this chapter)